Mount a host file as a data volume in docker - docker

I am following this docker user guide: Managing Data in Containers
It seem to be a error at "Mount a Host File as a Data Volume" part,
$ sudo docker run --rm -it -v ~/.bash_history:/.bash_history ubuntu /bin/bash
I test it in my mac version docker, it should be like this:
$ sudo docker run --rm -it -v ~/.bash_history:/root/.bash_history ubuntu /bin/bash
I am not sure if am I correct about this.

You can't use -v option with relative path. You need to use absolute path instead:
sudo docker run --rm -it -v /home/<your_user>/.bash_history:/.bash_history ubuntu /bin/bash


Docker Volume invalid reference format

I want to use docker volume so that I can mount two different folders in a container.
I am using multiple docker volume statements in a single command but it is not woking. I am getting "invalid reference format"
I am trying this command-
sudo docker run -d -p 10010:8080 -v /Desktop/Jbilling/digilab4u-billing/jbillings/bin/hsql:/opt/jbilling-community-4.1.1/bin/hsql -v /Desktop/Jbilling/digilab4u-billing/jbilling:opt/jbilling-community-4.1.1/jbilling jbilling-community-4.1.1
Could anyone help me out with this
You are not using image_name
sudo docker run -d -p 10010:8080 -v /Desktop/Jbilling/digilab4u-billing/jbillings/bin/hsql:/opt/jbilling-community-4.1.1/bin/hsql -v /Desktop/Jbilling/digilab4u-billing/jbilling:opt/jbilling-community-4.1.1/jbilling jbilling-community-4.1.1 IMAGE_NAME

Docker cant find file location in windows 10

I am trying to run a software for predicting hemorrhage volume on brain CT in docker:
I created a "deepbleed" folder in my D:\ drive on windows, and ran docker pull msharrock/deepbleed command after I cd'd inside that directory. The pull was successful and I can see the container in my docker desktop app.
Then I went on and created an indir and outdir folder as instructed in documentation; placed my CT file for prediction in the indir folder.
The readme tells me to run this command next:
docker run -it msharrock/deepbleed bash -v /path/to/data:/data/
So I have run the following commands, but I get "no such file or directory" for all of them:
docker run --rm -it msharrock/deepbleed bash -v pwd/deepbleed/indir:outdir
docker run --rm -it msharrock/deepbleed bash -v ~/deepbleed/indir:/outdir/
docker run --rm -it msharrock/deepbleed bash -v /mnt/d/deepbleed/indir:/outdir/
docker run --rm -it msharrock/deepbleed bash -v /d/deepbleed/indir:/outdir
docker run --rm -it msharrock/deepbleed bash -v "$(& "D:\deepbleed\indir" "$(pwd)")":/outdir
docker run --rm -it msharrock/deepbleed bash -v /indir/:/outdir/
docker run --rm -it msharrock/deepbleed bash -v //d:/deepbleed/indir://d:/deepbleed/outdir/
docker run --rm -it msharrock/deepbleed bash -v //d/deepbleed/indir://d/deepbleed/outdir/
docker run --rm -it msharrock/deepbleed bash -v //d/deepbleed/indir:/outdir/
My docker is running on a wsl2 based engine in windows 10, the hyper-v folders for disks and virtual machines are located on my d: drive.
What do I need to do to get this running?
Try doing it like this (just using one of your items in the list for this example to give you the idea):
docker run -rm -it -v /mnt/d/deepbleed/indir:/outdir msharrock/deepbleed bash

How do I transfer a volume's data to another volume on my local host in docker?

I did
docker run -v /jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home jenkins/jenkins:alpine
on Windows (with docker installed as a linux container).
However, after configuring jenkins on that container, I now wanted to transfer the data in that /jenkins_home volume into a C:\jenkins_home folder on my local windows host machine\another machine.
Any way I can get the data from the /jenkins_home to c:/jenkins_home?
I know I should have made it
docker run -v c:/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home jenkins/jenkins:alpine
at the start but mistakes were made and I was wondering how do I fix that as the above suggestion?
Tried running
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 --volumes-from jenkins_old -v c:/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home --name jenkins_new jenkins/jenkins:alpine
but it doesn't transfer the data over using the new c:\jenkins_home folder
docker run -v /jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home jenkins/jenkins:alpine
Can't get the data to transfer over from the /jenkins_home folder to c:\jenkins_home folder.
I don't know where the /jenkins_home would map to on windows, but you could try this:
docker run -it --rm -v /jenkins_home:/from -v c:\jenkins_home:/to alpine cp -r /from /to

docker : can't mount some directory from host

I have the latest centos image for docker and the host machine is ubuntu.
i'm having some script at my host machine, with the path:
i'm trying to execute this script, inside my centos docker.
while i'm mounting the directory of the script, i can't see anything and it appears that i'm mounting the root directory.
i'm using this command (from ~)
docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/untitled1 centos
someone know how to fix it?
either use the pwd command (without caps) if you're in the directory:
docker run --rm -it -v ${pwd}:/untitled1 centos
or use $HOME environment variable if you're running with that user:
docker run --rm -it -v ${HOME}:/untitled1 centos
I would suggest
docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/untitled1 centos
At least that works for me.
evaluates the environment variable X. PWD is typically set by your shell:
$ export
declare -x PWD="/home/user"
pwd on the other hand is a program producing the current working directory to STDOUT:
$ whereis pwd
pwd: /bin/pwd /usr/include/pwd.h /usr/share/man/man1/pwd.1.gz
$ pwd
With the previous docker command the program is executed and its STDOUT is inserted producing:
docker run --rm -it -v /home/user:/untitled1 centos

Virtualbox inside Docker

I'm trying to get VirtualBox to run inside of Docker. I'm using this:
When I run the command:
sudo docker run -d \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
--privileged \
--name virtualbox \
It adds virtualbox inside a container. When I run sudo docker start container_id, it echoes back the container_id but doesn't add it to the running containers. I check with sudo docker ps and it is not there; however, it is there with sudo docker ps -a.
What am I doing wrong? I get no errors either.
EDIT: I'm running Docker in Ubuntu 15.04 (Not inside VirtualBox)
You have to let docker to connect to your local X server. There are different ways to do this. One straight way is running xhost +local:docker before running your container (i.e.: before docker run).
