Swift: Making UITableViewCells load from the bottom - ios

I want to load messages from my UITableView from the bottom up.
The blue is my UITableView, and the green is my first cell in a tableview with only one cell. The default, and what I have right now, is a normal UITableView where the green cell is at the top of the blue tableview.
I've researched this online, and the best solution I've found is to make several empty clear colored cells, but that doesn't satisfy the programmer in me.
What is the best way to do this?
Update: Yes, with enough cells I can just scroll to the bottom. But I am asking for only a few cells, while maintaining the UITableView's height.
Update 2: Can I create a custom UITableView to implement this? I don't want to change my UITableView into a UICollectionView.


Can we add tableview to cell?

I want to customize my tableview. I want to add another tableview in cell. Can we add tableview in cell of another tableview?
Please give me some ideas.
You can embed a UITableView into another UITableView's cell, but due to potential issues with the embedded UIScrollViews it is not recommended.
If you feel like you need a table in a table, first consider if it is not possible to achieve the desired behavior by using sections and cells in the sections (a section in a table might represent the top tableView's cell, and cells in the given section would represent the embedded tableView's cells).
There is no problem with adding a UITableView into a a UITableViewCell, since both of them are UIViews its simply would be translated to adding a subview to a view...
However, keep in mind to consider the following issues:
1- From a user experience perspective, that would be a vertical scroll view inside another vertical scroll view (are you ok with that?).
2- For each cell -in the main container table view-, you would need to handle the table view delegates/datasources. For understanding the logic of how this could be done, you might want to check:
Is it possible to add UITableView within a UITableViewCell.
Putting a UICollectionView in a UITableViewCell in Swift: although it is about adding a UICollectionView inside the cell, it helps to gain the logic of how to achieve such a task.

How to set Table view cell to occupy entire screen?

I am working on a project to get custom news feeds from Bing news. I created a custom table view cell and populated various UI items in it. But I am having a hard time to make it occupy the entire screen, it starts from extreme left and ends on the right, leaving large gap from the right margin as show in the image. Can anyone help me out, how to correctly fix it with a detailed explanation of how constraints work in Table views and Tableview cells.
Here' what it looks like in the simulator
Remove previous constraints and add constraint to your UITableView like as shown in below image.
So you UITableView will have 0 margin from edges.
Create a UITableViewController. Just drag drop a TableViewCell into it. Add identifier for that cell and use it. By default it will occupy the whole screen.
In your case I guess you might have added constraints to UITableView. Here what you should do is pin your UITableView to Top,Bottom,Right & Left or make UITableView's width equal to SuperView.

UICollectionView scroll whole page

I have a viewController with some text and under it a UICollectionView (about 50% of the page).
My problem is that when I scroll on the collectionView just the cells are being scrolled and not the whole page (the text + the collection cells).
You can think about it like on Instagram profile page (half info half collectionView), when you scroll on Instagram everything is being scrolled and not just the collection cells.
Anyone knows how can I do it?
Add the text content as separate cells on top of the UICollectionView.
Preferably, create a different section which would contain the cells with the top text.
Keep the backgroundColor/backgroundImage of these cells plain to give the effect that they are simply added as UILabels on a form. Doing so will also differentiate from the rest of the actual UICollectionViewCells.
Now, when you scroll the UICollectionView. It will give an effect that the text along with the cells are scrolled.
In Attribute inspector > Scroll View > check Paging enable
Thats because your text/UILabels doesn't belong within the UIScrollView of your UICollectionView, thus it will not be scrolled when the collectionView is. You could create a UICollectionViewCell for your text, include it within your collectionview and expand the collectionView to fit the screen or use a UICollectionViewController

Mixing UIScrollViews and UITableViews

If you look at the Featured tab of the Apple App Store app on an iPhone 6, there is a unique UI layout that I can't figure out how to replicate.
At the very top there is a navigationBar. Below this there is a UIScrollView that animates through a number of featured items. Below this is what appears to be a UITableView with a number of custom programmed cells.
My first guess was that the UIScrollView at the top was added to a custom cell at the top of a UITableView. If you swipe up the UIScrollView moves with the objects below like it is a cell. You can see that the vertical scroll indicator starts at the top of the UIScrollView.
The part that is unique is that if you swipe down, the objects below the UIScrollView move down like a UITableView and the UIScrollView stays in place. This means that the UIScrollView is not a custom cell at the top of a UITableView.
I tried making this work a number of different ways but I can replicate this. Does anyone know how this can be done?
You can use a tableview header,the header is a scrollview
If you scroll tableview up,just use tableview default behavior,the header will scroll up.
If you scroll down,use UIScrollViewDelegate to calculate the tableview header new frame,and adjust it.So it remain at top
Not sure if I got you correctly, you may use UICollectionView as vertical scroll. Then, you create a custom UICollectionViewCell, each with horizontal scroll.
I haven't tried it though but done something similar to this. Hope you find a way!

UITableViewCell Reuse issues with horizontal tableview

I have a slightly complicated system that I am having some reuse issues with, wanted to get some feedback. Basically it is a vertical tableview, and each cell contains another tableview that is rotated 90 degrees, so that each cell scrolls horizontally. Each horizontal cell is also set up to scroll infinitely with paginated responses from an API. I am having issues where cells are copying on top of each other when the vertical table is scrolled down. I have reuse identifiers set up correctly and in each of the horizontal tableviews I am running the following:
- (void)prepareForReuse
[_horizontalTableView reloadData];
If I turn off reusing cells the issue doesn't happen, but the vertical scrolling performance suffers. I am wondering if its possible that reusing cells in this type of a set up just isnt possible? Any experience with this is helpful. Thanks.
This is not a direct way to solve your issue, but I believe if you use a horizontal scroll view inside each vertical cell, you will have this done faster and with less weird behaviours. I also believe this is not a standard way, so weird stuff will happen.
All you do is set or extend the content size of the scroll off screen continuously to create an infinite scrolling behaviour. Create views within the scroll view pragmatically to simulate each cell. Hope this helps.
