iOS MapKit Performance Issue Using Satellite Tiles - ios

I have an iOS 8 app that uses MapKit. I recently discovered a performance problem with the app when running a video decompression in addition to displaying a map. The app was unable to keep up with the flow of incoming data when using the satellite view tile set. However, this problem vanished the moment I swapped to the default MapKit tile set. The app is not CPU bottlenecked when the problem is occurring. It makes sense to me that the default (vector) map tile set is easier to display, but I am confused about why the issue is happening in the first place.
The problem seems strange to me because there is no movement or manipulation of the map when the problem is occurring. I would understand the issue better if it happened when manipulating the map in addition to rendering video to the screen, but the problem exists even with no user input. I am constrained in analyzing the system because we use a hardware accessory, so some Instruments are not available over wireless performance analysis. I am not using a high number of annotations, overlays, or other objects. We have a few custom annotations and overlays in use. There are existing apps that do this exact combination of decoding and maps, without the performance problem, so I suspect it's a configuration issue.
Are there certain attributes on the MKMapView that I can set to improve performance? I am at a loss as to what to investigate further since I cannot make the problem happen with the GPU Instrument active and the CPU doesn't appear to be the constraint.


SceneKit objects not showing up in ARSCNView about 1 out of 100 times

I can't share much code because it's proprietary, but this is a bug that's been haunting me for awhile. We have SceneKit geometry added to the ARKit face node and displayed inside an ARSCNView. It works perfectly almost all of the time, but about 1 in 100 times, nothing shows up at all. The ARSession is running, and none of the parent nodes are set to hidden. Further, when I look at Debug Memory Graph function in Xcode, the geometry appears to be entirely visible there (and doesn't seem to be set to hidden). I can see all the nodes attached to the face node perfectly within the ARSCNView of the memory graph, but on the screen, nothing shows up. This has been an issue for multiple iOS versions, so it didn't just appear with a recent update.
Has anybody run into a similar problem, or does anybody have any ideas to look into? Is it an apple bug, or is there a timing issue I might not be aware of? It's been really hard to debug because of how infrequent it is, and I haven't found it discussed on any other forums (but point me in the right direction if there is a previous discussion). Thanks!
This is pretty common practice if AR tracking is poor for some reason.
I ran into a similar problem too. I think it's definitely a tracking error which arises due to the fault of the user of AR app. Sometimes, if you're using World Tracking Config in ARKit and track a surrounding environment offhandedly or if you are tracking under inappropriate conditions – you get a sloppy tracking data which results in situation when your World Grid/Axis may be unpredictably shifted aside and your model may fly away somewhere. If such a situation arises - look for your model somewhere nearby – maybe it’s behind you.
If you're using a gadget with a LiDAR, the aforementioned situation is almost impossible, but if you're using a gadget with no LiDAR you need thoroughly track your room. Also there must be good lighting conditions and high-contrast real-world objects with distinguishable non-repetitive textures.

Fixing or avoiding memory leak in default third party library

I developed an app that includes the ability to preview the subdivision results of a 3D model on the fly. I have my own catmull clark subdivision functions to permanently modify the geometry, but I use the .subdivisionLevel property of the SCNGeometry to temporarily subdivide the model as a preview. In most cases previewing does not automatically mean the user will go for the permanent option.
.subdivisionLevel uses (just as MDLMesh’s subdivision, which I tried as a workaround) Pixar’s OpenSubdiv to do the actual subdivision and smoothing. It works faster than my own but more importantly it doesn’t permanently modify the vertex data I provide through a SCNGeometry source.
The problem is, I can’t get it to stop leaking memory. I first noticed this a long time ago, figured it was something in my code. I don’t think it’s just one specific IOS version and it happens in both Swift and Objective C. Eventually I set up a small example adding just 1 line to the SceneKit game template in Xcode, setting the ship’s subdivisionLevel to 1. Instruments shows that immediately results in memory leaks:
I submitted a bug report to Apple a week ago but I’m not sure I can expect a reply or a fix anytime soon or at all. The screenshot is from a test with a very small model, but even with small models (hundreds to couple of thousand vertices) it leaks a lot and fast and will lead to the app crashing.
To reproduce, create a new project in Xcode based on the SceneKit game template and add the following lines to handletap:
if result.node.geometry!.subdivisionLevel == 3 {
result.node.geometry!.subdivisionLevel = 0
} else {
result.node.geometry!.subdivisionLevel = 3
(Remove the ! For objective c)
Tap the ship to leak megabytes, tap it some more and it quickly adds up.
OpenSubdiv is used in 3D Studio max as well as others obviously and it appears to be in Apple’s implementation. So my question is: is there a way to fix/avoid this problem without giving up on the subdivision features of SceneKit entirely, or is a response from Apple my only chance?
Going through the WWDC videos to get an idea of how committed Apple is to OpenSubdiv and thus the chance of them fixing the leaks, I found the subdivision can be performed on the GPU by Metal since the latest SceneKit update.
Here are the required two lines (Swift) if you want to use subdivision in SceneKit or Model IO:
let tess = SCNGeometryTessellator()
geometry.tessellator = tess
(from WWDC 2017 What's new in Scenekit, 23:45 into the video)
This will cause the subdivision to be performed on the GPU (thus faster, especially at higher levels), use less memory, and most importantly, releases the memory when setting the subdivision level lower or back to zero.

