WatchKit: Difference between push and modal segue? No page navigation with push? - ios

I am experimenting with watchkit and realize the some difference between push and modal segue.
When using modal segue and add page navigation, it works fine. But with push segue and add page navigation in the second InterfaceController, the page navigation is not showing. Anyone know why?
If you think about this, modal feels more like joining the hierarchical tree for the 1st Interface controller. But push is creating another InterfaceController. Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.

Presenting a controller using pushControllerWithName does not work with page-based navigation.


Navigation Controller & Tab Controller

I'm new to iOS development and I'm feeling kind of lost here.
I'm working on an app idea where I have login/sign up (using Parse) embedded in Navigation controller and then once the user has logged in I want to integrate tab controller as the app interface should be tabbed.
But for some reason it doesn't work properly.
Here's what my storyboard look like:
The problem is that once I login and it redirects me to the Tab controller I see this:
I have NO idea why. Any ideas?
EDIT: Added original images to message
UPDATE: I believe I've screwed up the project somehow. In the very beginning. I've recreated everything from scratch, Added Navigation controllers and now the problem is gone and it everything loads the way it should be!
Your Segue between SignIn controller and TabBar controller must be "Present Modally"
And then if you want use navigation controller after TabBar controller, you must add new navigation controller between your tabs and TabBarController!
If you want to have there tabs with NavigationController, you must add three Navigation Controller...
this is quick Demo for you! Download here!

'Show' segue in Xcode 6 presents the viewcontroller as a modal in iOS 7

I have two view controllers in my iPhone application (built with swift) built with Xcode 6.1 and uses storyboards.
The first view controller is embedded in a navigation controller in the storyboard and the segue for the second view controller is a 'Show' segue.
When the application is run, it properly shows the transition as a push in iOS 8.x, but in iOS 7.x it appears as a modal without the navigation bar.
My application requirement is to show the transition as a push regardless of whether it's iOS 7 or iOS 8. Any ideas to get this working as push in both versions of the iOS?
I saw a related post where this issue is mentioned, but could not find a solution to the problem: Adaptive segue in storyboard Xcode 6. Is push deprecated?
Any help is appreciated...
This solution is different from the others in the following ways:
It includes a method to examine and verify the issue
The cause of the issue is traced to the source (a change in the segue type)
The solution is very simple (delete and recreate a new segue)
Please note the requirements in the text
I just gave a very detailed SO answer that fully explains what is happening and why, but the simple solution is you can delete the Segue that is not pushing and then recreate it on the storyboard. The reason is that there is likely a broken bit of xml in the segue (see extended answer for example/instructions how to confirm this issue).
After you confirm that you have at least one UINavigationController within the view hierarchy, be sure that the segue is NOT a manual segue and does NOT have an action associated with it (by viewing the segue in the storyboard as Source Code). Delete the existing segue and then Ctrl-drag from a UIView/UIControl to the target view controller and if custom action is needed intercept the call to destination controller in prepareForSegue.
Also to confirm that this solution works for you please do the
Verify that your initial view controller (with the arrow on it) is a
UINavigationController and that it has a normal content view
controller as it's root view controller. (or that you embed your
initial view controller inside of a UINavigationController)
Read my extended comments on an earlier response to a very similar question (linked above).
It's possible that you have assigned the Initial View Controller to your UIViewController instead of the UINavigationController. Also, select your UIViewController and check that the "Is Initial View Controller" option is unchecked.
Here is the workaround for that. It looks like a bug in Xcode for iOS 7. You need to create a dummy UINavigationController and link all your free UIViewControllers to this navigation controller. Worked for me.
For me, my storyboard lacked a navigation controller. I am creating the navigation controller programmatically, which works fine in iOS8, but not iOS7.
In your storyboard, select the main view controller and in the Xcode menu, choose Editor > Embed In > Navigation Controller.
Select the new navigation controller, and in the attributes inspector on the right, under View Controller, make sure Is Initial View Controller is checked.
Run the app. Should be fixed now.
I believe this is a bug in Xcode 7.2. In order to workaround, you can create a "Push (deprecated)" segue and then in the Storyboard editor, select the segue and change it to Show(e.g. Push)
I have had this exact issue with "Show (eg. Push)" for ages and I have just figured it out whilst trying to push a view controller onto a navigation controller that is in a Popover. It seems that the context of the called View Controller is the problem. So this is how I resolved it:
On the View Controller performing the Segue, check the "Defines Context" property in the Storyboard.
In the called View Controller, set the Presentation property to "Current Context".
I ran into this problem and the only solution I found that works for me is to use the deprecated 'Push' segue.
I am using XCode 9 with Swift 4. Note this version came out yesterday (September 20th).
For me this was just a caching bug. I had to choose "Present Modally", run the app and then choose "Show (e.g. Push)". Now everything works fine.
Basically the answer of Jomafer is partly correct. The controller which you are pushing needs to be preceded by a UINavigationController. You dont really need to push the UINavigationController at all. As long the storyboard knows its within a UINavigationController, all is well.
When a "Show" segue comes up as a modal segue in testing it is usually one of two problems:
The first view controller is not inside a navigation controller.
The storyboard XML is corrupted.
The solution to #2 is usually to remove and replace the segue, and it should correct itself. Sometimes just switching to some other presentation style, running, and switching back to "Show" fixes it.
This can also happen to "Show Detail" segues, and it can be more insidious.
I have a series of view controllers arranged in a UISplitViewController. They have segues Show->Show->Show->Show Detail. The last segue kept coming up modal. I tried everything to fix that last segue. The problem was that the upstream Show segue had been corrupted into a Show Detail segue (even though the storyboard still said it was a Show segue). I had been testing on iPhone, and I did not discover the real problem until I ran it on the iPad simulator. The segues were now Show->Show->Show Detail->Show Detail. On the iPhone the third segue looked just like a Show because it collapsed onto the navigation controller. However, it is still the detail view controller, and you cannot have a Show Detail from a detail view controller, so the OS does what it can to get your view controller on screen and displays it modally.
Lesson 1: Always test your UISplitViewController on iPad to make sure the segues are doing what you think.
Lesson 2: If your segue is coming up modal unexpectedly, check the upstream segues for corruption as well as the segue in question.
Problem in my case was that I created Show (e.g. Push) segue before putting ViewController as rootViewController of UINavigationController. In other words I didn't have UINavigationController.
Then I deleted seque, added UINavigationController and added seque again and it worked. Tested on Xcode 9.0.1 / iOS 11.0.3.

