Combining multiple spreadsheets in one using IMPORTRANGE - google-sheets

I would like to aggregate the data of multiple spreadsheets into one spreadsheet.
Spreadsheet 1 has a Row of Strings A2:A500
Spreadsheet 2 has a Row of Strings A2:A500
Spreadsheet 3 is supposed to have a Row of both (Spreadsheet1!A2:A500 AND Spreadsheet2!A2:A500).
Duplicates shall not be handled differently. I would like them to appear as often as they appear in the different sheets.
Is it possible to do this without writing a script or using jQuery, e.g. by using IMPORTRANGE?
What does not work: I have tried using IMPORTRANGE as follows:
ARRAY{IMPORTRANGE("key-of-spreadsheet1","list!A2:A500"), IMPORTRANGE("key-of-spreadsheet2", "list!A2:A500")}
This causes an error.

You should be able to use a vertical array in the Spreadsheet 3:

Of course, it is also possible to combine several IMPORTRANGE() functions with the QUERY() function, which gives us a greater control over the results we import.
For example, we can use such a construction:
IMPORTRANGE("key-or-url-of-spreadsheet-1", "'sheet-name-1'!A2:Z100");
IMPORTRANGE("key-or-url-of-spreadsheet-2", "'sheet-name-2'!A2:Z100");
IMPORTRANGE("key-or-url-of-spreadsheet-3", "'sheet-name-3'!A2:Z100");
IMPORTRANGE("key-or-url-of-spreadsheet-4", "'sheet-name-4'!A2:Z100")
The above query removes blank lines from imported ranges:
and sorts ascending all data collected together in relation to the third column:
For descending, just use DESC in place of ASC.
Of course, we can also arrange any other criteria, or omit them displaying everything without modification:
In order to use the above constructed query, we first need to call a single IMPORTRANGE() method for each of the spreadsheets we want to refer:
=IMPORTRANGE("key-or-url-of-spreadsheet-1", "'sheet-name-1'!A2:Z100")
We have to do this even if we refer to the same spreadsheet in which we write this formula, but for every spreadsheet it is enough to do it once.
This is to be able to connect these sheets and allow access to the sheets (to which we have the access rights anyway):
After giving permission for all spreadsheets, we can use the above query.

I am also applying above given formula for getting data from multiple spreadsheet which is getting an error something is like IN ARRAY_LITERAL An array literal was missing values for one or more rows.

Easy fix: Apply the filter to the entire column / sheet instead of just the current selection. This will automatically update all of the filters to include new additions.


How do I get Row Totals using QUERY() in Google Sheets?

I'm working with the following Google Sheet.
Sheet2 uses the following QUERY() function to retrieve data from Sheet1
=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("1s8krJ7rbZ1DMblZ3vdLcG5pySVM3ESCBy1o7R5Zv4LM", "Sheet1!B3:D"))
Is it possible to return the Row Totals (For Example: B4+C4+D4 for Row 4) using the above QUERY() function?
Please Advise.
My Query and Expected Output are Outlined on the Google Sheet.
You should be able to do something like this:
=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("1s8krJ7rbZ1DMblZ3vdLcG5pySVM3ESCBy1o7R5Zv4LM", "Sheet1!B3:D"), "Select Col1+Col2+Col3 label Col1+Col2+Col3 ''")
Note that importing from another tab in the same spreadsheet doesn't require importrange. In that case, this should also work:
=QUERY(Sheet1!B3:D, "Select B+C+D label B+C+D ''")
Another way, to achieve the same result would be
=ArrayFormula(if(len(Sheet1!B3:B), Mmult(--Sheet1!B3:D, transpose(column(Sheet1!B2:D2)^0)),))
Be aware that while a simple QUERY can return the results, it will actually take up the entire column if you don't limit it. In other words, all the null rows from Sheet1! B:D will also come over with the QUERY. If you want only the results that have numbers, try something like this:
=QUERY(Sheet1!B3:D, "Select B+C+D WHERE B+C+D is not null label B+C+D ''")
Or you could use MMULT like this:
The results may look the same whether limited or not. But in a QUERY or MMULT without limitations, you won't be able to use the space below the visible results for anything. I only mention this because, currently in your sheet, you do have data (a TRANSPOSE formula) below the main results. If you won't in your real sheet and don't care about the are below the visible results being inaccessible to other data or formula entry, then you don't need to limit.

How to handle data manipulation when using importrange() in Google Sheets?

