I've been able to train the network, and gotten it trained down to the minimal error I want...
I don't actually see anywhere, even when I looked through the guide book, how to test the trained network on new data... I split part of my training data apart so that I can test the network's results on untrained data since I'm using it for classification. Here is the code I've got, not sure what to do with the MLData output. For classification, I just want to take the output neuron with the highest value... aka, most likely to be the correct classification node.
MLDataSet testingSet = new BasicMLDataSet(testingTraining, testingIdeal);
System.out.println("Test Results:");
for(MLDataPair pair: testingSet ) {
final MLData output = network.compute(pair.getInput());
//what do I do with this output?
(My testing data is obviously tagged with the correct classifications...)
Well it depends on what problem you have at hand, but the idea is that your output should be as close as possible to the test dataset output, so I suggest comparing that. For example, if this is a classification task, your output will be iterable and you should be able to work out what the selected output class is and compare it to the target. You can the work out a misclassification rate, or any other measure of accuracy (precision, recall, F1-score..). So something like:
int bad = 0;
for(MLDataPair pair: testingSet)
MLData output = network.compute(pair.getInput());
if(outputClass(output) != outputClass(pair.getIdeal()))
double misclassificationRate = bad / testingSet.size()
You would have to write outputClass appropriately so that it returns the classification output, of course.
For regression you can do something similar, but instead of the mapping you would be looking at some distance measure between the two outputs to work out your error.
I am trying to figure out how to train a gbdt classifier with lightgbm in python, but getting confused with the example provided on the official website.
Following the steps listed, I find that the validation_data comes from nowhere and there is no clue about the format of the valid_data nor the merit or avail of training model with or without it.
Another question comes with it is that, in the documentation, it is said that "the validation data should be aligned with training data", while I look into the Dataset details, I find that there is another statement shows that "If this is Dataset for validation, training data should be used as reference".
My final questions are, why should validation data be aligned with training data? what is the meaning of reference in Dataset and how is it used during training? is the alignment goal accomplished with reference set to training data? what is the difference between this "reference" strategy and cross-validation?
Hope someone could help me out of this maze, thanks!
The idea of "validation data should be aligned with training data" is simple :
every preprocessing you do to the training data, you should do it the same way for validation data and in production of course. This apply to every ML algorithm.
For example, for neural network, you will often normalize your training inputs (substract by mean and divide by std).
Suppose you have a variable "age" with mean 26yo in training. It will be mapped to "0" for the training of your neural network. For validation data, you want to normalize in the same way as training data (using mean of training and std of training) in order that 26yo in validation is still mapped to 0 (same value -> same prediction).
This is the same for LightGBM. The data will be "bucketed" (in short, every continuous value will be discretized) and you want to map the continuous values to the same bins in training and in validation. Those bins will be calculated using the "reference" dataset.
Regarding training without validation, this is something you don't want to do most of the time! It is very easy to overfit the training data with boosted trees if you don't have a validation to adjust parameters such as "num_boost_round".
still everything is tricky
can you share full example with using and without using this "reference="
for example
will it be different
import lightgbm as lgbm
importance_type_LGB = 'gain'
d_train = lgbm.Dataset(train_data_with_NANs, label= target_train)
d_valid = lgbm.Dataset(train_data_with_NANs, reference= target_train)
lgb_clf = lgbm.LGBMClassifier(class_weight = 'balanced' ,importance_type = importance_type_LGB)
test_data_predict_proba_lgb = lgb_clf.predict_proba(test_data_with_NANs)
import lightgbm as lgbm
importance_type_LGB = 'gain'
lgb_clf = lgbm.LGBMClassifier(class_weight = 'balanced' ,importance_type = importance_type_LGB)
test_data_predict_proba_lgb = lgb_clf.predict_proba(test_data_with_NANs)
How can we make a working classifier for sentiment analysis since for that we need to train our classifier on huge data sets.
I have the huge data set to train, but the classifier object (here using Python), gives memory error when using 3000 words. And I need to train for more than 100K words.
What I thought was dividing the huge data set into smaller parts and make a classifier object for each and store it in a pickle file and use all of them. But it seems using all the classifier object for testing is not possible as it takes only one of the object during testing.
The solution which is coming in my mind is either to combine all the saved classifier objects stored in the pickle file (which is just not happening) or to keep appending the same object with new training set (but again, it is being overwritten and not appended).
I don't know why, but I could not find any solution for this problem even when it is the basic of machine learning. Every machine learning project needs to be trained in huge data set and the object size for training those data set will always give a memory error.
