Crashlytics with iOS 9 Unable to Download App - ios

I am getting the following error:
Unable to Download: APP_NAME could not be installed at this time [Done/Retry options]
I am on iOS 9 Beta v5. Will I not be able to install any versions of my app from Crashlytics because I am using iOS 9?

We started to have this problem after renewing our apple developer membership. I fixed by deleting the iOS Provisioning Profiles through the apple website and generated new ones. I've also resetted my XCode cached data:
rm -rf "$(getconf DARWIN_USER_CACHE_DIR)/org.llvm.clang/ModuleCache"
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/
defaults delete
I've also removed all cached provisioning profiles at /Users/<user>/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
Then I opened XCode > View details > Download all to download the new profiles and distributed a new build. It worked from then onwards.

Found this answer on Crashlytics' forum:
Basically you need to delete existing app from App Store before trying to install the beta build

In IOS9, display image URL is required in manifest.plist. It give this error because image is missing from URL.
I added a image and it is working for me, but I have my personal server. Maybe, hockeysdk, crashlytics should update their server.

We distribute our app builds with Crashlytics Beta and hit the same problem today. Disabling the 'ios 8 download fix' checkbox fixed our problem.
In the device error log I saw
"Failed to install application"... "Error Domain=SSErrorDomain Code=143"
when I tried to install our build from the Crashlytics app. states that the ios 8 download fix is
using a different bundle identifier in the download manifest to trick
the OS into downloading the payload

The follow answers said that "display image URL is required in manifest.plist.",but right now my app is working without this under iOS 9.I have mistaken the bundle identifier.iOS 9 will check the value.
iOS 9 became more strict with the manifest information:the tag,the
value,or something else.

I also had that problem. I deleted and created again " provisioning profile" , but that problem was not resolved.
I tried test option insert app store, but it failed and showed following problem "Found an unexpected Mach-O header code: 0x7263c21" .
Following this link "Found an unexpected Mach-O header code: 1918975009 in xCode 6 " I received the answer to my question. I have double framework, I deleted it and the issue was resolved.


Xcode 9 - Alamofire Pods. Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1

/Users/Alex/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-ehabmnclpzlywhabrefntacibonm/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Fuego/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications// unknown error -1=ffffffffffffffff
Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1
I got this issue when I Archive my project. When I run app on simulator it works ok without such issue above.
Also it works ok with Xcode 8, but now when I try to Archive it on Xcode 9 I have this issue. But maybe this is not the case as I reinstall Mac OS from scratch, so it maybe cocopods version issue I am not sure.
Also two // here in the example above is also strange for me /Applications//
I believe it's a Xcode's bug. Restart your Mac and try to build again. Xcode would ask permission to access your Keychain before build Alamofire, then just allow it.
Hm it's very strange after some search on the Web I found that this is actually signing issue.
I used Xcode to generate new distribution certificate and maybe this leads some problems for me.
What I did to solve my issue.
I removed all certificates on my Mac and in my apple account.
I removed all prov profiles as well on my Mac and in my apple account.
I requested certificate and save it on the disc manually (not via Xcode )
I recreated certificate and profile. Downloaded it manually and double click on it.
After that I faced with keychain issue when I can not enter password to allow signing my certificate. I use this link to move certificate form login to system section.
Finally I get it work.

dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libswiftCore.dylib on Xcode 9 only

I recently upgraded to Xcode 9 from 8.3.3.
Our project is written in Objective-C as are all the other frameworks we use. I have added a framework which is written in Swift (version 3.0). In Xcode 8, I am able to build and run the project without problem in simulator and on device. In Xcode 9 I am unable to run the project on simulator or device due to the error:
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libswiftCore.dylib
Referenced from: .../libraryname
Reason: image not found
After downgrading, I was able to run the project again.
My configuration has:
After battling for several hours with this error and trying various solutions, my solution turned out to be different than others here so I'm adding it for others who may benefit.
I tried:
- LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = $(inherited) #executable_path/Frameworks
No luck. Turned out the issue was more basic. My project has multiple build targets and somehow the setting for Host Application had gotten unset.
The Swift framework has to be built with the same version of Swift as your project (in this case Swift 4 inherantly since you upgraded and are running through Xcode 9).
Rebuild and re-add/replace the framework with the new version and it should work.
Are you using Carthage and have multiple XCode_s on your machine? I had an issue recently when I ran
carthage update --use-ssh --platform iOS while xcode8.3.3 was selected in the command line. Then included built frameworks into the build.
For it to work in XCode9 you will need to run switch command
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/ for your and run carthage again.
Hope it helps.
Had the same problem. I'm using Xcode 9.2, Swift 4 and my device runs in iOS 11.1.
I deleted Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority in Keychain Access and replace it with a new one (you can download certificate here)
After that, I have changed "Trust"(double-click the certificate) from "Always Trust" to "System Default".
Try restarting Xcode. I tried everything else and this is what stopped the problem.
It mainly occurs if your certificate trust settings is set to "Always Trust". Change it to "System Defaults" and recreate the build. This should solve the issue:
I faced the same problem (on Xcode 9.4.1) but couldn't solve it with any of the help. I faced a problem where Xcode kept on prompting me to use my keychain but couldn't complete the request—although I gave my password. The app built successfully and installed. However, it crashed upon running on the device immediately.
Here's what solved my issue.
Deleted my Certificate & public/private key pair
Created a new Certificate (via a CSR) and installed it on my computer
Linked the new certificate to the provisioning profile and installed the profile on Xcode
Cleaned the build and deleted the existing build on the device
Hope this helps someone who is searching through the planet!
Just clean and built solve this problem. Tested in Xcode 9.2 and Swift 4

