How to access the value of $hash["greetings"] from a scriptblock. In the following code, the scriptblock fails at execution time when accessing the hashtable and the "bye" message never gets displayed.
$hash = #{}
$timeoutCallback = #"
write-host "hello"
write-host `$hash["greetings"]
write-host "bye"
$hash["greetings"] = "Hi"
$timeoutCallback = [scriptblock]::Create($timeoutCallback)
$timeout = New-Object System.Timers.Timer
$timeout.Interval = 1000
$timeout.Enabled = $true
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $timeout -EventName Elapsed -Action $timeoutCallback
I'm trying to clear the Fields with values defined in Hash Tables by parsing it to the ipmiutil.exe utility. The script output shows it clear the fields but actually it is not when I manually check it. To clear the Fields values, each of those fields used different parameters as below. Can someone check my wipe code and help with the fix.
This is what I tried and expected the Field Values to clear when found but it is not clearing
Chassis Serial Number = .\ipmiutul.exe fru -G " "
Product Serial Number = .\ipmiutil.exe fru -s " "
Product Asset Tag = .\ipmiutil.exe fru -a " "
Powershell Code:
$fields_to_wipe = [ordered]#{
"Chassis Serial Num" = "fru -G";
"Product Serial Num" = "fru -s";
"Product Asset Tag" = "fru -a"
$input = $fru | Select-String -Pattern $fields_to_check | Tee-Object -FilePath "X:\output\fru_result.txt"
Write-Host "Checking FRU Fields for WIPE"
foreach($field in $input)
$field = "$field".Substring(0,"$field".IndexOf(":")).Trim()
if($value -eq "")
Write-Host $field "is BLANK. WIPE Not Needed."
Write-Host "`n"
if($fields_to_wipe.keys -contains $field)
Write-Host "$field Need WIPING"
Write-Host "WIPING $field"
Set-Location "Z:\Tools\Ipmi"
$cmd = .\ipmiutil.exe + {$fields_to_wipe}[$field] + " " + ('" "')
Write-Host $field_to_check ":" $value
I'm new to Powershell and am having trouble joining together two scripts I have.
What I want to do is check the length of all the csv files within a particular folder and if any of them are 0 Kb, I want to send off an alert email. So far I have a script which sends an email successfully and I have a script which checks the size successfully, but I am having trouble joining the two together.
Ideally it would send the name of the files which are empty in the body of the email.
The code below checks the file size and if it is greater than 1Kb it returns true.
$file = 'FilePath\File1.csv'
$Result = if (Test-Path $file) { (Get-Item $file).length -gt 1kb }
if ($Result -eq "True") {"File1.csv Contains Data"} ELSE {"File1.csv is Empty!"}
$file = 'FilePath\File2.csv'
$Result = if (Test-Path $file) { (Get-Item $file).length -gt 1kb }
if ($Result -eq "True") {"File2.csv Contains Data"} ELSE {"File2.csv is Empty!"}
$file = 'FilePath\File3.csv'
$Result = if (Test-Path $file) { (Get-Item $file).length -gt 1kb }
if ($Result -eq "True") {"File3.csv Contains Data"} ELSE {"File3.csv is Empty!"}
$file = 'FilePath\File4.csv'
$Result = if (Test-Path $file) { (Get-Item $file).length -gt 1kb }
if ($Result -eq "True") {"File4.csv Contains Data"} ELSE {"File4.csv is Empty!"}
$file = 'FilePath\FileName5.csv'
$Result = if (Test-Path $file) { (Get-Item $file).length -gt 1kb }
if ($Result -eq "True") {"File5.csv Contains Data"} ELSE {"File5.csv is Empty!"}
$file = 'FilePath\FileName6.csv'
$Result = if (Test-Path $file) { (Get-Item $file).length -gt 1kb }
if ($Result -eq "True") {"File6.csv Contains Data"} ELSE {"File6.csv is Empty!"}
Below is the email portion
$subject = "Emailtest"
$body = "test"
$emailTo = ""
$emailFrom =""
$smtpServer = “”
$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
$smtp.Send($emailFrom, $emailTo, $subject, $body)
Thank you for any help.
That's an awful lot of (manual) work just to check for empty files. What happens when you add a seventh - do you have to edit the script?
