Google Indexing and Url - url

On my website, brand URLs like this
.../shopbybrands.aspx?auth=430&brand=AQUATALIA by MARVIN K
have no Hyphen or Underscore: "AQUATALIA by MARVIN K". But when we open the URL in a browser it looks like:
Automatically, %20 appears in the URLs. The issue is that if I search the first URL in Google, I will not get any results; but if I search the second URLI do.
Also, in XML sitemap, URLs are included (e.g. the first URL) and I'm seeing in Google webmaster tool that only 35 URLs indexed out of 105. While I'm searching Google with %20 URLS, I'm getting index or results for the same but when I search the normal URL, like first, I don't.
So, please suggest what I need to do to fix this?


How To add slash between seo friendly url in opencart

When i add seo friendly url on opencart like 'abcd-test' or 'abcd-test.htm' it worked.
but when i added 'abcd-test/22123.htm', IT redirected to '' but it displayed
The page you requested cannot be found!
I already have a website in another framework other than opencart which is doing well on google ranking. but i need to move this website on opencart and i need to make same url for most of the pages. during that process my existing website have url like "
so will any one facing same problem and any one have the solution for this situation.
You are not able to due to the way that OpenCart's router works. It takes the URL and delimits it on the forward slash. It then matches the key that is between the slashes to a variable value and ultimately routes based on that variable value.
For example: would be equivalent to something like
Note: This example is not based on an OpenCart page it is merely explaining how OpenCart's router translates to raw PHP.
By including forward slashes in your SEO URL aliases OpenCart thinks that it needs to match keys that just don't exist and because it can't route to a valid page it simply redirects you to a default 404 page.
I found the answer:
In opencart To dayplay
Here we need to have category or manufacturer with seo keyword test-abc and
12234.htm in product seo url.
so if I am in,
it is category page and if I am in, it means It is product page which beloigs to test-abc category.
it work me

Are URLs with & instead of & treated the same by search engines?

I'm validating one of my web pages and its throwing up errors as below :
& did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
This is because on my page I am linking to internal webpages which has &'s in the URL as below:
My question is that if I change the URLs in the a hrefs to include & as below:
Will Google and other search engines treat the 2 URLs above as separate pages or will they treat them both as the one below:
I dont want to loose my search engine rankings.
There is no reason to assume that search engines would knowingly ignore how HTML works.
Take, for example, this hyperlink:
The URL is not!
It’s just the way how the URL is stored in attributes in an HTML document.
So when a conforming consumer comes across this hyperlink, it never visits

Add # hashtag before parameters in URL

I'm creating a dynamic website which is displaying many products. There are also filters like price (from - to), year (from-to) etc. I need to put # symbol before the filter parameters in URL because of Googlebot indexing. But I have no idea how to do it and found no documentation on the internet.
I think it could be done with AJAX script but I don't know where to start.
The question is:
How do I insert a # hash symbol before parameters in URL?
I've got this:
and I need to make it look like
Why do you want to replace the "?" with "#". For well optimised url to seo, you can leave them unchanged. You can also use Google Webmaster Tool to declare your url parameters. Here is another resource for you to optimize your url :Faceted navigation

How do I reverse a URL to the originating Tweet?

