Youtube API - Video is not available - youtube

Is there any way to detect if a video was removed or unavailable?
We need to have ability to remove it from the video listing if it has been removed from youtube server.

Hung BUI if you are using youtube API there is a way to filter the video which has been removed or not availble in your locality.
Kindly watch this video and seek it to 2m:03s, The tutor will say how to filter the unavailable and restricted video,..
Youtube Video on YOUTUBE search API
Use a parameter format and restriction along with the youtube api endpoint
If you hit this endpoint of youtube you can get a set of youtube videos which can be embedded as well as we can check whether the video is restricted in our locality.


How to identify if a video is a Premiere? ...via the YouTube API

On YouTube we have uploads of recorded videos, live streams, and now also Premieres.
Using the Videos: list endpoint of the YouTube Data API we can distinguish recorded videos from live streams by calling the endpoint with the liveStreamingDetails part. If details are given then it is a live stream. If not then it is a regular upload of a recorded video.
This approach doesn’t help me with identifying Premieres. They appear as if they were live streams. At least with the endpoint above I see no difference between live streams and Premieres.
Is there any way to check if a video is in fact a Premiere? I have the video id and want to achieve this by calling any of YouTube’s APIs.
Edit: The way I implemented this, I look for snippet.liveBroadcastContent, which is either 'upcoming', 'live' or 'none'.
This way you can identify if a video is currently a premiere, or the premiere has ended and it's a regular video.

Insert a video at beginning of a current youtube

I am trying to see if the YouTube API supports inserting a video into a current YouTube video. This can manually be accomplished via the YouTube editor. However, I am looking to do this for all videos within a channel via an API call. Is this possible?
Thank you so much.

How to use YouTube Data API v3 to retrieve video url links?

My product is a media player box without a browser supports. Our YouTube application on the box used to use v2 to retrieve videos's url links with mp4 formats to make a playback:
Recently, all video links using this method direct me to a warning video, saying that I need to migrate to v3.
I study the v3 but cannot find a way to retrieve the video links.
How can I supposed to play YouTube videos without a browser on my box?
Are there any official ways?

Google Play Web Video Player API

Is there an API for the Google Play online video playback of content? Would the YouTube API work?
I am wanting to embed Google Play content into a website I am building.
Thank you,
Joseph Irvine
Google Play movie purchases and rentals do also show up as YouTube videos (with a unique YouTube video ID), and so it is possible; obviously, you'd need to use oAuth2 authentication so when a user logs in, YouTube can verify that the user has the permission to see that film/TV show.
The real trick, however, is getting the right YouTube ID. They show up through search results via the search endpoint (so, for example,{YOUR_API_KEY} would be such a search), but that endpoint only gives you access to the "snippet" content type, which doesn't include the parameter "licensedContent" to let you know if it's a for-pay video (that parameter is found in the "contentDetails" type, which is only available from a video list call).

YouTube API v3: Disliking a video in android

As per current documentation liking a video can be done by adding video into likes playlist.
Is there any way to dislike a video with Youtube data api v3.0.
There's no way to dislike (equivalent to the "thumbs down" UI option on the watch page) using the YouTube Data API v3 at this time.