$EmptyFiles = (Get-childItem -Path $FilePath -Filter *.csv | `
where-object {$_.length -eq 0}|select-object -expandproperty Name)
$MsgBody = "The following files are empty:";
$EmptyFiles | foreach{$MsgBody+="`n$_";};
$MsgBody; # Just to output to console
$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString "password" -AsPlainText -Force
$credentials= New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("username", $secpasswd)
$subject = "Emailtest"
$body = "test"
$emailTo = ""
$emailFrom =""
$smtpServer = “”
send-mailmessage -smtpserver $smtpServer -subject $subject -to $emailto -Credential $credentials -body $MsgBody
I've been able to parse a PDF by page multiple ways, the latest being this (not my code):
$reader = New-Object iTextSharp.text.pdf.pdfreader -ArgumentList "oldy.pdf"
for ($page = 1; $page -le $reader.NumberOfPages; $page++)
$strategy = new-object 'iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser.SimpleTextExtractionStrategy'
$currentText = [iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser.PdfTextExtractor]::GetTextFromPage($reader, $page, $strategy);
[string[]]$Text += [system.text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Text.ASCIIEncoding]::Convert( [system.text.encoding]::default, [system.text.encoding]::UTF8, [system.text.Encoding]::Default.GetBytes($currentText)));
I found a post here that suggested using LocationTextExtractionStrategy instead and splitting each line out by '\n'
However, I will admit that the .NET code here is confusing me and i'm not sure how to modify it to parse by string.
Can anyone help?
Only a first experiment, but it works as expected:
# Download
Add-Type -Path itextsharp.dll
$reader = New-Object iTextSharp.text.pdf.pdfreader -ArgumentList MyFile.pdf
for ($page = 1; $page -le $reader.NumberOfPages; $page++)
# extract a page and split it into lines
$text = [iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser.PdfTextExtractor]::GetTextFromPage($reader,$page).Split([char]0x000A)
Write-Host "Page $($page) contains $($text.Length) lines. This is line 5:"
Write-Host $text[4]
#foreach ($line in $text)
# any tasks
Is it possible in PowerShell to add a parameter on a cmdlet call ONLY if there is a variable to pass?
Send-MailMessage -To $recipients (if($copy -ne "") -cc $copy) ....
Not the way you've written above but you can splat the parameters, building the hash with conditions, so you only have one call to send-mailmessage. An example from a script I wrote a few months ago:
#Set up default/standard/common parameters
$MailParams = #{
"Subject"="This is my subject";
"BodyAsHtml" = $true;
"From" = $MailFrom;
"To" = $MailTo;
"SmtpServer" = $SMTPServer;
#On the last day of the month, attach a logfile.
if ((Get-Date).AddDays(1).Day -eq 1) {
$attachment = $LogFilePath;
$ReportContent = "Full log for the the preceding month is attached.<br><br>" + $ReportContent;
send-mailmessage #MailParms
So in your case, it would be:
$MailParams = #{
"Subject"="This is my subject";
"From" = $MailFrom;
"To" = $recipients;
"SmtpServer" = $SMTPServer;
if (($copy -ne [string]::empty) -and ($copy -ne $null)) {
send-mailmessage #MailParms
I have a PowerShell script that sets flags based on various conditions of the file. I'll abbreviate for brevity.
$path = "c:\path"
$srcfiles = Get-ChildItem $path -filter *.htm*
ForEach ($doc in $srcfiles) {
$s = $doc.Fullname
Write-Host "Processing :" $doc.FullName
if (stuff) {flag 1 = 1} else {flag 1 = 0}
if (stuff) {flag 1 = 1} else {flag 1 = 0}
if (stuff) {flag 1 = 1} else {flag 1 = 0}
$t = "$s;$flag1;$flag2;$flag2"
Write-Host "Output: " $t
This all works great. My file processes, the flags are set properly, and a neat semicolon delimited line is generated as $t. However, if I slap these two lines at the end of the function,
$stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] "flags.txt"
$stream.WriteLine $t
I get this error.
Unexpected token 't' in expression or statement.
At C:\CGC003a.ps1:53 char:25
+ $stream.WriteLine $t <<<<
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (t:String) [], ParseException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnexpectedToken
If I'm reading this write, it appears that write-host flushed my variable $t before it got to the WriteLine. Before I try out-file, though, I want to understand what's happening to $t after Write-Host that prevents Write Line from seeing it as valid. Or is there something else I'm missing?
writeline is a method of streamwriter .net object. To pass in value you need to enclose it in ( )
-if you need to append to a streamwriter you need to create it like this:
$a = new-object 'System.IO.StreamWriter' -ArgumentList "c:\path\to\flags.txt",$true
Where the boolean arguments can be true to append data to the file orfalse to overwrite the file.
I suggest to pass full path for:
$stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] "c:\path\to\flags.txt"
otherwise you create the file in .net current folder ( probably c:\windows\system32 if run as administrator your current powershell console, to know it type [System.IO.Directory]::GetCurrentDirectory())
you could try
$t > c:\path\to\flags.txt