None of the example bootstrap files that worked for < ZF2.4 work with the latest version of ZF, 2.5. Has anyone seen a working example of unit testing a ZF2.5 app?
You have to change 2 things in the Bootstrap
in line 66 where you must add a new elseif that looks like this.
if (!$zf2Path) {
if (defined('ZF2_PATH')) {
$zf2Path = ZF2_PATH;
} elseif (is_dir($vendorPath . '/ZF2/library')) {
$zf2Path = $vendorPath . '/ZF2/library';
} elseif (is_dir($vendorPath . '/zendframework/zendframework/library')) {
$zf2Path = $vendorPath . '/zendframework/zendframework/library';
} elseif (is_dir($vendorPath . '/zendframework')) {
$zf2Path = $vendorPath . '/zendframework';
and in line 91 you must change this
include $zf2Path . '/Zend/Loader/AutoloaderFactory.php';
to this
include $zf2Path . '/zend-loader/src/AutoloaderFactory.php';
also see here:
In my recently aided in the development of a Dataframe package for Torch. As the code base has quickly doubled there is a need to split the class into several sections for better organization and follow-up (issue #8).
A simple test-class would be a test.lua file in the root folder of the test-package:
test = torch.class('test')
function test:__init() = {}
function test:a()
function test:b()
Now the rockspec for this would simply be:
package = "torch-test"
version = "0.1-1"
source = {
url = "..."
description = {
summary = "A test class",
detailed = [[
Just an example
license = "MIT/X11",
maintainer = "Jon Doe"
dependencies = {
"lua ~> 5.1",
"torch >= 7.0",
build = {
type = 'builtin',
modules = {
["test"] = 'test.lua',
In order to get multiple files to work for a single class it is necessary to return the class object initially created and pass it to the subsections. The above example can be put into the file structure:
The luarocks install/make copies the files according to 'require' syntax where each . signifies a directory and the .lua is left out, i.e. we need to change the rockspec to:
package = "torch-test"
version = "0.1-1"
source = {
url = "..."
description = {
summary = "A test class",
detailed = [[
Just an example
license = "MIT/X11",
maintainer = "Jon Doe"
dependencies = {
"lua ~> 5.1",
"torch >= 7.0",
build = {
type = 'builtin',
modules = {
["test.init"] = 'init.lua',
["test.main"] = 'main.lua',
["test.Extensions.a"] = 'a.lua',
["test.Extensions.b"] = 'b.lua'
The above will thus create a test-folder where the packages reside together with the files and subdirectories. The class initialization now resides in the init.lua that returns the class object:
test = torch.class('test')
function test:__init() = {}
return test
The subclass-files now need to pickup the class object that is passed using loadfile() (see init.lua file below). The a.lua should now look like this:
local params = {...}
local test = params[1]
function test:a()
and similar addition for the b.lua:
local params = {...}
local test = params[1]
function test:b()
In order to glue everything together we have the init.lua file. The following is probably a little over-complicated but it takes care of:
Finding all extensions available and loading them (Note: requires lua filesystem that you should add to the rockspec and you still need to add each file into the rockspec or it won't be in the Extensions folder)
Identifies the paths folder
Loads the main.lua
Works in a pure testing environment without the package installed
The code for init.lua:
require 'lfs'
local file_exists = function(name)
if f~=nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end
-- If we're in development mode the default path should be the current
local test_path = "./?.lua"
local search_4_file = "Extensions/load_batch"
if (not file_exists(string.gsub(test_path, "?", search_4_file))) then
-- split all paths according to ;
for path in string.gmatch(package.path, "[^;]+;") do
-- remove trailing ;
path = string.sub(path, 1, string.len(path) - 1)
if (file_exists(string.gsub(path, "?", "test/" .. search_4_file))) then
test_path = string.gsub(path, "?", "test/?")
if (test_path == nil) then
error("Can't find package files in search path: " .. tostring(package.path))
local main_file = string.gsub(test_path,"?", "main")
local test = assert(loadfile(main_file))()
-- Load all extensions, i.e. .lua files in Extensions directory
ext_path = string.gsub(test_path, "[^/]+$", "") .. "Extensions/"
for extension_file,_ in lfs.dir (ext_path) do
if (string.match(extension_file, "[.]lua$")) then
local file = ext_path .. extension_file
return test
I hope this helps if you run into the same problem and find the documentation a little too sparse. If you happen to know a better solution, please share.