How to build navigation controller from existing view controllers drew in storyboard?

I have built some view controllers in storyboard like in the picture below
I already implemented the data inside them, modal segue is used for transitions in between. Now I just realise when I push "back" button, previous view won't be properly loaded. I figure I should switch to navigation controller and add those controllers in stack instead. But I don't know how to go from where I am now.
I think I should make changes programmatically because I found building navigation controller in storyboard won't have much variation in UI design (at least I don't know how to implement existing pages in that way). So what should I do to implement programmatically? Please help me, thanks!
Select Category View Controller and go to menu: Editor > Embed In > Navigation Controller. Then change segues style from Modal to Push.

Page-based App, UINavigation Controller, Similar to iOS Calendar

I want to do use the Apple template for a Page-based App (Xcode 4.4.1, iOS 5) and then be able to "push" pages from the page view...
Create a Page-based App
Add a button to Data View -> view -> view (The nested view)
Add a "Push" segue to a new Controller/View
Expect when the button is pressed that it will "Push" to the new view.
But it doesn't, and I don't know how to make it happen. I assume I need a UINavigationController somewhere, but I'm not sure where and how to insert it.
Note: I can use a modal segue which does what is expected, but not a push segue.
I found the answer, and it was one of the two obvious choices. I added a navigation controller in front of the RootViewController.
I think I missed it originally because Xcode keep crashing so I assumed it wasn't going to work.

How to push a ABPeoplePickerNavigationController?

I am having some trouble while using ABPeoplePickerNavigationController.
I am developing an ipad application.
I wanted to push ABPeoplePickerNavigationController to my navigation controller hierarchy.
I know how to extract viewcontroller from a navigation controller, it is not working with ABPeoplePickerNavigationController!!!
Please help me out!!
Thanks in advance!!
You can't push a navigation controller onto an existing navigation controller stack. You can, however show it modally, using an animation to change between your app's navigation stack to the people picker one.
