Putting a UIImageView into table cell for an RSS feed app - ios

I need to create an app for my internship, its an rss feed reader app for a news site that I've been working on for far too long since im trying my best to learn and I need to show something to them soon. I have never made an app in my life and I was allowed to use some free open source code. I found one in swift that is just along the lines of what I need and i put in the rss feed link and it worked. The only thing is, the app doesn't have a thumbnail view preview of the articles picture on the left hand side of the articles cell in the table view navigation controller. I tried putting in a UIImageView into the cell to get it started but it wont let me do it, almost like the cell is locked with just the title and description as seen in the screenshot below:
So the table view controller in my xcode project looks something like this:
(I got that image from google but its about the same minus the fact that I have the date and time of the article under the title instead of summary)
When I try to edit the tableview cell it wont even let me put an imageview there, and when i change it to "custom" the title and summary go away. If anyone could help me to get it to look something like this with the imageview pulling the photo from the article each time it would be greatly appreciated: (Also, I can share the source code via github to view and/or download and run yourself if that would help anyone!)

In the attribute inspector, make sure you have the Style for the UITableViewCell set to Custom.
You will need to drag in your labels as well to create your complete cell.


How can I create a UIView that displays certain information based on the button that was pressed to show the view?

I am very new to swift and currently making an app for a school project. The app is supposed to show a collection of recipes. I have begun by having a scrolling grid of buttons (stackviews and scrollviews). Each recipe is supposed to connect to a specific recipe, and when clicked segue to a view that has the information for the recipe (image, ingredients, instructions, etc.). I would like to do this by creating a a basic recipe view file that has a space for an image, title, and text. Then, depending on what button was pressed, fill in the view with the correct information and display the view.
I have figured out an alternative method that I could use, but it is very bulky and tedious. I could set up views for the ~25 different recipes separately, and link them individually to each button.
I would much rather prefer the first option, but I am not quite sure if it is even possible, or if I am just really bad at using the right search terms in google. I know many other apps have similar systems set up, for example a social media profile is the same template for everyone, just has different data displayed inside of it.
Can anyone help me out? Thanks in advance.
You can use UITableView for this task and have a model array that you fill with the required data ,and for action use didSelectRowAt to find which cell is clicked send the data to the next VC

Want to achieve this kind of functionality in iphone app

I am having an app in which I want my view to be loaded like shown in the screen shot below.
The following view contains page control to show multiple images,buttons,labels,resizable text view and resizable text field in a single cell of table view.
There will be number of rows in a table view and rows will be generated dynamically.
Is there any cocoa control or tool which can give me functionality like this?
I have searched on cocoa control and goggled it a lot but couldn't find any matches to achieve this.
I thought of taking different views with sub viewing it didn't get much idea of how to generate it dynamically.
Please help me if someone has achieved this kind of functionality in any of their projects.
Thanks in advance.
Hint :
Divide each items in cells for single section, that means, one section for one item.
for e.g.
User photo, User name, User location and Post time in one cell.
Image gallery in another cell with page control on it.
Favourite (liked) post, comment on post and price in individual cells.
what you've to do is, create and add each item in a cell. While you're giving the height of each cell using delegate, check for conditions for which you're assigning the height. For e.g. if you've likes for the post (favourite) then only give height for that cell otherwise pass 0 (zero). Do the same for everything or as per your requirement.
For comments, you've to calculate text height, and based on that, you'll need to set height for comment cell.
Here's a nice tutorial for this (not exactly) stuff. Rebuilding Instagram Feed Table View. I also googled a lot and found this, https://www.cocoacontrols.com/controls/stxdynamictableview, you may also need https://www.cocoacontrols.com/controls/mhpagingscrollview for showing image gallery.
P.S. This is not a "lunch plate" of course you've to make it for your self. Get hands on the keyboard! :)
Good luck!

Right Detail Style in UITableView Controller not working

I'm reading this book that teaches non-programers how to create iOS App. It's a step by step book.
To create the App, we use Xcode. And on one of the steps, on the storyboard, we have to add a cell in the table view controller and use "Right Detail" Style. And here where my problem is.
When I select the Right Detail Style, nothing happens. I cannot add any data in the cell or type anything. The content of the table is static (not sure if that's relevant).
However, when I run the simulator, the cell would show the default text of the cell, which are Title and Detail.
I don't have this problem with the others styles (the Basic, Left Detail and Subtitle).
Here is a screenshot that might help explaining it more:
Bear in mind I know nothing about programming.
This is my first programming attempt. So please be gentle :D. Thanks!
First of all you need to learn how to code..
Double click on the title and detail labels in your cell, you will be allowed to edit them
got to the document outline and select them from there to edit them

How set up editing in iOS application like contacts app

My designer is giving me something that looks similar to the iPad contacts app. This doesn't seem to be standard, though. I would have thought I would have found more info on this but my searches haven't brought up much, so I apologize if I've missed it. Basically we want to have a green "+" button to add an item, expanding the cell to enter data for that item when tapped (see "add new address" cell in 1st attached image below), then in 2nd image that cell expanded with address fields.
The final question relates to what seems like standard table editing behavior, but I'm not sure how to fit into this context. For the delete icon, getting it to rotate when tapped and the "delete" button to show up in the cell. As I asked earlier, how do I get the delete icon to show up to the side of the cell rather than within it and how do I get it to show up for just certain cells and not all of them? See final screenshot below.
Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Sounds complicated. Why not leverage Apple's ABPersonViewController to display and edit an Address Book contact?

adding items to tableView in IOS

Can someone go help me figure out how to hookup the table view so that i can add items to the table view? I'm trying to make a news screen for this app and am having trouble adding data to it. I have the xib file all set up i just don't know how to hook it all up in xcode 4.
It looked like you have not use UITableView class before. I would suggest get one of the samples from Apple. Here is the link.