So, how to solve this problem? I am open to any solution, but would like to hear what is followed by people who do real time machine learning projects.
Code Snippet :
documents = [(list(movie_reviews.words(fileid)), category)
for category in movie_reviews.categories()
for fileid in movie_reviews.fileids(category)]
all_words = []
for w in movie_reviews.words():
all_words = nltk.FreqDist(all_words)
word_features = list(all_words.keys())[:3000]
def find_features(document):
words = set(document)
features = {}
for w in word_features:
features[w] = (w in words)
return features
featuresets = [(find_features(rev), category) for (rev, category) in documents]
numtrain = int(len(documents) * 90 / 100)
training_set = featuresets[:numtrain]
testing_set = featuresets[numtrain:]
classifier = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(training_set)
PS : I am using the NLTK toolkit using NaiveBayes. My training dataset is being opened and stored in the documents.
There are two things you seem to be missing:
Datasets for text are usually extremely sparse, and you should store them as sparse matrices. For such representation, you should be able to store milions of documents inyour memory with vocab. of 100,000.
Many modern learning methods are trained in mini-batch scenario, meaning that you never need whole dataset in memory, instead, you feed it to the model with random subsets of data - but still training a single model. This way your dataset can be arbitrary large, memory consumption is constant (fixed by minibatch size), and only training time scales with the amount of samples.
While following the Coursera-Machine Learning class, I wanted to test what I learned on another dataset and plot the learning curve for different algorithms.
I (quite randomly) chose the Online News Popularity Data Set, and tried to apply a linear regression to it.
Note : I'm aware it's probably a bad choice but I wanted to start with linear reg to see later how other models would fit better.
I trained a linear regression and plotted the following learning curve :
This result is particularly surprising for me, so I have questions about it :
Is this curve even remotely possible or is my code necessarily flawed?
If it is correct, how can the training error grow so quickly when adding new training examples? How can the cross validation error be lower than the train error?
If it is not, any hint to where I made a mistake?
Here's my code (Octave / Matlab) just in case:
Plot :
lambda = 0;
startPoint = 5000;
stepSize = 500;
[error_train, error_val] = ...
learningCurve([ones(mTrain, 1) X_train], y_train, ...
[ones(size(X_val, 1), 1) X_val], y_val, ...
lambda, startPoint, stepSize);
title('Learning curve for linear regression')
legend('Train', 'Cross Validation')
xlabel('Number of training examples')
Learning curve :
S = ['Reg with '];
for i = startPoint:stepSize:m
temp_X = X(1:i,:);
temp_y = y(1:i);
% Initialize Theta
initial_theta = zeros(size(X, 2), 1);
% Create "short hand" for the cost function to be minimized
costFunction = #(t) linearRegCostFunction(X, y, t, lambda);
% Now, costFunction is a function that takes in only one argument
options = optimset('MaxIter', 50, 'GradObj', 'on');
% Minimize using fmincg
theta = fmincg(costFunction, initial_theta, options);
[J, grad] = linearRegCostFunction(temp_X, temp_y, theta, 0);
error_train = [error_train; [i J]];
[J, grad] = linearRegCostFunction(Xval, yval, theta, 0);
error_val = [error_val; [i J]];
fprintf('%s %6i examples \r', S, i);
Edit : if I shuffle the whole dataset before splitting train/validation and doing the learning curve, I have very different results, like the 3 following :
Note : the training set size is always around 24k examples, and validation set around 8k examples.
Is this curve even remotely possible or is my code necessarily flawed?
It's possible, but not very likely. You might be picking the hard to predict instances for the training set and the easy ones for the test set all the time. Make sure you shuffle your data, and use 10 fold cross validation.
Even if you do all this, it is still possible for it to happen, without necessarily indicating a problem in the methodology or the implementation.
If it is correct, how can the training error grow so quickly when adding new training examples? How can the cross validation error be lower than the train error?
Let's assume that your data can only be properly fitted by a 3rd degree polynomial, and you're using linear regression. This means that the more data you add, the more obviously it will be that your model is inadequate (higher training error). Now, if you choose few instances for the test set, the error will be smaller, because linear vs 3rd degree might not show a big difference for too few test instances for this particular problem.
For example, if you do some regression on 2D points, and you always pick 2 points for your test set, you will always have 0 error for linear regression. An extreme example, but you get the idea.
How big is your test set?
Also, make sure that your test set remains constant throughout the plotting of the learning curves. Only the train set should increase.
If it is not, any hint to where I made a mistake?
