TestFlight App installs but does not show installed in TestFlight App Display (TestFlight shows it at 90% installed) - ios

So I have two apps successfully submitted for TestFlight Beta Testing (See image below).
For the first one, installation works as expected. For the second one, the app appears "stalled" at around 90%. Never gets passed what's shown in the image. However, if I return to the home screen the app has installed (no install progress indicators on app icon) and appears to be functioning normally.
I receive no errors within TestFlight and no error logs are produced. TestFlight just never shows the "OPEN" icon for this particular app.
Some other External Testers are also seeing this so it leads me to believe it has something to do with my build and it could be something I can fix. (I do not know if all external users are seeing this issue). Biggest concern is this will happen to some users when the app is released in the App Store and they will end up losing their data.
I have tried deleting and re-installing the app with no success. I have also tried killing the TestFlight app process. "Stopping" the install simply shows "INSTALL" and reselecting gets to what's shown below. Version updates also display the same issue.
Anyone have any ideas on what may be wrong with this particular app?

#kanso already posted the solution. So be aware of using bad app version numbers ;-)

The issue was resolved using a build number that does not contain a '0' following a '.'
for example,
Build Version: 1.1.002 # no good
Build Version: 1.1.2 # WORKS

Ive seen this, and it seems a bug in the test flight app, since the applications seem to install properly as you mention.

You don't need to worry, it is a bug by Test Flight. People have registered their complaints. Hopefully, they will fix it soon.


App Build is not appearing on App Store Connect submission Dashboard

I have a Flutter developed App that I want to upload for App Store Review.
The App has been successfully uploaded through Xcode as you can see here— https://prntscr.com/26m7w94

Sadly, the Build doesn’t appear in my App Connect Build section as you can see here— https://prnt.sc/26no755

When I try to re-upload, it let’s me know that the Build is already uploaded to App Store Connect as you can see here— https://prnt.sc/26no84v

I have written to Apple and I don’t understand the answers they are giving me. They are just talking off-point.
Now I have waited for 8 days for this build to appear, but this uploaded build is not appearing.
Without this Build appearing, I cannot Submit to App Store Review.
Everything in the App Store Connect Form has been completely filled. Only Build remains to be added as you can see here— https://prntscr.com/26no94s
I can’t figure out what to do next, and this is 8(eight) wasted days gone by, with me not knowing what next to do.
Has anyone here faced this kind of problem before? How did you solve it?
Check in the TestFlight section. There might be a yellow triangle next to your build. You may need to answer some additional questions such as encryption usage etc. Just click on the triangle to answer and your build should be available afterwards.
Sometimes the answer to this issue is that there is actually a problem with App Store Connect (like right now).
You can check for issues on the Apple Developer System Status page.
For me changing the version from X.X.X to X.X.X+1 (2.2.2 -> 2.2.3) fixed the issue.
Sometimes it happens and I have also faced this problem .I successfully uploaded my bundle from Xcode but not found in connect.
I waited 30 minutes and refreshed .Then my bundle came in App Store connect.
Solution 1 : wait for some time & Refresh ,
Solution 2 : Create another Bundle and push to connect using Transporter (You can download transporter from appStore)
If the build doesn't show up on App Store Connect. You may want to check your email (the one you used as your Apple Id when uploading the build).
In my case Apple sent me an automatic email telling me that my build had some issues. Xcode didn't complain about anything and neither App Store Connect.
UPDATE: This might have boiled down to timing. After changing the version number to 1.0.0, that build showed up immediately. Half an hour later, the 0.0.1 build appeared out of the blue as well.
If you've set your version number to 0.0.1+X because you thought that makes sense while the app is still under development, change that back to 1.0.0+X. The upload will succeed, but app store connect won't list the build without a leading "1." in the version number.
Make sure no webviews are used in your app. It will not show builds in App Store Connect and neither XCode nor Apple will say that anything is wrong.

Flutter app crashes on launch only during Apple FlightTest

I had completed a Flutter app, which seems to work well in simulator. I then went on to release the initial version of the app to AppStore Connect and sent it to beta testers via TestFlight and they were able to test it without any issue and sent me some feedback.
I made a few changes to the app based on the feedback (nothing too drastic) and tested it throughly in the simulator which seems to work fine. But now when the users download the app via TestFlight it crashed while opening and I cant seem to fix it no matter what I try. Any help would be really appreciated
So far I have tried,
Followed this article letter to letter
Modify optimisation parameters in Build Settings as mentioned here
Tried this SO answer
Crash report from XCode is not much of use since it is not very readable (as attached in the picture).
Can't yet seem to find any reliable answer, Any help on this would be much appreciated.

