Google Places API for iOS vs Google places Web service - ios

I plan to have an application to list nearby places in a UITableView with UISearchController combined by Auto-complete feature to filter the result of places and I'm trying to use Google Places API.
I'm confused because I don't know which API should I use:
Google Places API Web Service
Google Places API for iOS
I didn't find a way to get a list of places in the Google Places API for iOS documentation.
When to use Google Places API Web Service and when to use Google Places API for iOS ? and what works best in my case (get list of places with pagination and filter by name and category options)
I have already generated an API-KEY for Google Places API for iOS can I still use this key in Google Places API Web Service ?

In general, if developing for iOS, you should prefer the Google Places API for iOS. It is designed to be easier to use and more efficient from iOS than using the Web Service.
However, the Places API for iOS is relatively new, and does not yet have all the features of the Web Service. In this case, you might prefer to use only the Web Service, or to combine the Places API for iOS and the Web Service.
For your particular use case, I would recommend using the Places API for iOS getCurrentPlace functionality + Autocomplete. getCurrentPlace returns a list of places where we believe the device to be located.
If that doesn't meet your needs, you could use nearby search from the Web Service + Autocomplete from the iOS API.
For question #2: You cannot use the same API Key for iOS and Web Services. The former requires an iOS Key, and the latter a Server key. You also need to enable both services in the Google Developers Console.


Google Cloud / APIs: Quota Circumvention via multiple projects

I manage several projects, each project includes several API Clients (Android App, iOS App, PWA and backend server).
Glossary from yt API terms:
"API Client" means a website or software application (including a mobile application) developed by you that accesses or uses the YouTube API Services.
"API Project" means the project created in the Google Developer Console that is required for API Client(s) to access and use the YouTube API Services.
Following yt API terms I must create exactly one (1) API Project for that API Client. Those API Credentials are intended to be used exclusively by the associated API Client, which means that you must not use that one (1) API Project for multiple API Clients.. Then I understand that I should create one API Project for Android App, one more for iOS App, etc.
But I've recently received following email from Google:
We have recently detected your Google Cloud / APIs Projects have been circumventing our quota restrictions via multiple projects acting as one and appears to be violating YouTube API Terms of Service (III.D.1.c).
To fix the problem please delete all projects using YouTube API usage except for one project you wish to keep active
Then if I delete API Projects and keep a single one for all my API Clients, that means I should use one API Project for multiple API Clients, that is forbidden by terms.
What's the best way to follow ?

Use Google Places nearbySearch function in iOS

In Web API, use the nearbySearch function will return the results nearby the specific coordinate.
But I cannot find a similar function in iOS SDK.
I think the worst way is using REST API likes,112.544345&radius=100&key=API_KEY by Alamofire
But I have another problem, I don't know how to restrict my API key for iOS REST API only.
I tried to set it for iOS Application but it does not work.
Please give me some idea, thank you very much!
You cannot apply iOS app restriction on web service API key. The only supported restrictions for web services are IP address restrictions. This supposes that you are executing web service requests from your backend server and restrict an API key with IP address of your backend server.
In case of mobile iOS app that means you should create an intermediate server to execute web services and pass responses back to your app in order to protect an API key that you use with web service.
There is a feature request in the Google issue tracker to add nearby search as a part of Places API for iOS:
Feel free to star this feature request to add your vote and subscribe to further notifications from Google.
Hope this resolves your doubt.

Search Airport code using google search api

Currently I'm building an iOS application which is having flight search feature and planning to use QPX google api for that but for airport/city code not able to find the api in google service.
Is it possible to use QPX Express api in iOS application because didn't see the way to parse the response.
Here is the link for google flight search "".Would like to know which api google has been using it for airport/city code search.
Have tried with Google Places API for iOS but don't know the way to get the airport codes.

Google Places API: iOS key: Request Denied [duplicate]

