Add Google Analytics with Swift - ios

Does anyone know how to add Google Analytics in my iOS application using SWIFT.
But without using cocoa-pods.


Does Google Map supporting Apple Watch in iOS Development?

I want to add Google Map into Apple Watch. I am running one app which has already integrated Google Map. I want to integrate some functionality with the Apple Watch kit.
Is there any way to do that? Please share your thought if you have any.
There is no Google Maps SDK for watchOS at the moment, but you can use the Google Maps REST API from watchOS.

Using Here Maps in React Native on iOS

I'm working on a proof of concept for work and am trying to recreate a portion of our current iOS app in react-native. I've been doing a lot of research and have only found ways to use Google Maps in react-native for iOS. My company uses Here maps so I'm wondering if anyone has found a way to implement them in React Native?
Or at least know why they can't currently be implemented.
HERE maps does not have any react native bindings. You will need to write a react binding to the HERE maps APIs yourself.

Google Map SDK integration without using url scheme

Hello I'm looking for googleMaps without installing Google Map in the Device. Plotting places within my iOS App.
Can Anybody suggest ?

iOS Integrate PlaceILive to replace Google Maps SDK

After allot of searching and googling, still can't find any reliable docs or support on how to integrate the PlaceILive(beta) on iOS App. Is there any SDK or framework for it?
PlaceiLive is not yet provided any sdk to integrate in ios , but they have some api that you can use

Migrating to Google maps from iOS maps

I have an app in the app store which I use iOS/ Apple maps. Now with google maps sdk 1.1 I decided to migrate form Apple maps to Google maps. Is there an easy way to do this without re-writing most of the code?
Note: I currently use custom classes for overlays, pins, and map settings.
Thank you in advance..
No, there is no easy way, you have to rewrite yourself.
