How to make WiFi work for toshiba C850...? - wifi

I have a toshiba laptop c850, dual core. Toshiba does not provide any driver for Wi-Fi for Ubuntu 12.10. I am currently having problem in using DSL modem, Ethernet and Wi-Fi. Can anyone tell me the solution to this problem?

maybe you will find some information there :
A really up to date kernel is required for wireless support, at least
3.5.0 is recommended. Realtek has the Linux drivers available for download but they must be re-complied after upgrades to kernel.

As you commented, you got the Atheros Communications Inc. AR8162 Fast Ethernet Controller.
This is some guesswork here because there are several versions of the driver and some people state only one is working for them, I stick with the most popular for now.
First download this file from another machine:
If you have Ubuntu or another Linux distro on your second machine you can use wget to download the file:
Next, use your preferred method (preferably an USB Drive) to copy it to your target machine (Toshiba C850) and use the following commands in a terminal. Make sure you are in the right directory first and use cd to change to the directory where your downloaded file resides.
tar -xzvf compat-drivers-2013-03-28-5-u.tar.bz2
cd compat-drivers-2013-03-28-5-u
./scripts/driver-select alx
sudo make install
sudo modprobe alx
If this doesn't work try a reboot first then you can try one of the other versions, I can't tell which will work for you:
Sources (for further reading): This question on AskUbuntu and this thread in the Ubuntu forums.


it is possible to install docker desktop on VMWARE ESXI?

it is possible to install docker desktop on virtual machine (vmware) windows 10 on a VMWARE ESXI ?
i am trying to install desktop docker on my vmware virtual machine with windows 10.
I installed the wsl2 support but at the end of the installation docker crashes with the following error:
Docker desktop 4.0.1
Installation failed
Component CommunityIstaller.ServiceAction failed to start services: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion
I have done several tests but I cannot avoid this crash in any way.
The Operating System is a build that meets the minimum requirements to install Docker.
However, I noticed that Hyper-V is not enabled in the windows features. can this be a problem?
I think maybe it's a grafted virtualization problem because I install docker inside a VM. it's possible?
How can I solve? (or do you think that i will fix this problem with linux virtual machines?)
Does your host machine have all the advanced flags for 'efficient' nested virtualization? I wouldnt really recommend a third layer install of docker (as the final container is then virtual , on paravirtual (wsl2) on virtual (HyperV), on virtual (Esxi). I heavily assume the performance will be terrible.
And yes: You need Hyper-V, it's a requirement still. I assume, as you say its not available on the features, youre running a windows 10 home? Then sorry, you need at least Windows 10 Pro for Hyper-V support.
But as youre running a ESXI host, go the better performing way: Install any Linux distro of your choise, install docker there - if you wanna use it for Visual Studio etc. , you can still remotely debug etc. - and its performing better than on an a even deeper nested virtualized windows-wsl2. And btw: if its because of GUI, simply install the free Visual Studio Code, it offers Docker Tools which offer you many configiruation and monitoring options in a GUI , without enforcing you to do such a super deep nesting.
Yes, it's definitely possible. I'd probably check the hardware assisted virtualization (if available) is enabled. If so, you might want to make sure you've satisfied the rest of the requirements for the WSL2 backend deployment. If you're still having issues, try an older version and try upgrading from there.

Looking for Coral M.2 Accelerator + RHEL/Centos 8 Drivers on x86_64

I'm a little lost (and admit that I'm pretty green to all this). I am looking for the drivers for the M.2 drivers for RHEL/CentOS 8 on x86_64 architecture. Previously I was successful installing the drivers under Ubuntu following the Getting Started guide on the Coral website ( But I need to run CentOS 8 for other reasons. So I know that the board works. I know it can be supported in Linux, but don't know how to convert the instructions for CentOS.
My M.2 board is connected to my server using a M.2 to PCIe adapter.
Thanks in advance!
I also believe that you should be able to get this working.
Couple things that you'll need: - You can download the latest runtime from here:
apex/gasket modules - This is a required kernel module for talking to the pcie module. This is going to be very tricky, first you'll need to make sure that you don't already have apex/gasket module already installed. If you do, blacklist it and load our modules. Now our modules cannot be installed with apt-get since you are in centos, so your only option is to download the code from source and compile it on your own:

installing DPDK on Ubuntu 18.04 and intel XL710

I'm trying to make DPDK work on my machine without success; My machine is running Ubuntu 18.04 and the NIC I'm trying to bind is an Intel XL710. I'm completely new to DPDK and not an expert on linux.
Additional context: I need DPDK in order to get more bandwidth when using a USRP SDR (Software Defined Radio), that has this capability.
What I've done so far:
Added default_hugepagesz=1G hugepagesz=1G hugepages=8 to the grub config
Cloned and compiled DPDK 19, installed with make install. Result: Installation in /usr/local/ complete
get the status of the devices and drivers using ./ -s. The relevant line I get from this command is: 0000:02:00.0 'Ethernet Controller XL710 for 40GbE QSFP+ 1583' if=enp2s0f0 drv=i40e unused=
When I try to bind the device (even if it is already binded? shouldn't I get a different driver/option for that?) using sudo ./ -b i40e 0000:02:00.0 I get:
Warning: no supported DPDK kernel modules are loaded
Notice: 0000:02:00.0 already bound to driver i40e, skipping
What am I missing?
Thanks in advance for the help.
Before binding the i40e NIC to DPDK PMD driver, you need to load uio or vfio Linux driver as shown below:
modprobe uio
insmod ./x86_64-native-linux-gcc/kmod/igb_uio.ko
modprobe vfio-pci
Take a look at link to know why we should load kernel module before ports are bind to DPDK.

How do I install luac.cross on a Mac?

NodeMCU documentation states
NodeMCU firmware build now automatically generates a luac.cross image
as standard in the firmware root directory; this can be used to
compile and to syntax-check Lua source on the Development machine for
execution under NodeMCU Lua on the ESP8266.
Where do I get luac.cross from and how do I install it?
Do I build NodeMCU firmware from source on Mac and is luac.cross created as part of that process? I have been using the cloud service to create custom firmware. Is luac.cross available via cloud build?
Straight lua code has overwhelmed the MakerFocus NodeMCU board resulting runtime panic with out of memory issue. Hoping compiled code will reduce RAM needs.
Where do I get luac.cross from and how do I install it?
You gave the answer in the quote from the documentation you posted. Specifically this
NodeMCU firmware build now automatically generates a luac.cross image...
So, if you build the NodeMCU manually on your platform the build process will also create a lua.cross for your platform. That's the reason you cannot download or install lua.cross - it has to fit your platform i.e. OS
The logical next question would then be: how do I manually build NodeMCU on macOS?
I don't know the answer to that as I build with the Docker image (from yours truly) on macOS. Running the Docker build creates a luac.cross in the firmware root directory. However, as macOS is just the host OS for Docker in this setup luac.cross is for Linux rather than native for macOS. To use it you would start the Docker container again and run bash in it to get a shell to execute the Lua cross compilation: docker run --rm -ti -vpwd:/opt/nodemcu-firmware marcelstoer/nodemcu-build bash.
Straight lua code has overwhelmed the MakerFocus NodeMCU board resulting runtime panic with out of memory issue. Hoping compiled code will reduce RAM needs.
I hate to disillusion you, but if I had to bet I would expect that savings won't be significant enough to yield the expected results. As you already started reading documentation I'd like to point you to the relevant FAQ: How is NodeMCU Lua different to standard Lua? and Techniques for Reducing RAM
And maybe using LFS will be your life saver.
In case you want to use this tool regardless of the platform - you can use my API to build it:
curl -d #yourscript.lua -X POST > output.luac

Not sure how to setup amd drivers with xorg on openBSD?

I deleted my Linux install and recently tried OpenBSD but i am not sure how to set up a GUI environment and xserver. I have a R9 290 gpu and I saw that it should be supported by the radeon driver however I don't know how to download or configure it.
thank you.
All drivers are included in the default install and should Just Work©. That said, your Radeon GPU may need firmware whose license prevents OpenBSD from including it. Running fw_update should install it if it's needed.
Other than that, you just need to configure X. Everything's included in the base system, including the window managers cwm and fvwm. If you want another, you can install it from ports. To configure X, read the very well-written FAQ entry.