Your test set might not be large enough or your train and test sets might not be properly randomized. You should shuffle the data and use 10 fold cross validation.
You might want to also try to find other research regarding that data set. What results are other people getting?
Regarding the update
That makes a bit more sense, I think. Test error is generally higher now. However, those errors look huge to me. Probably the most important information this gives you is that linear regression is very bad at fitting this data.
Once more, I suggest you do 10 fold cross validation for learning curves. Think of it as averaging all of your current plots into one. Also shuffle the data before running the process.
This is rather a weird problem.
A have a code of back propagation which works perfectly, like this:
Now, when I do batch learning I get wrong results even if it concerns just a simple scalar function approximation.
After training the network produces almost the same output for all input patterns.
By this moment I've tried:
Introduced bias weights
Tried with and without updating of input weights
Shuffled the patterns in batch learning
Tried to update after each pattern and accumulating
Initialized weights in different possible ways
Double-checked the code 10 times
Normalized accumulated updates by the number of patterns
Tried different layer, neuron numbers
Tried different activation functions
Tried different learning rates
Tried different number of epochs from 50 to 10000
Tried to normalize the data
I noticed that after a bunch of back propagations for just one pattern, the network produces almost the same output for large variety of inputs.
When I try to approximate a function, I always get just line (almost a line). Like this:
Related question: Neural Network Always Produces Same/Similar Outputs for Any Input
And the suggestion to add bias neurons didn't solve my problem.
I found a post like:
When ANNs have trouble learning they often just learn to output the
average output values, regardless of the inputs. I don't know if this
is the case or why it would be happening with such a simple NN.
which describes my situation closely enough. But how to deal with it?
I am coming to a conclusion that the situation I encounter has the right to be. Really, for each net configuration, one may just "cut" all the connections up to the output layer. This is really possible, for example, by setting all hidden weights to near-zero or setting biases at some insane values in order to oversaturate the hidden layer and make the output independent from the input. After that, we are free to adjust the output layer so that it just reproduces the output as is independently from the input. In batch learning, what happens is that the gradients get averaged and the net reproduces just the mean of the targets. The inputs do not play ANY role.
My answer can not be fully precise because you have not posted the content of the functions perceptron(...) and backpropagation(...).
But from what I guess, you train your network many times on ONE data, then completely on ONE other in a loop for data in training_data, which leads that your network will only remember the last one. Instead, try training your network on every data once, then do that again many times (invert the order of your nested loops).
In other word, the for I = 1:number of patterns loop should be inside the backpropagation(...) function's loop, so this function should contain two loops.
EXAMPLE (in C#):
Here are some parts of a backpropagation function, I simplified it here. At each update of the weights and biases, the entire network is "propagated". The following code can be found at this URL: https://visualstudiomagazine.com/articles/2015/04/01/back-propagation-using-c.aspx
public double[] Train(double[][] trainData, int maxEpochs, double learnRate, double momentum)
Shuffle(sequence); // visit each training data in random order
for (int ii = 0; ii < trainData.Length; ++ii)
ComputeOutputs(xValues); // copy xValues in, compute outputs
// Find new weights and biases
// Update weights and biases
} // each training item
Maybe what is not working is just that you want to enclose everything after this comment (in Batch learn as an example) with a secondary for loop to do multiple epochs of learning:
%% Get all updates
I use function predict in opencv to classify my gestures.
float ret = svm.predict(mat);//mat is my feature vector
I defined 5 labels (1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0), but in fact the value of ret are (0.521220207,-0.247173533,-0.127723947······)
So I am confused about it. As Opencv official document, the function returns a class label (classification) in my case.
update: I don't still know why to appear this result. But I choose new features to train models and the return value of predict function is what I defined during train phase (e.g. 1 or 2 or 3 or etc).
During the training of an SVM you assign a label to each class of training data.
When you classify a sample the returned result will match up with one of these labels telling you which class the sample is predicted to fall into.
There's some more documentation here which might help:
With Support Vector Machines (SVM) you have a training function and a prediction one. The training function is to train your data and save those informations on an xml file (it facilitates the prediction process in case you use a huge number of training data and you must do the prediction function in another project).
Example : 20 images per class in your case : 20*5=100 training images,each image is associated with a label of its appropriate class and all these informations are stocked in train.xml)
For the prediction function , it tells you what's label to assign to your test image according to your training DATA (the hole work you did in training process). Your prediction results might be good and might be bad , it's all about your training data I think.
If you want try to calculate the error rate for your classifier to see how much it can give good results or bad ones.