Cannot run on device after installing 'cordova-plugin-mfp-push'

I am having an issue running my app on the device after installing the "cordova-plugin-mfp-push".
In Xcode , I see the error..
Unable to install "my app"
the certificate used to sign "myapp" has either expired or has been revoked. An updated certificate is required to sign and install the application.
When I remove the plugin the error goes away and I can deploy to my phone.
Can you give some hints on how to debug this issue. My certs is valid and push is enable for the certs.
I am using MobileFirst version 8 , xCode 7.3 with the mfp template
Thanks for your help
To help propagate the changes that are added by the push framework removing the ios environment and adding it back in has resolved a similar issue in my environment:
$ cordova remove ios
$ cordova add ios#latest
Once you have re added the ios platform run cordova prepare and cordova build ios
Once the above steps are completed you can open the project in Xcode. Here Xcode will find two warnings that can be automatically handled by Xcode that are worth updating. Review what will be updated and correct the warnings. See image below:
At this point you should be able to run the project successfully.
dUsing APNS requires the Push Notification capability and therefore a new certificate. You can renew the certificate within the Apple Developer Portal (Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles).
Alternatively you could use Xcode 8 which simplifies certificate handling a lot when using automatic code signing.
I was facing the same issue. After adding mfp-push plugin I was unable to install the app on iPhone with error saying "The application does not have valid signature".
I could resolve this by removing cordoba-plugin-mfp-push & also cordova-plugin-mfp, then adding only cordova-plugin-mfp-push, which in turn adds cordova-plugin-mfp.

Can't submit ios app for review after installing osx security update

I installed the latest osx security update ( and tried to archive an update for my ios app. The archive was successful. However, after uploading the build to itunes connect with the Application loader, I received the following email :
When trying to submit my app for review I got this other error message :
I am clearly not running any beta build of macos or xcode. Here is my setup : OSX El Capitan 10.11.6, Xcode 7.3 (7D175)
Any one having the same issue? How did you get around this?
Since there have been many errors at iTunes Connect which Apple still can't solve on macOS Sierra (10.12) when uploading archives(build) of our applications,
You must use Xcode 8 no matter what on macOS Sierra
These are common errors that is happening when we upload our archive from Xcode 7.3.1 on macOS Sierra (10.12)
ERROR ITMS - 90163 (No.App bundle found)
Now your problem
Changing the build version or Xcode version from info.plist doesn't seen to worked. Believe me, I have tried many alternative hacking ways. Finally I gave up. Instead install Xcode 8 and Xcode 7.3.1 parallel on my mac because I am not ready for migration.
Archive your build from Xcode 7.3.1 and export it's ipa from App Store Release. Then, use Application Loader of Xcode 8 to upload your build to App Store.
Hope this help.
From this thread, try this:
I was able to submit without warnings or errors by digging into the
.xcarchive and modifying the info.plist of the app.
Change the key
to the value for the original 10.11.6
Then export the IPA or submit to the app store as usual.
I didn't test so it could not fix your problem.
From this same thread, this seems to be a recurrent issue when Security Updates are released.
If #marco-santarossa's method does not work, you can wait for Apple to update iTunes Connect so that they accept the new OS build version, or contact support hoping they can speed this up.
I did and after a few hours the same build I had uploaded was submitted for review.

"Unable to download application. <Appname> could not be installed at this time"

I'm almost dead now. I've been trying for about 2-3 weeks to fix that problem, but still no result. Hope anyone is able to help me:
I'm writing iOS Apps with Titanium Studio. Until Mac OS X 10.6.8 with Xcode 4.2 everything worked just fine. I was perfectly able to build apps in Xcode und deploy them In-House in our Enterprise. Now I've upgraded to OS X 10.8.2 with Xcode 4.5 and there we go...
Apps can still be built and are runnable on the iOS Simulator, but if I try now to get the app on some devices, I get a message "Unable to download application. -Appname- could not be installed at this time". This happens either through OTA distribution and through iTunes with an USB Cable.
I've searched almost the entire internet, but all I've found didn't work at all.
But if I actually try to deploy the application through Xcode it works though.
Does it have something to do with those Profiles and certificates? I've already tried to revoke them and so on, but nothing helped. I also installed OS X completely new, so that I have a clean keychain. Same result.
Would really really appreciate any kind of help. Thanks!
Finally i found a solution, when i tried to sign the App manually, the console threw an Error message that helped me to fix it again.
The Problem started when i upgraded to Mountain Lion and had to update xCode to 4.5.2
Maybe it helps others who still couldn't find a solution after several days of searching the internet
Unzip the Ipa
unzip Application.ipa
delete _CodeSignature
rm -r "Payload/" "Payload/" 2> /dev/null | true
if there isn't the right provisioning profile, replace it
cp "ProvisioningProfile.mobileprovision" "Payload/"
The problem for me was this error when i tried to resign the app manually:
"object file format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitable"
fix it :
export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE="/Applications/"
resign the app
/usr/bin/codesign -f -s "iPhone Distribution: Company Name" --resource-rules "Payload/" "Payload/"
Zip it
zip -qr "Application.resigned.ipa" Payload
Thanks to
This Question on how to sign an app manually,
the console which got me the error
This Post which helped me to fix the error
Apple which makes our lives too hard
It seems the location for codesigning has changed. The new path would be
export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE="/Applications/"
As taken from this answer
I had the same “Unable to download application. 'Appname' could not be installed at this time” message, and spent several weeks checking and renewing the certificates, rebuilding, re-doing the OTA distribution, etcetera. It turned out that I simply hadn't added the .mobileprovision files to the project. Just in case this helps anyone…
