Right Detail Style in UITableView Controller not working - ios

I'm reading this book that teaches non-programers how to create iOS App. It's a step by step book.
To create the App, we use Xcode. And on one of the steps, on the storyboard, we have to add a cell in the table view controller and use "Right Detail" Style. And here where my problem is.
When I select the Right Detail Style, nothing happens. I cannot add any data in the cell or type anything. The content of the table is static (not sure if that's relevant).
However, when I run the simulator, the cell would show the default text of the cell, which are Title and Detail.
I don't have this problem with the others styles (the Basic, Left Detail and Subtitle).
Here is a screenshot that might help explaining it more:
Bear in mind I know nothing about programming.
This is my first programming attempt. So please be gentle :D. Thanks!

First of all you need to learn how to code..
Double click on the title and detail labels in your cell, you will be allowed to edit them
got to the document outline and select them from there to edit them


How to use CoreData with two view controllers one of them has collection view

First of all, I am new in coding, so please be patient with me.
My app has two view controller, the first has UICollectionView and the second has UITextField.
I am trying to tap on one of these collection view cells and then it takes me to the second view controller, where I can type in the textView then save it into CoreData. And then when I go back and press on the same cell i get my saved text. Then when i change this text on the ui text view.. it saved automatically.
Can any one give me an example or put me in the right track
The essence of how that might be done is to implement the collectionview delegate and then determine which cell they clicked on, so that the next screen loads/and updates the correct data. After they click you would call the "segue" with some code. The segues are setup in Xcode's visual editor by control click and dragging a line to the second view. (It's weird, there are some great youtube videos out there) The data would be stored in an array. After you update the data, you could dismiss the second view and the collectionview behind it would be visible again.
I would check out chapter 4.5 of the free iBook "App Development with Swift". Chapters 4.5-4.8 would really get your rocking the right path. If that book is too complex then also look into "Intro to App Development with Swift"
I even have some videos to take you through the process, dunno if I have one for 4.5 but if you continue with it, I have one for 4.6.

How to make a menu (multiple button?) iOs

I am new in the development of iOS with swift, for the moment everything goes well but there is one thing that I blocked.
How this kind of menu?
How do you call this ? Because I do not even know what to look for because I do not know his name: /
Sorry for my bad english and thank you for your help :)
This can be made by using click on button open a view or open a tableview inside the table view put the label on each row and after that use didselectrowatindexpath method of tableview for click on each row open the new page or viewcontroller.
You can use table view to show dropdown menu. Show tableview on click and hide when select row. this is the basic concept. and if you not want to code your self then there many third party libraries available on github like DropDownMenu or dropdownment etc.
Note : standard way in ios for this kind of stuff(drop down or selection from multiple option) is UIPickerview, so you can use this also it very easy. so if not required to use hardcoded dropdown then pickerview is best option.
hope this will help :)

Putting a UIImageView into table cell for an RSS feed app

I need to create an app for my internship, its an rss feed reader app for a news site that I've been working on for far too long since im trying my best to learn and I need to show something to them soon. I have never made an app in my life and I was allowed to use some free open source code. I found one in swift that is just along the lines of what I need and i put in the rss feed link and it worked. The only thing is, the app doesn't have a thumbnail view preview of the articles picture on the left hand side of the articles cell in the table view navigation controller. I tried putting in a UIImageView into the cell to get it started but it wont let me do it, almost like the cell is locked with just the title and description as seen in the screenshot below:
So the table view controller in my xcode project looks something like this:
(I got that image from google but its about the same minus the fact that I have the date and time of the article under the title instead of summary)
When I try to edit the tableview cell it wont even let me put an imageview there, and when i change it to "custom" the title and summary go away. If anyone could help me to get it to look something like this with the imageview pulling the photo from the article each time it would be greatly appreciated: (Also, I can share the source code via github to view and/or download and run yourself if that would help anyone!)
In the attribute inspector, make sure you have the Style for the UITableViewCell set to Custom.
You will need to drag in your labels as well to create your complete cell.

How to place textfield in table view controller to read contents

I am a little stuck after reading a tutorial and trying to go it alone.
Essentially I am trying to link my form components (the text boxes and buttons) to my view controller window via control click and drop. In the book this looks fairly simple as its just a case of drag and drop but when I do it, nothing happens!
Please could someone give me some indication as to why this could be?
Please change the class of the UITableViewController in your storyboard to LoginTableViewController. Select the tableViewController in the storyboard and check the class inspector in Xcodes sidebar.You can change there to LoginTableViewController.

table view is covered with an empty table view when integrate TTCatalog to a Tabbar template project

I created a project with Tabbar template. The First View of my Tabbar project just wants the same function of the TTCatalog sample project. The Second View will integrate a Map function.
I integrate some code from TTCatalog sample project to do so. But when my App starts, only an empty tableview displayed in my first view. It's just a white table with some empty rows. nothing else.
When I quit my App from emulator, and start it again from emulator,first I can see a table view like that of TTCatalog ( with blue titles and labels), But soon the table view is covered with an empty table view.
Please help
There is no need to inherit CatalogController, if the only thing you need is a tableView inside a tabBarController then there is even no need to use three20 at all. To get started I would recommend you use a simpler approach. While three20 and the TTTableViewController can help a lot with a certain kind of setups, it is not the general best way to do things.
Let your FirstViewController inherit from UITableViewController, implement the UITableViewDataSource methods. If you are experiencing problem or need with a specific problem feel free to ask here.
If you got this working and you really need something that three20 can help you achieve, read through the TTTableViewController sources, TTModel, TTTableViewDataSource, find a tutorial and go on.
Maybe this question may help you: Three20's URL-based navigation + tab bar example? especially this link: http://three20.pypt.lt/url-based-navigation-and-state-persistence
