Using Here Maps in React Native on iOS - ios

I'm working on a proof of concept for work and am trying to recreate a portion of our current iOS app in react-native. I've been doing a lot of research and have only found ways to use Google Maps in react-native for iOS. My company uses Here maps so I'm wondering if anyone has found a way to implement them in React Native?
Or at least know why they can't currently be implemented.

HERE maps does not have any react native bindings. You will need to write a react binding to the HERE maps APIs yourself.


Can I Use MapBox Mobile iOS and Android SDK with OpenStreetMaps?

I am developing an app that uses turn-by-turn navigation. But due to cost limitations, we cannot use MapBox using their pricing plans.
I came to know OpenStreetMaps is a good option here and also, MapBox is using OpenStreetMaps for some of its features. Has anybody used MapBox SDK to use OpenStreetMaps?
I also searched for other alternative open-source libraries that use OpenStreetMaps. Skobbler SDK was the one I found but it's no longer functional as the development is stopped.
I need help in finding a library that allows me to navigate in-app using OSM.
Please help.

Running node.js libraries on iOS

I have a need of using node.js libraries on iPad/iPhone, like tone.js to trigger generate sounds, see
The app itself can be a react native app or based on Swift.
Are there any modern possibilities, or maybe there are better ways of doing than doing it with node?
I dont think the web audio api used by tonejs works outside of a webview.
for react native use

Does Xamarin Test Cloud support React Native apps on iOS Devices?

We have build an app using React Native, and are currently looking for a test cloud service.
Xamarin looks like a good choice, but does it work with React Native?
Xamarin UI test doesn't care about how you have compiled your app, it's enough that when launched your app renders native component and React Native makes exactly this. So you can use it, for instance, with native Android and iOS, with Titanium, with Native Script, but not with Ionic and all the Cordova based frameworks.
You could have problems also if inside your app you used a lot of webviews.

can we develop native ios apps with responsive?

I want informatin about how to make native IOS app which should be responsive design?
If it is possible then how to make it. If it is not possible then how to make it possible with other way.
I have information about:
PhoneGap but i want to use native
swift framework.
In between 1) and 2) which one should best and perfcet way to make resposive design?
To create responsive layout, you need to use autolayout / constraint.
If you want to use native, you can integrate native functionality with hybrid application with develop a custom cordova plugin.
So far phonegap not support swift yet. It's support only for objective-c (iOS). If you want you need to create a bridging header to communicate between swift and objective-c.
Let me know for more clarification.
To achieve the "equivalent" of web responsive design in a native way, you have to use Auto Layout concepts provided by the iOS SDK.
Other way, if you want to keep a web language, you'll soon be able to develop native applications in JavaScript with solutions like React Native (still a private beta for now...)

Is it possible to load a library before linking based on iOS version?

I have an application which is supposed to use google maps and mapkit framework. Now, google maps are only supported on iOS version 5.1 and further whereas Mapkit framework is supported on lower versions.
I want to the application to:
Load Mapkit on lower versions of the device.
Load Google maps for 5.1 and above versions,
before linking.
Bottomline is, is it possible to load the specific libraries based on iOS version of the device when application launches, before linking ? OR so can I programmatically choose between the two, based on the iOS version ?
Thanks for any help.
Note that just including the Google Maps SDK for iOS in your app will make it crash on iOS 4.x - even if you don't call anything in the SDK. See here for details:
Google Maps SDK for iOS trying to run on iOS 4.3
So if you take this approach, you'll be able to use Google maps on iOS 5.1+, but only be able to use Apple maps on iOS 5.0. Given that probably less than 1% of users are running iOS 5.0 (see here), it might not be worth the trouble.
It is possible to choose between the two, but what you are describing exactly is not possible. Apple doesn't allow third-party dynamically linked frameworks. The Google Maps framework will actually be a static library inside your application, so it exists in your binary itself (no linking involved).
I should point out that the SDKs are obviously not API-compatible, so you will need different code in each case and can't just, for example, change the class of your map view based on iOS version.
