How to push a ABPeoplePickerNavigationController? - ipad

I am having some trouble while using ABPeoplePickerNavigationController.
I am developing an ipad application.
I wanted to push ABPeoplePickerNavigationController to my navigation controller hierarchy.
I know how to extract viewcontroller from a navigation controller, it is not working with ABPeoplePickerNavigationController!!!
Please help me out!!
Thanks in advance!!

You can't push a navigation controller onto an existing navigation controller stack. You can, however show it modally, using an animation to change between your app's navigation stack to the people picker one.


Segue to navigation controller goes black

I am trying to create a segue from a button to a navigation controller that a master view controller is embedded in (I used the "Your Second iOS App" tutorial by Apple Developer). The problem was that whenever I clicked the button, I would get a totally black screen with just a navigation bar. There isn't any code involved. Would anyone happen to know how I could fix this? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Actually, I figured it out. It was because the split view controller was also pointing to the master view controller, so it had 2 segues pointing to it.

WatchKit: Difference between push and modal segue? No page navigation with push?

I am experimenting with watchkit and realize the some difference between push and modal segue.
When using modal segue and add page navigation, it works fine. But with push segue and add page navigation in the second InterfaceController, the page navigation is not showing. Anyone know why?
If you think about this, modal feels more like joining the hierarchical tree for the 1st Interface controller. But push is creating another InterfaceController. Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.
Presenting a controller using pushControllerWithName does not work with page-based navigation.

Create a view that stays above all other views pushed inside the UINavigationController

I want to know if its possible to create a view that will stay above all the other viewControllers that i push in my navigation controller.
I'm using storyboards in Xcode 5.0.2 with iOS6 plus platforms.
just like the UITabBarController works by nesting the navigation controller inside it so the tab bar stays at top no matter how many view controllers are pushed inside it. i want to create the same functionality but i can't use the tab bar controller due to the fact that its not very customizable and it doesn't look well for my app in iOS versions below iOS6. so my only option is to create my own view that will stay above a uinavigation controller.
I'm not sure if this is possible so kindly let me know if anyone knows a way to do this or anything similar. Any help will be greatly appreciated. thanks.

ios - splitview in tab bar controller using storyboard

In my app I want to use splitview inside the tab bar controller and the splitview controller will not be the rootviewcontroller. I use storyboards in my app and I can't find any clearly working example for this.
Firstly, I need to know it is possible or not.
If it is possible, how can I handle appdelegate to run splitview controller in tab bar controller?
I've also look intelligentsplitviewcontroller but it doesn't use storyboards.
Could anyone help me about this problem?

How can we push UISplitVIewController to a UINavigationController

Is it possible to push SplitViewController on Navigation Controller?
I am getting this error :
Split View Controllers cannot be pushed to a Navigation Controller <UINavigationController: 0x9618830>.
Thank you.
This is because Apple doesn't want you to push split view controllers into navigation controllers. Their guidelines say that if you use a UISplitViewController, it has to be visible at all times in your app, except from overlaying it with modal view controllers.
I did manage to put a splitview controller as an item in a tab bar controller
