iOS split keyboard messes up cordova webview - ios

I am working on a hybrid app using Cordova and Ionic the app works fine on all iOS devices except iPad that too with split key board
The problem i face is posted here you can see the image in the post.
I tried to do some research and found out this
Also on stack overflow I found out this preference in config see answer but this is not documented neither does it work
Please help

If you don't want the webView to scroll,
use this,
and in device ready,


iOS App does not take full screen on some iPhones [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 4 years ago.
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I encounter a very strange problem: I got reports from some of my clients that my iPhone App does not show up full screen. It leaves a black bar on top and bottom of the screen. I have got one sample report from a client running iPhone 7 and iOS 12.1. Having the same device and installing the same App (AppStore download, as client does) I cannot reproduce this behaviour. I cannot reproduce it on none of my many devices and iOS versions nor on the simulators. According to AppStore reviews other clients are facing the same behaviour too, but nobody I know can reproduce it. I attached a screenshot taken by one of the clients: anonymous screenshot of app with black bars
Edit (due to Question put on hold by guys not understanding the question...): The desired behaviour of course is an App presenting full screen without any black bars
The project is all iOS/XCode default, I am using a LaunchScreen.storyboard with identical settings than a new default XCode Project. I am developing using XCode 9.4, Deployment Target is 9.0, the project is in Swift. I am aware that this was a common problem with the arrival of iPhone 5, but it should no longer occur if using Launch storyboards. None of my other app share this problem.
Does anybody has an advice?
It looks like you are using an old way of determining launch screen. After iOS7 you can define a launch storyboard to create the launch screen. If you use the old method by assets, were you add some images to be used as launch screen, the app 'understands' that is not updated for iOS greater than 7, so, you have to remove these assets screens and use the launch storyboard. It must fix the top and bottom banners.
You can add LuanchImage like:
Then you can set images with the correct sizes for atleast:

Xcode splash screen not displaying correctly

I am currently building an iOS objective c application and am working on the splash screen now but am running into display issues when running on a device.
This is how the layout is set up in my storyboard:
This is how the screen looks in a simulator, the correct version:
And this is how it looks on a device, the incorrect version:
Has anyone ever run into this problem and if so, how did you fix it? I'd be happy to provide any code if needed but i'm not sure what to include that would help solve the problem.
I have experienced this problem, too simple, this is an iOS BUG that can appear when you build directly from XCode, there's no specific solution, try restarting the iOS Device, I have never seen it when downloading the app from apple store after publishing, so simply ignore it, people who will download the app from apple store will not see this.

iOS Simulator Rendering issue for PDF Reader Core for iOS

I have searched around on here, but couldn't find anything to answer my question. I have developed a custom app for the iPad; it involves using a set of PDf documents that change pages based on a 1 second time frame. To achieve this is have used the 'PDF Reader Core for iOS' external library. Please find the link here:
The app works perfectly fine on the actual iPad, however I also wish to run the app on Mac Mini Machines, so the obvious thought I had was to boot the project in the iOS Simulator on the machines (saves me recoding it for OSX.). Now, here is my issue. The app works pretty smoothly in the simulator, the only issue I have is that there is a slight render lag between the page change on the Simulator. It isn't at full resolution, and appears blur whilst it renders, however the time frame to change is so quick that the simulator doesn't have enough time to render to full resolution. I have also emailed the developer of the library and he provided some suggestions however, these didn't seem to fix the issue.
I am aware that this could be to do with the actual PDF Reader itself, however I wanted to ask if anyone had any suggestions if this could be fixed in regards to the iOS Simulator? Any way to speed up the simulator?
I am using OSX Yosemite, Xcode 6.4 and Objective-C.
It seems at this moment i may have to recode for OSX. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Keyboard animation issue on iOS 7 devices

I was working with Xcode 4.6 with iOS 6 SDK for building our iOS app. Recently we migrated to Xcode 5 which comes with iOS 7 built-in. After migrating to iOS 7 SDK, lot of weird things are happening e.g. status bar issue, keyboard animation mess up and UIImagePickerController status bar issue.
I am not finding any solution for the weird keyboard animation issue. When I tap the username text field in my login screen, entire view is going up till the text field and its not scrollable also. Its totally screwed up. Please note that mine is a hybrid application built using cordova library. So, all the UI elements are designed in HTML5. Below are two screenshots for the key board issue.
Please suggest me how to fix this… Thanks in advance….
That seems to be a problem in web view's on iOS7. We have the same problem.
It seems fixed in iOS 7.1.

can't enable proper landscape mode on iOS with sencha touch 2 native build

I am currently building a sencha touch 2 application and trying to deploy it on iPad. I am working on "mac OS Snow Leopard" and trying to deploy my app on an iPad2 with iOS 5.1.
After having some issues building and deploying the application, that I managed to fix thanks to this post: ; I seem to have a new problem with orientation.
Indeed, even with a specific "landscapeLeft" orientation configuration given in my 'packager.json' file, both iOSSimulator and iOS launch the app in landscape mode, but as soon as the sencha logo is gone my view goes to portrait mode and get stuck in this mode. When I do an Ext.getOrientation() I get 'portrait' as an answer all the time, whatever the orientation of my device is.
No exceptions or console messages are launched and after having visited a lot and a lot of posts I haven't found anything really addressing my issue. the closest one I found was this one:, but with sadly no effect.
I'd also like to keep the native build of sencha and avoiding phonegap if possible.
has anyone encountered the issue, or have any idea on this problem? I am quite lost and need to fix the issue as quickly as possible.
