Jenkins shell script execution on different server - jenkins

I have two VM, on one VM I have docker and on another I have Jenkins .I have shell script for running docker, which is placed on server which have docker on it. But I need Jenkins to execute this shell script, from pre-build step.
I am facing problem with this process.
It will be very helpful if any one can provide the detail steps
Thanks in Advance

There are different approaches to achieve that.
One is to install Jenkins slave on the VM which has docker on and have your Jenkins master run the whole job on the slave.
Or you could install one of Publish Over SSH Plugin or SSH plugin to execute commands remotely (if your docker VM has SSH access)

If your network is sufficiently secured from the outside, you could expose the docker API socket via a TCP port on your docker-machine and run the docker commands from your jenkins machine, using the remote tcp-port.
Basic idea is outlined here in the section "Bind Docker to another host/port or a Unix socket"
Cheers D


Cannot Connect to docker daemon. is docker daemon running?

I'm using Jenkins on Docker on my local Mac Machine.
And I'm running another Docker on ubuntu VirtualBox. So now, there are 2 docker machines. one is on my mac machine and one is on my Ubuntu VirtualBox machine. I'm running Jenkins on Mac Docker. Now in the Jenkins pipeline, I want to build an image on my ubuntu machine.
I've configured Jenkins docker cloud and in the docker host URL, it is connected to the ubuntu docker-machine.
But while building a new image, I'm getting the error. Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
I've tried even adding ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock
at /lib/systemd/system/docker.service
WHen i check ps -aux,
Can someone please help me out?
help is appreciated.
First personally if I had a setup like that I would not bother connecting to the remote docker and would just install a Jenkins agent on the ubuntu machine and make it talk to the Jenkins master.
But if you want to do it they way you have it set up right now we a Jenkins talking from inside out one docker host into another docker host I suggest looking into the following:
Your Jenkins master and the ubuntu machine a very isolated they might as well just be on different machines not even in the same room. Unix domain sockets, the ones that are identified by unix://* are made for communicating within a single local OS kernel, trying to bridge them into remote machine will lead to disaster.
So the only way Jenkins could communicate to the remote host is via a remote protocol like TCP. Most of the time when you install docker with the default settings it doesn't even listen to TCP at all, mostly for security reasons.
First thing you should do is to configure a docker inside of the ubuntu machine to listen on TCP port and accept connections from remote hosts. You can use netstat -nat to see if anything is listening on TCP 4243. When things are configured correctly you see the line that stats with or something like that in the output of the nestat
Second you need to make sure your the firewalls/iptables/netfilter configuration on the Ubuntu host lets in connections from outside. A good test to try is to telnet <ubuntu-ip> 4243 from a terminal session on your Mac.
Then you need to make sure you that docker networking is configured correctly so that connections from the inside of the container that is running Jenkins end up on your ubuntu box. To test you need to exec -it into your jenkins container and repeat the telnet test. On modern linuxes telnet is usually not installed, so you can use curl -vvv which will always end up with an error, so just look at the verbose output to see if the error because things cannot communicate (timeout, connection reset etc) or the error occurs because your curl tried to talk HTTP to docker and got gibberish response. In the later case you can consider things to be set up correctly.
Finally you need to tell Jenkins Docker to communicate to the remote docker via TCP. Usually that is given on the command line to your docker run, docker ps, docker exec
I've configured it by defining the slave label in my Jenkins Pipeline.
Jenkins agents run on a variety of different environments such as physical machines, virtual machines, Kubernetes clusters, and Docker images.
In your Jenkins Pipeline or In your JenkinsFile, you've to set the agent accordingly to what you're using either using Docker image or any virtual machine.
Also Thank you so much #Vlad, all the things you told me, were really helpful.

Making docker container a build executor for jenkins

I have a ec2 instance running as my jenkins master. I would like to run a container in that instance that will be used as another build executor so I can tun a few builds simultaneously.
Im having pronblems connecting these.
In the docker hub jenkins docs it says under the relevant section:
You can run builds on the master out of the box.
But if you want to attach build slave servers through JNLP (Java Web
Start): make sure you map the port: -p 50000:50000 - which will be
used when you connect a slave agent.
If you are only using SSH slaves, then you do NOT need to put that
port mapping.
but when I try to add a node in the jenkins config, it asks remote root directory (probably should be /var/jenkins ? ) and a launch method.
I don't quite understand what I should give it as its launch method to make this work and I don't understand where the port number comes into play.
What you need is Jenkins Docker plugin (link below) and follow the instructions listed here
I followed those instructions and was able to setup dynamic slaves in Jenkins which are dynamically provisioned.

Docker do not work from build remotely at Jenkins slave. What' the reason?

At CentOS VM Docker was set up and working great.
This VM was attached to Jenkins as slave.
Jenkins agent is run as login same as login to be used for Docker.
When "docker ps", or another docker command, is launched at the VM from in-line script from Jenkins, it reports: Docker service not started.
Looks like unsifficient privilegies. But... when launched locally - it works. And login is the same.
What is the reason of failure? SELinux need tweaks?

Kubernetes plugin containers can't connect back to Jenkins

I have a Jenkins and Kubernetes cluster running within the same network in AWS. Jenkins has it's own instance.
I have configured the Kubernetes plugin as follows:
The recommended JNLP docker image is used. Jenkins JNLP port is configured to be static 5000.
Now when I kick off the job, it shows me that the node is offline. When I click on the offline node I get this:
This makes me go to the k8 cluster. Running docker ps shows no containers running. However:
From there I go to find what docker container gets run and what logs it leaves after that:
I use: as image
Jenkins version: 2.27
k8: hyperkube:v1.4.3_coreos.0
Jenkins does spin up the container, I guess it runs and errors out because no valid arguments are provided during the container run? I need it to be a hands off process where I don't have to log in to my containers (Java clients). How do I achieve this?
Based on this answer: kubernetes slaves cannot register to jenkins master
If I log into the container and run the command that Jenkins displays under the host that cannot connect:
java -jar /usr/share/jenkins/slave.jar -jnlpUrl -secret 62637e83008f50eb94483ad609e9a2719d313fa56e640e4beca9eebeaf0b1af2
The container connects via JNLP2 and the job runs.
I tried to add the arguments as suggested, but no luck. Containers still won't connect automatically:
Do you have a Root directory not writable message in the container log?
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Root directory not writable
at hudson.remoting.FileSystemJarCache.<init>(
at hudson.remoting.Engine.<init>(
at hudson.remoting.jnlp.Main.createEngine(
at hudson.remoting.jnlp.Main.main(
at hudson.remoting.jnlp.Main._main(
at hudson.remoting.jnlp.Main.main(
In this case, you might have a problem similar to this.
PS: If you cannot see the logs, try removing the "Allocate pseudotty" option

How to work on remote machine from jenkins without adding as a slave or How to add slave through url?

I have to run some jobs from a website.
Jenkins is the best solution for it.
But we have to run the jobs on the users machine with the users id.
For this we need to add users linux machine as slave or Is there any plugin through which we can do ssh on users machine and do all the processes?
I thought of using swarm plugin but swarm dependencies jar need to be run from the user's machine. Again we need to do ssh on user's machine to run the jar.
See the SSH plugin:
This Plugin was derived from the very cool SCP Plugin.
You can use the SSH Plugin to run shell commands on a remote machine via ssh.