Why does my Internal Test Track opt-in URL not work?

I'm developing an app and am ready to release it to a small group (5) of testers for internal testing, so I added their Gmail addresses to the list:
I sent one of the testers the link to the app and after opening email and selecting the link, they got this:
followed by this:
So far, so good. Now when I select the tester in question, instead of advancing to the next page, which is the start of a tutorial (as the app does when it's run from Android Studio), it returns to the previous screen. No error message or crash (I checked with Crashlytics). Anyone have any idea why this is happening?
UPDATE: I added Firebase event logging to my app and saw that no events are being logged from the LoginActivity (on the other hand, when I install the app via Android Studio, events DO get logged). Logcat shows a NameNotFoundException thrown by the PackageManager for for the app's package. Thinking the package manager doesn't like app bundles, I generated an APK instead, but got the same problem.
UPDATE #2: The next thing I tried was re-installing the app via Android Studio. When I simply let the app run, it exhibited the same problem, but if I ran it in Debug mode, it was fine. Not a solution, just a clue.
If I don't get this resolved by this weekend, I'll have to email my testers the APK. I wish someone in the Firebase group were monitoring this problem because emailing APKs as a workaround really sucks!
UPDATE #3: Getting closer to the cause of the problem. The reason that events weren't getting logged in LoginActivity was because I was using a reserved event name: user event names cannot start with "google". After fixing that, events did start getting logged, including an ApiException "10:" when trying to log into a Google account. So I googled around and I THINK the bottom line is that when I opted into Google App Signing I may have uploaded the wrong app signing key. If that's the case, how do I upload the correct one? I hope the answer isn't "create a new app with a different package name and start over".
After opting in to App Signing, I neglected to copy the SHA-1 fingerprint into my Firebase settings. Also, I needed to rebuild the app with the updated google-services.json. After doing all that and updating the release, the opt-in link worked fine.

User suddenly can't get past launch image screen

A user has reported that my app suddenly won't launch on their device. They sent me a video, and they launch the app, the launch image screen shows for a split second, but then crashes back to the iOS home screen.
The user tried deleting and reinstalling the app with no benefit.
I use Crashlytics, and am not getting any reports of crashes from them (or any other user- although I've seen them in prior versions so I know it's working correctly). I'm also not seeing any crashes in iTunes connect.
I asked the user to send me any crash reports in the Settings Diagnostics section and they said there are none listed for my app.
I have confirmed that their iOS version is supported by my app. (iOS 8.4).
I'm not sure where to go next, and would appreciate any pointers. Sorry for the vague question but I have posted everything that I know about the situation.
Just wanted to provide some closure on this. The user ended up wiping and restoring their device, and it solved the problem. It seems extreme to me but it was their own suggestion and didn't take them long to do. So I'm not sure what caused this but that's one (albeit brute force) way to fix it.

iOS 8.1.3 - Enterprise distribution not working

we have a few apps that we install on our devices using an Enterprise distribution profile. To install an app, we use the usual itms-services link:
We use the same link to install updates to the apps.
Ever since this latest iOS update (8.1.3) something strange is happening with the link. On some devices, and only for one or two of the apps, the link does absolutely nothing. It pops up the dialog with Install or Cancel, but when the user presses Install nothing happens. The app's icon doesn't get the loading overlay, nothing. To make matters worse, all the apps on all the devices have been installed the exact same way, yet it only happens to some apps on some devices. An app that installs fine on one device will have this problem on another.
On one of the devices that are having this problem, I even tried uninstalling the app, and then running the link again, but still nothing happens. In fact, now I can't install the app at all on that device, since nothing happens when the link is clicked!
Things I've tried:
Restarting the device
Removing all profiles from the device
Does anyone know what's going on, and how to fix it?
Ok, so I found a hacky way around this bug. If I change the bundle ID in the manifest file to something different, such as adding "-ios8fix" or something to the end, then it'll install. It doesn't look as nice, since during the installation there's a second app icon on the screen. But once the installation is finished, the second icon disappears.
One benefit of doing it this way though, is that if the installation fails the user can still use the old version of the app, since there'll temporarily be 2 icons, one for the old version, and one for the update...
