I have made some changes in myapp like change display name.
after that I have copy project to another directory. but it couldn't open it gives error like below image
it gives error message "Bizz Tamanna.xcodeproj Couldn't load Bizz Tamanna.xcodeproj because it is already opened from another project or workspace"
this message is correct I have opened that project from another directory also but this error I got first time before change bundle display name or some change it works perfectly on both location.
When I closed already opened project then it works perfectly.
appreciate for help
How do I create a save game file editor? I'd like some help , perhaps even some collaborators would be great. I don't know how to program and am totally new to this. I've opened up my save game file using the Acode editor app and the NMM app. Also opened up a terminal and attempted to open the file in there , but get inacessable or file not found
On running a UI Test, I can see the .xcresult file generated in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData. I have some NSLogs in my application that I need to display as well. Does anyone know where is the path to get the application log or xcresult file?
The path your Xcode project's xcresult files as of Xcode 14.1 is
So if your username is gran_profaci, your app name is MyAwesomeApp, your scheme name is AwesomeScheme and you live in timezone UTC-5 your path would look something like this:
Each test you run will create a new xcresult file with the corresponding parameters and current date.
You can directly open the DerivedData folder from Xcode by clicking on the icon displaying a right arrow inside a circle:
If you want to extract information you can use the xcparse command line tool, in your example to export the logs:
xcparse logs /path/to/Test.xcresult /path/to/exportLogFiles
the path most likely appears on the terminal
Hi forgive my English and also a newbie on flutter iOS, I have an app on flutter on iOS that users can take pictures and videos from their camera and gallery I'm using the image_picker package this has no problem, then I save it on the on its Application Documents Directory I tried following this guide
my code for getting the application directory is this
Directory _appDocDir;
_appDocDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
final Directory _appMediaDir = Directory('${_appDocDir.path}/Pictures/');
return _appMediaDir;
added with a 'Pictures' directory this will give a path of
from the iOS-simulator I save it and put in the database, and after re-compiling the app or doing a build update the previewing the image/video path is not found anymore. I tried to save another image on this build it and gave this path
I noticed earlier path this part "/BE7728A6-FF15-498E-91A0-A96A3DDE5B31/" is changed every time I re-compile the app or make an update from the iOS device the image is not found. What is the most practice for this users able to save image am I doing it wrong?
Update: I tried changing my logic to change the saved path to only the base name (D_IMAGE_0005.JPG) then when previewing the image will call the current application documents directory but this does not work also.
Thank You
Hi don't save the whole path given by the getApplicationDocumentsDirectory() on you record, instead save only the basename, and every time you preview/load the image call the
getApplicationDocumentsDirectory() + 'Pictures/<basename>',
every time the app gets updated or recompiled on the iOS the appid changes, that is why your path fails to load on a recompile.
iOS removes the documents directory every time you reinstall the app if your application is running on a sandbox environment.
Please refer to this stackoverflow question for more clarification
i wanna deploy my corporate-databse iOS app to a group of people only through a link, for now i am trying to do it via microsoft app center, i have followed the steps of this link as far as creating provisioning profile and certificate for the app... however when it gets to the step of creating a new file i dont know what it means and how to do it honestly, what kind of file does it mean and are those commands or do i just create "the file"and copy paste it in it? can someone help me on how to do this step?
here's the link
heres a picture of the step:
You create a file called appcenter-post-clone.sh yourself and put it into android/app/ path. Copy content for this file from here: https://github.com/microsoft/appcenter/blob/master/sample-build-scripts/flutter/android-build/appcenter-post-clone.sh
then, you have to create such file inside ios/ folder and copy its content from here: https://github.com/microsoft/appcenter/blob/master/sample-build-scripts/flutter/ios-build/appcenter-post-clone.sh
more info: https://medium.com/#rakhimov.sardorbek/flutter-apps-ci-cd-using-appcenter-ab68b4aee30f
I'm implementing a WebDAV file server using the ITHit WebDave engine, i have the following problem
When i list the files and open one of them i get the ReadAsync method called, i provide the content and the file is opened correctly
However any changes i make to the file can't be saved, i get an error saying
A device attached to the system is not working
I looked at the file system samples and implemented support based on the FileSystemStorage.AspNetCore sample,
From what can understand the WriteAsync method is used when creating new files, should i expect for WriteAsync to also be called for file edits that need to be changed?
Am i wrong in the assumption that DavFile.WriteAsync will be called with a stream for the updated content?
If WriteAsync is not the right location to save updates to a file, could you provide some guidance on the process of saving changes to existing files?
Edited to add:
Now i can see that after i dismiss the first error about the device not working i get the standard save dialog box, if i click save it asks me if i want to overwrite the existing file, after accepting to overwrite then WriteAsync is called and i can update the file contents
I'm not quite sure why it would first tell me there's an error and then still allow me to write the file but only as replacement to the original file
Thanks for your help
Fixed, i found that there were issues with the ILockAsync implementation, reviewing the FileSystemStorage sample helped fix the issue with locking files before writing or updating properties