I'm going through our site analytics, and have a load of URLs which were referrers to a promotion we were doing. I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to reverse those back to the original tweet where they originated, through the Twitter API or other means. I can't seem to find a good means to do this though, is there one?
This is not possible with the public APIs that twitter provides.
If I understand correctly you want to find a tweet that originally had a particular link embedded. i.e. The when followed resolves to your site, not the twitter tweet.
When a forward points to a tweet, it goes to the web page for that tweet and the HTML for the page will include the canonical URL.
The ugly way to get this information is to use wget or curl to grab the HTML destination which will include the URL for your initial tweet.
A better way to do it is with the Python module, Requests (you will need to install this module first). Here's a quick command line script that will do it:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import requests
shorturl = raw_input("Enter the shortened URL in its entirety: ")
r = requests.get(shorturl)
The shortened URL forwards to:
""" % r.url)
That code will work on any of those URL shortening services, not just Twitter's site.
I did my testing with Python 2.7, but chances are that the above code will work with Python 3.x. Either way, Requests is your friend, see the documentation for details:
The redirection and history section covers this example.
I don't know of a way to do it through the Twitter API and it may not be possible if all URL shortening is automatic. Still an API based solution would only work with the addresses, whereas the code above will work on any other shortened URL or any URL which redirects (e.g. HTTP 301 or 302 response codes) to another location.
Edit (better a bit later than never): After using the above to find where the forward actually points to, there will be three or four types of possible results. The most common being that it is what the OP believes they all are, a shortening to a URL pasted into a tweet and, to be fair, that is what most of them are.
The other possibilities are that it links back to the tweet itself, this usually only appears with some rather long tweets (not sure how much that increases in frequency with the character limit increase too); as well as forwarding to the URL of a status independent of a the tweet author's status URL, which is often the case with embedded media (images and video); plus forwards to the URL of a tweet which is being quote tweeted or retweeted.
Given the OP's original scenario, none of those internal Twitter usages should ever be seen and only the "normal" forwarding is of concern here. Now searching for the address at avails us nothing, regardless what combinations are used.
Searching the target address, however, that which is revealed by scripts like the one at the start of this answer, however, is quite another matter. That will produce the the results of every tweet which is publicly accessible and which posted that link. There are, however, some drawbacks including:
The search results will include tweets where other forwarding services were used as well.
There is no way to tell whether all the tweets which linked to that URL generated the same address or not.
If not, there is no way to see which forward was utilised by which tweet.
Nevertheless, in conjunction with complete referrer logs on a web server, it may be possible to narrow that further. Assuming the referrer URL reports the URL of the tweet and not simply That, however, is more likely to be determined by the manner in which the person clicking on the link did so (i.e. were they just seeing the tweet in a stream or had they expanded it enough to display its full URL).
I suspect the effectiveness of referrer logs will be sporadic and likely reduced on smartphones and tablets where the apps in use are less likely to have expanded tweets in that way in order to then provide that data to third party websites.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
import urllib.parse
shorturl = input("Enter the shortened URL in its entirety: ")
r0 = requests.get(shorturl, verify=True)
t0 = ""
t1 = urllib.parse.quote_plus(r0.url)
r1 = requests.get("{0}{1}".format(t0, t1), verify=True)
# the results will be in r1.content
# there may be some benefit from cutting the http:// or
# https:// from r0.url before creating the quoted string in t1.
That, however, is as good as it gets ... without paying Twitter for enhanced data access.
Find out which is the original URL the shortened URL is pointing to e.g. by using a service like
Paste that original URL into Google's search box
If you are specifically looking for references from Twitter do like this: ""
If you use the Twitter search APIs, you can find tweets that mention the URL (if they're visible to you) and find the link that way.
Here’s some Python for doing that, taken from a longer blog post I wrote:
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session
sess = OAuth1Session(
def find_tweets_using_tco(tco_url):
Given a shortened URL, return a set of URLs for tweets that use this URL.
# See
resp = sess.get(
"q": tco_url,
"count": 100,
"include_entities": True
statuses = resp.json()["statuses"]
tweet_urls = set()
for status in statuses:
# A retweet shows up as a new status in the Twitter API, but we're only
# interested in the original tweet. If this is a retweet, look through
# to the original.
tweet = status["retweeted_status"]
except KeyError:
tweet = status
# If this tweet shows up in the search results for a reason other than
# "it has this URL as a short link", it's not interesting.
if not any(u["url"] == tco_url for u in tweet["entities"]["urls"]):
url = "" % (
tweet["user"]["screen_name"], tweet["id_str"]
return tweet_urls
Twitter's URL shortener simply redirects to another URL in the HTTP response. To find that other URL, you only need to fetch the URL and look at the location header in the response. curl can do this:
curl -v < URL>
To extract only the URL from all that information, you can use:
curl -w "%{redirect_url}" < URL>
The -w option tells curl to output only the redirect_url variable.
List of tweets that referred to your pages is available under Social networks and then Trackbacks menu directly in Google Analytics.
This is how you find the original tweet:
Click the link to find the original URL
Go to (#)
Copy and paste the link into the on "search twitter" search box
You will see the tweet(s) with the link

How does a website know the Google query I used to find it?

When I search for something such as "rearrange table columns in" on Google, and click the link to Wrox's forum site, the site greets me with a message such as "Your Google search for 'rearrange table columns in' brought you to Wrox Forum...".
How does a site know what query I typed into Google? And how could I add such an ablity to my site?
It is parsing your query from the query parameters in the HTTP_REFERER server variable, which contains the URL you're coming from and is provided in your HTTP request.
It uses a header known as the "HTTP referrer". See
To use it in your site, you would need some kind of dynamic page generation, such as ASP / ASP.NET, PHP, or Perl. For example in Perl, you could do something like:
if ($ENV{HTTP_REFERER} =~ /\?.+&q=(.+?)&/)
print "Your google search of $1 brought you to this site";
WARNING: The code above is only an example and may not be correct or secure!
Like these guys are suggesting, it's the HTTP_REFERER header variable. The query is in the "q" key in the URL. So if you want to parse that, you can just sort out the querystring and URL decode the "q" variable.
It looks at the referrer header. Here is some fairly basic PHP code to do it.