I'm trying to make an Autocomplete field which should fetch cities as the user types, by using the Google Places API as described in this tutorial:
You've probably found this question around many times before as I did, but none of the answers helped me. Here are the things you should know:
The URL is
Please don't reply by saying you replaced the API key with your own and it worked - the API key which goes there must be Android specific and won't work from a browser.
So did I make the Android API key using the SHA1 fingerprint obtained from the keystore I signed the app with.
I turned on Maps and Places APIs from the console.
The quota isn't exceeded.
All those and it still gives me REQUEST_DENIED
What I didn't mention is that I have O2Auth activated - does that change anything? Shouldn't it be as simple as putting the API key in the app?
Although this has been answered, I think the community could do better.
I was tearing my hair out about this, it just didn't make sense to me.. I was making an iOS/Android App, so I made an iOS/Android Key...
With Google's Places API, your bundle identifier isn't even considered.
What you really want to do is this:
(I'm using the new User Interface)
1. Log into
Select your Project Name, then go into API's & Auth > APIs
Make sure you have Places API Turned on. This is the only thing that needs to be turned on for Places-API to work.
2. Go into Credentials
Click CREATE NEW KEY under Public API Access
4. Click Create, Nothing Else
Leave the HTTP Refer box empty.
5. Use the Key Generated here
This key will allow ANY user from any device access to the API via your Developer login.
You can try it out here: (Be sure to replace YOUR_KEY_HERE with your generated Key),0&key=YOUR_KEY_HERE
6. Enjoy
Now you can use that URL above in your Android/iOS device.
The Google Places API does not currently support Android or iOS keys generated from the Google APIs Console. Only Server and Browser keys are currently supported.
If you would like to request this support, please file a Places API - Feature Request.
Storing your API key
Although the above code demonstrates how to communicate directly
between an Android app and the Places Autocomplete service, you should
not store your Places API key with your app.
You should therefore build a web application that stores your API key
and proxies the Places API services. In order to secure communication
between your Android app and the proxy web service, you should require
user authentication to your proxy web service. Your Android app can
securely store user credentials and pass them to your web service, or
the user can log into your web app via an Android WebView.
For the latter approach, your web app should create and return a user
authentication token to your Android app, and your Android app should
subsequently pass this token to your proxy web service.
Go to google cloud platform console>Credentials click on edit by selected your YOUR_API_KEY>Application restrictions > select none option>save thats it.
If you select the android apps option from Application restrictions then google deny the place API with exception REQUEST_DENIED.
In Google dev console, you should be able to find both "Places API" and "Places API for Android"
Make sure to use "Places API for Android"
For some reason, "Places API for Android" is hidden in the API list, but can be accessed using search.
I had the same issue , I fix it by leaving
Accept requests from these HTTP referrers (web sites) (Optional)
in browser key Empty
I am still new, so I cannot comment, but to shed some light on Moe's answer, I resolved some similar Google Maps API issues regarding URL queries (for directions, using Volley) with the following steps:
Get Android API Key (including Google Maps Directions API in my case).
Get "Server" API Key (which seems to be created by using a key restriction of "HTTP referrers" these days - really, it's just used to issue URL queries through HTTP).
Store the Android API key as a meta-data tag in the application tag in AndroidManifest.xml with android:name="" and android:value as your key. This is used for direct interaction with the Maps API (minus URL queries).
Use the server API key whenever issuing URL queries.
I am not sure if this also applies to URL queries for the Places API, if you only need the server API key, or if there is a better solution, but this worked for me.
I imagine that it works with just the first key - the one not restricted to Android.
Inside Google Cloud Console type Places and Activate it. Create an API Key and insert it onto your Android Studio App as you would do normally. That`s it.
I had the same problem. For me the key was to enable billing on project. I am still using "Applications for Android" restrictions. After setting up the payment method, Places Api started working.
Prior to using the Places SDK for Android, do the following:
Follow the Get an API Key guide to get, add, and restrict an API key.
Enable billing on each of your projects.
Enable the Places API for each of your projects.
See it there.
Be sure also to check out the billing plans for the Google Places API as it is not free!

Google Places API in iOS application

Let me share my findings before asking the question.
Google Places API documentation says:
"Note: To use the Google Places API you must first request a Maps API
client ID and cryptographic key which you must use to sign your
request URLs. For information on signing URL requests, please see the
URL Authentication documentation within the Web Service APIs home
The Google Places API is still in developer preview.
We need a Client ID (required) and a Signature (required) to use
the Google Places API.
And, to get the Signature, we need a Google Adsense account to get
Adsense publisher id (required).
You can find the requirements to use the Google Places API here.
The Signup page for Google Maps API suggest that, "Your service
must be freely accessible to end users. To use Google mapping
technology in other types of applications, please use Google Maps API
Premier. See this FAQ for more information."
Now, here's what i want to know.
I'm planning on using Google Places API in my iOS application. I don't
want to use Adsense. Can i still access the Google Places API for
free? How?
If i can't access the Google Places API for free, what are the costs
associated with using this service, and the available payment models?
I wasn't able to find any particular resources for this information.
Here's a specific scenario. What if my iOS application is free. The
free version uses Google Places API. But... my iOS application has
some additional features which are exposed using In-app Purchase (paid
features). The paid features do not use Google Places API. Is this
We opened up the Google Places API to all developers this week at Google I/O and simplified the Terms and authentication:
You no longer need to sign your requests, but instead just use a key obtained using the Google APIs console. An AdSense ID is no longer required, but you will need to go though a credit card based identity check in order to upgrade from 1,000 to 100,000 request per day.
You can use the Places API in mobile apps that are free or sold online through a mobile app store such as the Apple App Store or Android Market. For fee desktop apps however will require a Maps API Premier license which will be offered once the Places API graduates from Google Code Labs.
For information on getting started, see the docs:
