Facebook iOS SDK invitable_friends v2.4 - ios

I have a Facebook iOS app, and I'd like to allow my users to invite their Facebook friends to my app. The proper endpoint is /{userId}/invitable_friends which is working well. But towards the bottom of that doc page, they recommend implementing a "search box" to filter the results, yet they don't offer any example of how to do this. I've searched around and haven't found anything.
It doesn't appear as though you can pass additional params for filtering the results. Obviously I can filter the results after the fact, but that's not scalable since the API only returns ~20 users at a time. That limit is modifiable (I believe), though it's of course not wise to bump it too high.
So how can I build a search box interface if I can't pass the search text to the endpoint? I must be missing something.
Thanks in advance.
i look up this tutorial...


Beginner Question: How to access the number of impressions from *other users'* tweets?

I've got a bunch of free online HTML, CSS, and JS tutorials under my belt and I want to try using them to make a browser extension. But I want to make sure that the data I want to use is actually accessible before getting started.
My goal is to make a browser extension for twitter.com that shows the number of impressions of any tweet next to the likes, retweets, and replies. My basic idea is to get the status URL of any given tweet, poll the Twitter API for the number of impressions of that tweet, store that in a variable, and then use CSS to display a little eye icon and the number stored in the impressions variable.
I know that I can find the number of impressions of all of my tweets, both through Twitter Analytics, and also just going to my profile page and clicking the little bar chart icon next to views, retweets, etc. But I'm not clear on whether I can do that for other people's tweets via Twitter's API or anything else. Can you?
For the record, I'm not too concerned about the varying definition of "impression," since it will be consistently applied across all tweets and I'm mostly interested in giving users a comparison between tweets. This is part of a research project to see how this might change how people engage with social media if they know how many views a given post has. If there's a simpler way to go about that using existing platforms, I'm open to suggestions.
Thanks for the advice!
No, impressions data is private. If you are authenticated to the Twitter API then you can use the new Twitter Developer Labs Tweets API to get private metrics like impressions, but you cannot get that for other people's Tweets. Also, the Twitter API does not support CORS, so I don't think you'll be successful trying to use it from a browser extension.

Building a Twitter Search Box With Search Suggestions

I am developing a site that is integrated with Twitter content and I would like to enhance my search box providing search suggestions for hashtags and handles as the user types. Is there any way to get this autocomplete data generated from Twitter?
There isn't anything in the Twitter API that does that. Besides, it wouldn't work either because the rate limits would never permit that type of interaction. e.g. you might have n queries in a 15 minute window. If you eat up that much rate limit, it leaves less to iterate through the rest of the results an support subsequent queries, leaving the user waiting until the next 15 minute window. I understand what you want to do, but 3rd party APIs, like Twitter, have very specific pre-defined functionality and don't work like a general purpose database.

How can I filter the friends returned from a facebook graph API request?

I need to retrieve all facebook friends which match some sort of filter or pattern. I am currently calling this:
This returns all friends which have also downloaded my app. However, is there a way to filter the returned friends by name? I want to avoid retrieving all friends and then filtering the results on the client side to minimise the size of the result since there could be a lot of results. I know that FQL supported this, but it has been deprecated in favour of the graph API, however despite looking around everywhere I am surprised to not have found an answer to what I thought would be a pretty common requirement.
To give a bit of context, I'm simply providing the user with a text field with which they can filter their friends, and so want to make requests on the graph API like this:
Facebook SDK gives you the option to retrieve either the friends that use the application or the one who haven't downloaded it yet (for invitation purposes etc.)
However, if you would like to filter them you will have to do it in the FE. Facebook SDK doesn't support such functionality yet.

Facebook Search in Graph API

I'm developing an iOS application that let the user to search for a person throught the Graph API.
What I want is the SAME behavior that it's present on the Facebook website. You know when you begin to search for a person in the top text input? The first results will be mostly your friends AND some people you MAY know or people you already looked for.
The problem? Try to use the same search pattern here to search a person: Graph Api Explorer
The Graph Api returns DIFFERENT results than the search input on the Facebook website.
Does anyone knows why? Is there a way to achieve the same results?
Facebook are using many algorithms to display search result like Relevance Indicators, Complexities of User-Centric Search and The Product.
One of the algorithm to display result on their page as below.
Personal Context:
Unlike most search engines, every Facebook search involves two key elements - a query and a querier.
Just as we need to understand the query, it’s as essential to understand the person behind the query.
People are more likely to be looking for things located in their own city/country or for people who share the same college/workplace.
We consider this information and much more when ranking results. The more we know about you, the better your search results will be.
In Graph API, they are not using this algorithm.They are just displaying the queried result. Hence you can not achieve same result using graph search API.
To achieve this you can use following apporach -
Get the friend list of user using me/friends?limit=1&offset=1
Get the user list using search api
merge both the result
show result(s) to user
For more information(approach/algorithm) you can check Intro to Facebook Search
Is there a way to achieve the same results? - NO
Does anyone knows why? - NOT REALLY
(Edit: Seems in another answer, someone does actually, but it doesn't change the answer for "If you can achieve it")
But its safe to presume that Facebook does not allow all functionality through the API, why would they after all ? They need to keep the people coming to their own platform. So I can't give you a straight forward response on WHY, but IF ? Not possible, there is zero documentation about more specified search for type user. When you request user friends, you will only get the user friends who are using the same app starting v2.0
Am afraid that you will have to drop the functionality you want to achieve.
It is not just the graph search. When you refresh your TimeLine. The order of posts gets changed every time because Facebook takes a Pull on Demand approach. Which means whenever you login, the data from your friends is fetched. Which is why facebook has a limit to maximum number of friends.
Talking about the Graph search and Graph API. They are not same and the Graph Search cannot be accessed through the Graph API. So, you would have to change your approach.
To explain why the graph search gives different results on same search term. I would guess that it follows the game Pull on Demand model ( although it is not open and we cannot know for sure ). Following that model makes sense though.

How do search engines see dynamic profiles?

Recently search engines have been able to page dynamic content on social networking sites. I would like to understand how this is done. Are there static pages created by a site like Facebook that update semi frequently. Does Google attempt to store every possible user name?
As I understand it, a page like www.facebook.com/username, is not an actual file stored on disk but is shorthand for a query like: select username from users and display the information on the page. How does Google know about every user, this gets even more complicated when things like tweets are involved.
EDIT: I guess I didn't really ask what I wanted to know about. Do I need to be as big as twitter or facebook in order for google to make special ways to crawl my site? Will google automatically find my users profiles if I allow anyone to view them? If not what do I have to do to make that work?
In the case of tweets in particular, Google isn't 'crawling' for them in the traditional sense; they've integrated with Twitter to provide the search results in real-time.
In the more general case of your question, dynamic content is not new to Facebook or Twitter, though it may seem to be. Google crawls a URL; the URL provides HTML data; Google indexes it. Whether it's a dynamic query that's rendering the page, or whether it's a cache of static HTML, makes little difference to the indexing process in theory. In practice, there's a lot more to it (see Michael B's comment below.)
And see Vartec's succinct post on how Google might find all those public Facebook profiles without actually logging in and poking around FB.
OK, that was vastly oversimplified, but let's see what else people have to say..
As far as I know Google isn't able to read and store the actual contents of profiles, because the Google bot doesn't have a Facebook account, and it would be a huge privacy breach.
The bot works by hitting facebook.com and then following every link it can find. Whatever content it sees on the page it hits, it stores. So even if it follows a dynamic url like www.facebook.com/username, it will just remember whatever it saw when it went there. Hopefully in that particular case, it isn't all the private data of said user.
Additionally, facebook can and does provide special instructions that search bots can follow, so that google results don't include a bunch of login pages.
profiles can be linked from outside;
site may provide sitemap