SpriteKit using 95-100% CPU when running game with large tilemap (JSTileMap)

My project runs at 55-60FPS on an iPhone 6 but anything older is completely unplayable because something is eating CPU.
I think the issue is related to the number of tiles and layers on my map (64x256 with 4 layers) and Instruments shows "SKCRenderer:preprocessSpriteImp(..." taking 5198ms (23.2%) running time.
Does JSTileMap load every single tile's image (visible or not) at once? This post from RW indicates that is the case and that it could be worked around for large performance boosts:
In another performance note - Sprite Kit checks all it's nodes and
decides which ones it needs to display each frame. If you have a big
tile map, this can be a big performance hit. JSTileMap loads all the
nodes (SKSpriteNode for each tile) when it loads the tile map. So, I
was also seeing performance issues in the Sprite Kit version with my
maps (which are 500 x 40 tiles). I added a check to my version of
JSTileMap that's included in the kit that marks the hidden property of
each tile, then intelligently unhides and hides only the tiles that
enter/exit the screen space. That increased performance on these
larger maps significantly.
Unfortunately that post does not go into detail regarding the steps taken to remedy this.
My first thought was to (I'm a beginner, please be gentle) create an array of nodes by looping through each point and checking for a tile on the specific layer. From there I'd work on adding/removing them based on distance from the player.
This didn't work, because the process of adding nodes to an array simply caused the app to hang forever on larger maps.
Could someone lend a hand? I'd love to work with larger/more complicated tilemaps but this performance issue is destroying my brain.
Thanks for reading!
UPDATE: Big thanks to SKAToolKit:
Their culling feature solved my problem and I'm now running even larger maps at less than 35% CPU.
JSTileMap has some issues handling larger maps but you do have a couple of options to consider:
Break your large map into several smaller pieces and load each new piece as required.
Only load those objects which are in the player's vicinity.
Only load those tiles which are in the player's vicinity.
I personally found it impossible to accomplish #3 with JSTileMap as I could not locate an array holding the map tiles. I solved this issue by using the SKAToolKit which provides easy access to map tile arrays. It is an excellent resource for parsing maps created in Tiled.

Does UIView transparency affects a performance of an app?

I'm creating an app where there're up to 40 UIViews where every view stores a drawing of a stick on it which is available in several positions, rotated to 30 degree angle, 45 degree angle etc). Background of a View is transparent. These views can intersect with each other, so I need the UIViews to be transparent in order a user could see both drawings from overlapped and overlapping view. I wonder if this affects a performance of an application seriously? (all this transparency of all 40 UIViews). And how I can track how much memory or CPU my app currently uses.
I recommend watching WWDC 2012 Session 238 - iOS App Performance: Graphics and Animations, which covers these questions.
As a broad answer:
The iPhone will probably handle your 40-view requirement fine—but its impossible to know for sure without trying it out, and without more context (are they being animated? Are they scrolling?)
More views creates more performance problems, because all of the views need to be packaged up and shipped off to be rendered (by backboardd I think).
Transparency will hurt application performance. I believe the core reason is that transparent views need to be drawn in an off-screen buffer rather than be painted over existing content (something like that).
Use Instruments for Profiling
Profile your GPU usage using the Open GL ES Driver (look at 'Device Utilization')
Measure CPU usage using Time Profiler
Measure FPS and check for common performance problems using the CoreAnimation instrument
I wouldn't bother thinking about this until you actually see performance issues. If you do, I can't recommend that WWDC session enough—it covers things like what strategy you should take to optimize performance (e.g. moving work to the GPU as long as it can handle more; the basics of profiling, etc.) as well as tips and tricks based on the implementation details of iOS.

Managing Memory in Map-based iOS application

I'm developing an enterprise map-based application and it needs to display info gathered from a large workforce and display it all on each worker's iPad. So the number of markers on the map can grow very very large (several thousands) quickly. In addition, each marker is going to be backed by an NSManagedObject subclass that's held in memory while the marker exists.
I'm using Google Maps iOS SDK, and the problem is, even without any markers, just panning and zooming around causes really large increases in memory usage. The application's dirty memory size is 100MB (using Allocations tool) upon launch. Little bit of panning and zooming quickly makes it shoot to up to 300, and the issue is when I stop panning and zooming, the memory never goes down. Similarly if I have a lot of markers on and I remove them, again, no drop in memory (when I remove markers, I make sure to not hold any references to any of the objects too). The only time memory goes down is when I change map types. If I pan/zoom a lot in street view, then switch to satellite view, there's a sudden 50MB+ drop in dirty memory.
So I was wondering if anyone has any tips in handling memory when using Google Maps, or any info on how Google Maps manages/releases memory?