I downloaded SwaggerUI in June 2014, it is not easy for me to find out what version it was as I just downloaded the dist folder.
In these months I've been using Swagger for documenting the REST API I am building with Jersey, I found that the UI was not showing the model and model schema in the Data Type column for body parameters that are collections in my case a List, it only shows the word "array".
It seems that this issue is solved in newer versions, however I made several customization to the code and downloading the new version is not an option for me.
I want to know what part of the code I should modify to make this work.
I found the part that needs to be updated in my version of swagger.js is:
SwaggerOperation = (function() {
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref1.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
parameter = _ref1[_i]; = || parameter.type || parameter.dataType;
type = parameter.type || parameter.dataType;
// ++++ Add this:
if(type === 'array') {
type = 'array[' + parameter.items.$ref + ']';
// ++++
if (type.toLowerCase() === 'boolean') {
parameter.allowableValues = {};
parameter.allowableValues.values = ["true", "false"];
After that the parameter view looks like this:
I posted this same finding in the SwaggerUI github project issue tracker:
Basically I would need a script(or function) that would look after a module (using it's name as a parameter),within a database and not projects, and return the module as it is for further operations on it.
I am using DOORS 9.3
Something like this should get you started:
Item i
Folder f = folder("/")
Folder f2
void drill_items(Folder f) {
for i in f do {
if(type(i) "" == "Formal")
\\ Do some logic here to check if its the module you are looking for.
\\ If you find it, break out and return the Module handle.
else if((type(i) "" == "Project") || (type(i) "" == "Folder")) {
f2 = folder(fullName(i) "")
You could write something using a regular expression to compare some input to the module name to find the one you are looking for.
I have a lua file whose content is lua Table as below:
The problem is I want to add prefix XYZ before each above statements. So after the parse the database should have something loke this:
Any ideas? Thanks in advance
You can load the file with XYZ as is environment: loadfile("mydata","t",XYZ). See loadfile in the manual.
This works in Lua 5.2. For Lua 5.1, use loadfile followed by setfenv.
If you can afford polluting your global space with A, simply assign it later:
-- load the file
-- if XYZ doesn't exist, XYZ = { A = A } would be probably shorter
A = nil
I think this is what you want:
XYZ = {}
XYZ.A = {}
XYZ.A.B = {}
XYZ.A.B.C = 0
How about you simply do:
XYZ = {
A = {
B = {
C = 0
If you don't want to nest objects so deep then you may do:
XYZ = {
A = A
A = nil
This assumes that you have already declared the object A before.
Is there a way to have the auto-dividers sort by last name?
I don't think it should have anything to do with the php code, but I thought I would include it for a reference below:
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `patients` WHERE `company_id` = " . $user_data['company_id'] . " ORDER BY `patient_lastname`");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo '<li>' . $row['patient_firstname'] . ' ' . $row['patient_lastname'] . '<span class="ui-li-count">DOB: ' . $row['patient_dob'] . '</span></li>';
Appreciate any help!
You can do the sorting in the front-end by selecting the list items and sorting them afterward. In the example below, instead of selecting the text content of the list items, you can select the last-name value.
var listContentArray = listViewInstance.find('li').not('.ui-li-divider').get();
listContentArray.sort(function (a, b) {
var first = $(a).text(),
second = $(b).text();
if (first < second) {
return -1;
if (first > second) {
return 1;
return 0;
Then you can destroy the content of the listViewInstance, re-append the elements in the listContentArray, and finally refresh the listView component.
You can download a fully functional example that does all of this at:
Couldn't find a way to display Firstname then Lastname and autodivide by Lastname, so I just replaced the code with:
' . $row['patient_lastname'] . ', ' . $row['patient_firstname'] . '
which displays: "Lastname, Firstname" and autodivides by Lastname. It'll have to work for now.