How to load an .dtbo file in beaglebone black with ubuntu distribution - beagleboneblack

I would like to known how to load the dtbo file to configure the pins in the beaglebone black for the linux ubuntu distribution -> (get from:
In this distro there's no /sys/devices/bone_capemgr.*/slots folder as used in many available tutorials.
Thanks advanced.


For what purposes default BeagleBone Black debian image runs /usr/bin/nodejs?

For what purposes default BeagleBone Black debian image runs /usr/bin/nodejs ?
I'm assuming you are running a debian image.
Those images are specifically crafted for Beagleboard SBCs and include packages that allow even a beginner to get easily started. Some of them even include a graphical desktop environment, accessible on boards with HDMI.
NodeJS is going to be needed at least for the Cloud9 IDE that those images ship with.
Those images are not optimized nor intended to be a baseline for ambitious embedded projects. Should you desire a much more barebones (no pun intended) image, then you should check out the more limited images, especially "console" images, or purpose build your own images, be it with the beagle Debian scripts or with one of many embedded Linux build systems (Buildroot, something from the Yocto project, etc.)

How to ccreate Windows10 GUI docker image

Is it possible to create a docker image for Windows 10 with GUI support? I want to run the browser and some stand-alone app on windows GUI. So far I have found the same for CentOS for not for windows.
I am not sure if windows has allowed to use its kernel for free images as its the revenue generating platform for them.
Rancher group works on making GUI based docker images you can refer there site for such information link :
Rancher has also few images of windows on for demonstration purpose which you can checkout freely. The only concern is they are large in size around 2.5 Gigs
This may not be relevant but ios images are already available if you want to try you can refer the link :

Can I run NVIDIA DeepStream SDK in Windows Server 2019?

System: I've a Windows Server 2019 OS installed with a NVIDIA Tesla T4 Tensor Core GPU.
Goal: Planning to read real time streaming videos from an IP camera and to further process frame by frame. Goal is to leverage NVIDIA DeepStream SDK, but issue is, it isn't available for Windows OS. So, I'm thinking on the docker lines, but since am very new to docker containers, would like to know if I can install a docker on Windows and can run this deepstream docker image on that.
If not, is there any way I can run this Linux based DeepStream docker image on Windows? Any help shall be greatly acknowledged.
I have never worked with the windows server before it should be the same as a docker in Linux VM.
First, you need to pull docker images for deepstream
docker pull
and then try to run sample apps provided in the docker image.
Refer this for the procedure.
if you are interested in python apps you can check sample apps here.
Note:- make sure you are able to access display from inside the container cause deepstream use eglsink in their samples app which will try to open a display window on your screen or you can change the sink type to filesink if you want to save it is a file.
Refer this for available plugins and their attributes.
According to the post in Nivida forum, Windows not supported.
As alternative, I wonder if anyone used the Nvidia Graph Composer in Windows.

Is it possible to run some script on BeagleBone Black while linux is booting?

I want to show some kind of loading screen on LCD display while beagleBone is booting linux.
Is it possible?
Plymouth is how Fedora and Ubuntu splash screens work.
According to Arch Linux, Plymouth requires Kernel Mode Setting or an applicable buffer, so assuming that you have the DRM modesetting capabilities (see Plymouth link below) you could evaluate cross-compiling from source.

How to make WiFi work for toshiba C850...?

I have a toshiba laptop c850, dual core. Toshiba does not provide any driver for Wi-Fi for Ubuntu 12.10. I am currently having problem in using DSL modem, Ethernet and Wi-Fi. Can anyone tell me the solution to this problem?
maybe you will find some information there :
A really up to date kernel is required for wireless support, at least
3.5.0 is recommended. Realtek has the Linux drivers available for download but they must be re-complied after upgrades to kernel.
As you commented, you got the Atheros Communications Inc. AR8162 Fast Ethernet Controller.
This is some guesswork here because there are several versions of the driver and some people state only one is working for them, I stick with the most popular for now.
First download this file from another machine:
If you have Ubuntu or another Linux distro on your second machine you can use wget to download the file:
Next, use your preferred method (preferably an USB Drive) to copy it to your target machine (Toshiba C850) and use the following commands in a terminal. Make sure you are in the right directory first and use cd to change to the directory where your downloaded file resides.
tar -xzvf compat-drivers-2013-03-28-5-u.tar.bz2
cd compat-drivers-2013-03-28-5-u
./scripts/driver-select alx
sudo make install
sudo modprobe alx
If this doesn't work try a reboot first then you can try one of the other versions, I can't tell which will work for you:
Sources (for further reading): This question on AskUbuntu and this thread in the Ubuntu forums.
