Search Airport code using google search api - ios

Currently I'm building an iOS application which is having flight search feature and planning to use QPX google api for that but for airport/city code not able to find the api in google service.
Is it possible to use QPX Express api in iOS application because didn't see the way to parse the response.
Here is the link for google flight search "".Would like to know which api google has been using it for airport/city code search.
Have tried with Google Places API for iOS but don't know the way to get the airport codes.


why I can not see google adwords api request times in my develop console?

I have enable Google ads api ,and I request for many times last month by google adwords api. Why it doesn't show in the develop console? i just can see several times request for youtube api. Is it because I use Google adwrods api? my project is developed by google adwords api,not google ads api..
develop console
Google Adwords API is not part of the Cloud Developer console. You can't configure it there (apart from setting up an OAuth2 client), and any requests to it won't be visible within the console.
The Google Ads API on the other hand is supported.

Fetch toilets list using google maps places api

The Google Map's places list does not contain toilets in it, but I need to show toilets list on Google Maps. How do I show this data using a Google API?
I'm assuming you're trying to fetch this data via the iOS SDK. You're better off using the Web Service API instead. i.e Issue an HTTP request via the app and then show the places that exist by iterating through the response. is a great place to start. You can use "toilets" or "toilets near me" as the search query.

Google Places API for iOS vs Google places Web service

I plan to have an application to list nearby places in a UITableView with UISearchController combined by Auto-complete feature to filter the result of places and I'm trying to use Google Places API.
I'm confused because I don't know which API should I use:
Google Places API Web Service
Google Places API for iOS
I didn't find a way to get a list of places in the Google Places API for iOS documentation.
When to use Google Places API Web Service and when to use Google Places API for iOS ? and what works best in my case (get list of places with pagination and filter by name and category options)
I have already generated an API-KEY for Google Places API for iOS can I still use this key in Google Places API Web Service ?
In general, if developing for iOS, you should prefer the Google Places API for iOS. It is designed to be easier to use and more efficient from iOS than using the Web Service.
However, the Places API for iOS is relatively new, and does not yet have all the features of the Web Service. In this case, you might prefer to use only the Web Service, or to combine the Places API for iOS and the Web Service.
For your particular use case, I would recommend using the Places API for iOS getCurrentPlace functionality + Autocomplete. getCurrentPlace returns a list of places where we believe the device to be located.
If that doesn't meet your needs, you could use nearby search from the Web Service + Autocomplete from the iOS API.
For question #2: You cannot use the same API Key for iOS and Web Services. The former requires an iOS Key, and the latter a Server key. You also need to enable both services in the Google Developers Console.

How to Integrate Google Now to iOS App

I have to integrate Google Now to iOS apps. Please help me with an idea.I have to find out how to integrate Google Now to my iOS app and Alerts will be shown in Google Now.
Currently, the only way to integrate with Google Now is with Google email schemas. You can find the supported Google Now schemas here:
Bus reservation and train reservation will also integrate with Google Now:
It's ideal that your app is transactional. Please note that your email will have to be whitelisted in order to send Google schemas. You can find info on registering here:
If you would like to do some testing on triggering Google Now cards, you can use the following Apps Script tutorial (using your personal Gmail account):
If you post more information on what your iOS app does, I can help you determine which markup will help you achieve what you're trying to do.

iOS app for Google search

I am trying to build an app for iOS where we search for images based on user input, and responses will be returned by Google search for images. Do we have a Google search API which returns the aforesaid results?
The Image Search API has been deprecated since 2011. Use Google Custom Search API instead.