I am working on speeding up a workbook in Google sheets that is using importrange(). The purpose of the entire workbook is to import data from a mastersheet and then allow us to manipulate it the way we want to outside of the mastersheet.
The problem: because importrange() doesn't allow you to directly manipulate cells we have Sheet1 acting as the import sheet; it doesn't get touched. Sheet2 is where we do the manipulating but, it was literally just taken as a copy of Sheet1, so it is also using importrange(). This bogs down the entire workbook and makes manipulations very slow.
I am thinking of using !Sheet1A1... and copying that to all the cells in the manipulation sheet, but my concern is that this will still bog down the workbook. There is potential that the import data could grow as large as 10k+ rows, and I'm only at about half that currently and running into this problem. Outside of that, I'm not sure what else there is to try.
The QUERY function can help here and there are some great resources online.
=importrange(spreadsheet_url, range_string)
a typical example is:
You can wrap a QUERY function around this to manipulate your data.
QUERY is like a version of SQL and very powerful. It's in the format:
Your data range importrange("","Sheet1!A:Z") would go within {}.
Then within the "" part of the query, you could write your parameters for manipulating the data.
select Col1,Col4,Col5 where Col1 is not null and Col6 contains 'hello' order by Col1,Col7 desc label Col1 'new name 1',Col4 'new name 4'
The select bit allows you to specify specific columns from your importrange. If you want the all, then you could use select *.
The where item is where you build up your criteria using various or or and parameters.
is not null is another way of saying you want rows that have data.
contains is useful. You can also have matches, starts with, ends with and like. like can use wildcards %, so where Col1 like '%the%' would find 'hello there'.
order by is ascending unless you add desc, ie. order by Col1,Col2,Col4,Col5 desc,Col3.
label allows you to rename the columns, so let's say input column 1 is called 'Name1' and input column 2 is 'Name2' and you want them to be 'First name' and 'Surname, you would use label Col1 'First name', Col2 'Surname'.
If you like QUERY there are other powerful clauses, and they run in this order within the QUERY(range,"clauses",0):
group by
order by
One small point which you may come across, when you use importrange to get your data you need to reference the columns as Col1,Col2,Col3 within the QUERY.
If, however, your range is already in the same sheet (same or different tab), then you would reference column letters instead, eg. select A,B,C where A is not null order by A desc.
To make it more consistent and use the Col1,Col2,Col3 notation, you would put your internal range in an array {}.
QUERY(Sheet1!B:F,"select B,C,D where F is not null order by B,C",0)
would become:
QUERY({Sheet1!B:F},"select Col1,Col2,Col3 where Col5 is not null order by Col1,Col2",0)
{Sheet1!B:F} is smart because you can add columns in front of this range without needing to change your clause. So adding one column in front of Sheet1, would result in:
QUERY({Sheet1!C:G},"select Col1,Col2,Col3 where Col5 is not null order by Col1,Col2",0)
The other method would need you to alter your clause from:
QUERY(Sheet1!B:F,"select B,C,D where F is not null order by B,C",0)
QUERY(Sheet1!C:G,"select C,D,E where G is not null order by C,D",0)
It's a lot to take in, but definitely worth persuing!

Combine data from multiple tables using indirect references in Google sheets

I am needing to combine all student attendance in one chart. I have tried Query, Vlookup, and Index Match - nothing seems to get the results I want. I need something to search first and last name and return all attendance from all sheets. I would like to use something like CHOOSE and INDIRECT due to the future size of this sheet.
Here is what I have tried:
=ArrayFormula(VLOOKUP(K2&L2,CHOOSE({1,2},{Indirect(E2) & INDIRECT(F2), Indirect(D2)},{1,2})))
=query(Arrayformula({INDIRECT(D2), Vlookup($K$2:$K$45 & $L$2:$L$45, {Indirect(E2) & INDIRECT(F2), Indirect(D2)}, false)}),"select Col1,Col2,Col3,Col10,Col17,Col24,Col31 where not Col1 is null",1
This is a very small example of what the final sheet will be. I included what I want the results to be on a separate tab.

Query particular row + remove X columns + and sum the rest in one formula?

I have a CSV file that I'm pulling from a database. It's in an awkward layout so I need to reorganise it and display the result in a separate sheet.
Here is a dummy example of the data structure I get.
It looks like that. The database grows every day by date and sometimes countries so I need to account to that in my formula.
I need to pull data per each country and display it by date.
I don't need data from Column A, C and D. And when there are multiple states I need to sum them up in one column.
It should look like this and keep growing downwards. I'm gonna use this table for a graph chart
What I've tried so far
=TRANSPOSE(QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("url_to_a_separate_sheet_where_I_importing_a_row_csv_file", "CSV-source-sheet!A1:500"), "SELECT * WHERE Col2='Germany'"))
This works, kinda. But pulls in unnecessary columns and I can't figure out how to sum countries with multiple states. When I add select sum(*) it gives me a big and long error. I assume it might be because of unnecessary columns that the formula cant sum up and I don't know how to omit them. I'm stuck
I tried offset and skipping no luck. Any ideas?
"select Col1,"&TEXTJOIN(",", 1,
where Col1 is not null
group by Col1
label Col1'Date'", 1)))
spreadsheet demo

How to concatenate strings and select the same columns multiple times using Query (Google Sheets)

I am trying to generate a table for the Gantt chart. Table should have this format:
So,I need task name the same like taks ID, but in Query I can't use Col1 twice (I get error)
=QUERY({Tab1;Tab1};"select Col1,Col1,Col5,Col16,Col17 WHERE Col16>now() ORDER BY Col5 DESC,Col17 ";0)
The second point is that it is also not possible to merge two columns as a result, so it doesn't work:
=QUERY({Tab1;Tab1};"select Col1+Col7,Col1,Col5,Col16,Col17 WHERE Col16>now() ORDER BY Col5 DESC,Col17 ";0)
Here is my data and 2 results what I neet to get by QUERY
These are such trivial things in a real SQL, is there no way to do it somehow straightforwardly in Google Query? So far I have found a combination of QUERY and ARRAYFORMULA but then there are very complicated queries - mutants. Not easier?
You don't need Query, just Arrays.
You will get the first result from this code:
The second result from this code:
Based on your example I assume that you are not using US spreadsheet settings.
If so formulas have to be change to:
Link to working example:
I see that in your real sheet you would like to compare some data with now(). You can easily do this using array I propose as a source to Query. There will you have something like this (of course now it will not work - its only an example - an array have only 2 columns, not 15):
=QUERY({ARRAYFORMULA(B3:B10&" "&C3:C10)\A3:A10};"select * where Col15>now()";0)
About Query - you can't perform arthmetic operations on column containing strings. Look at the documentation:
"I can't use Col1 twice (I get error)"
You can duplicate your indata that to solve this.
QUERY({Tab1 Column 1\Tab1 Column 1};"Select Col1, Col2......"
"Tab1 Column 1" is now Col1 and Col2
"The second point is that it is also not possible to merge two columns as a result, so it doesn't work:"
Yes, adding result of column is possible "select Col1+Col7......" is correct.
