How to debug slow Swift compile times - ios

I have a Swift SpriteKit project with about 25 smallish files. The time to compile this project is 30-45 seconds! It's pure Swift with no ObjC.
I've watched the compile in the Report Navigator to try to find a single file that's taking the time. But, it's not really a single file. It's always the last file in the list that seems to take all the time. But that file can be different between compiles and still takes all the time.
The step right after the last file is Merge xxx.swiftmodule, which happens quickly, but I'm not sure if because it comes right after the slowness it might be related.
I've searched and tried various approaches to find the culprit. I read this post: Why is Swift compile time so slow? and tried those approaches. I've done a command line build using CTRL-\, but that does not show any useful information about the slowness.
I've gone through my project looking for places where type inference might be getting tripped up, but haven't found much (and really, if that was the case, I'd expect a single file to be the culprit).
Does anyone have any other suggestions for tracking this down? Coming from an Objective-C project that compiles nearly instantly, this is driving me crazy.
I worked on this a bit more and am including a screen shot of the build output, noting where the slowness happens. The thing is, if I comment out the code in the slow file, then the file before it in the list becomes the slow one (where it was fine before). If I comment that code out, then the one before that becomes the slow one, etc.

After more digging and debugging, I found the problem. It turns out it actually is type inference, as other posts have suggested. Part of the problem is that I did not notice that the build output in the Report Navigator shows an arrow for files still compiling and a checkmark for those that are done (my color blindness played a role). So I thought they were all finished compiling when one was not.
In any case, I read the article here: GM release of Xcode 6 compile and did a command line build of the entire project, which showed me the file that was the issue. Then, using the CTRL-\ approach noted above, I found the culprit.
It turns out that this line was the issue:
ourWindowCopy.position = CGPoint(x: ((26.5 + theXOffset) * self.multiplierWidth) + (4.0 * CGFloat(randomRow) * 2.0 * self.multiplierWidth), y: ((41.0 + theYOffset) * self.multiplierHeight) + (5.75 * CGFloat(randomColumn) * 2.0 * self.multiplierHeight))
I know it seems a mess - I was playing around with a bunch of different options early on and hadn't yet gone back to simplify. I replaced it with this (and will of course replace the literals as well as simply further):
let floatRandomRow = CGFloat(randomRow)
let floatRandomCol = CGFloat(randomColumn)
let pointX: CGFloat = ((26.5 + theXOffset) * self.multiplierWidth) + (4.0 * floatRandomRow * 2.0 * self.multiplierWidth)
let pointY: CGFloat = ((41.0 + theYOffset) * self.multiplierHeight) + (5.75 * floatRandomCol * 2.0 * self.multiplierHeight)
ourWindowCopy.position = CGPoint(x: pointX, y: pointY)
Now the compile speed is very fast!
I'm not sure there's really any new information here, but wanted to close this out with a solution in case someone runs across it.

There is a hidden option in Swift compiler that prints out the exact time intervals that compiler takes to compile every single function: -Xfrontend -debug-time-function-bodies.
Simple run the following in terminal and analyze results:
xcodebuild -workspace App.xcworkspace -scheme App clean build OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS="-Xfrontend -debug-time-function-bodies" | grep [1-9].[0-9]ms | sort -nr > culprits.txt
Awesome Brian Irace wrote brilliant article about it Profiling your Swift compilation times.

Building on other answers, the following commands are helpful...
To see a sorted list of functions by build time:
xcodebuild -workspace [Your Workspace Name].xcworkspace -scheme [Your Build Scheme Name] clean build OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS="-Xfrontend -debug-time-function-bodies" | grep .[0-9]ms | grep -v ^0.[0-9]ms | sort -nr > culprits.txt
To see a sorted list of functions that take over 1s to build:
xcodebuild -workspace [Your Workspace Name].xcworkspace -scheme [Your Build Scheme Name] clean build OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS="-Xfrontend -debug-time-function-bodies" | grep [1-9].[0-9]ms | sort -nr > culprits.txt
You can get a list of scheme names like so (this command runs a clean first):
xcodebuild -workspace [Your Workspace Name].xcworkspace -list
Helpful Articles about why your build times may be long:

Swift time compilation
Swift Compiler Performance
Measure and Tools
You should clean and build your project to have a better results for comparing.
Xcode Build time output.
//Terminal command
defaults write ShowBuildOperationDuration YES
Build With Timing Summary.
Product -> Perform Action -> Build With Timing Summary
Report Navigator -> <build> -> Recent
Type check warnings
Trigger a warning in Xcode for any function/expressions which is more than a user-defined limit to type-check
Build Settings -> Other Swift Flags(OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS)
-Xfrontend -warn-long-function-bodies=200
-Xfrontend -warn-long-expression-type-checking=200
Instance method 'foo()' took 200ms to type-check (limit: 200ms)
Record a time which is taken to compile every function/expression
Build Settings -> Other Swift Flags(OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS)
-Xfrontend -debug-time-function-bodies
-Xfrontend -debug-time-expression-type-checking
Report Navigator -> <build> -> Expand All Transcripts
-Xfrontend -debug-time-function-bodies
-Xfrontend -debug-time-expression-type-checking
BuildTimeAnalyzer-for-Xcode is based on this flag. Also it has interesting column which is called Occurrences - how many times compiler is type checking it(e.g. lazy properties, closures)
XCLogParser analize logs
xclogparser parse --project Experiments2 --reporter html --rootOutput "/Users/User/Desktop/temp"
You are able to open Xcodelog with .xcactivitylog extension by changing to .zip and unzip it. After it you can open it as a text file
XCMetrics(by Spotify) as a next step of collecting log data
-debug-time-compilation was removed
Experiments were made on Xcode v13.3.1. Do not forget to clean project before measure
You are able to set flag for specyfic target(e.g. in modularized project)


How to get bazel rule execution start time?

Our bazel builds sometimes stuck and get timeouts, so we lose all build logs when VM is killed. To find the cause, we want to use Build event protocol to see which rules started to get executed, but did not finish (usually these are memory-eager tests).
This graph from official docs shows that TargetConfigured and TargetCompleted events are the only events between rule start and finish.
But in reality bazel configures all targets at the same time, so we cannot just subtract TargetCompleted time from TargetConfigured time.
Moreover, both events do not contain any timestamp. Here is the build event file from the sample repo (truncated):
{"id":{"targetConfigured":{"label":"//:B"}},"children":[{"targetCompleted":{"label":"//:B","configuration":{"id":"f157fdcaf05e7672fa1bf535fbb2c3edb004ce9e9a7f6d84d9bf031454e2fb64"}}}],"configured":{"targetKind":"java_binary rule","tag":["__JAVA_RULES_MIGRATION_DO_NOT_USE_WILL_BREAK__"]}}
{"id":{"targetConfigured":{"label":"//:main"}},"children":[{"targetCompleted":{"label":"//:main","configuration":{"id":"f157fdcaf05e7672fa1bf535fbb2c3edb004ce9e9a7f6d84d9bf031454e2fb64"}}}],"configured":{"targetKind":"java_library rule","tag":["__JAVA_RULES_MIGRATION_DO_NOT_USE_WILL_BREAK__"]}}
{"id":{"targetConfigured":{"label":"//:step1"}},"children":[{"targetCompleted":{"label":"//:step1","configuration":{"id":"f157fdcaf05e7672fa1bf535fbb2c3edb004ce9e9a7f6d84d9bf031454e2fb64"}}}],"configured":{"targetKind":"genrule rule"}}
{"id":{"progress":{"opaqueCount":2}},"children":[{"progress":{"opaqueCount":3}},{"namedSet":{"id":"0"}}],"progress":{"stderr":"\r\u001b[1A\u001b[K\u001b[32mAnalyzing:\u001b[0m 3 targets (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured)\n\r\u001b[1A\u001b[K\u001b[32mINFO: \u001b[0mAnalyzed 3 targets (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).\n\n\r\u001b[1A\u001b[K\u001b[32mINFO: \u001b[0mFound 3 targets...\n\n\r\u001b[1A\u001b[K\u001b[32m[0 / 1]\u001b[0m [Prepa] BazelWorkspaceStatusAction stable-status.txt\n"}}
So, is it possible to extract target build start time from the build event protocol (or using another method)?
On the console, if that helps, you should be able to get this information combining --subcommands (or -s) which prints commands as they are being executed. And --show_timestamps which adds timestamps to all messages emitted.
It's not the same as what you're asking for (which I am not sure adding time to build event protocol could be trivially achieved just by configuration), but it may help with the debugging quest.

F# How to implement parameterized CI – execution loop using FAKE

The question is mostly about step #3.
I need to implement the following loop in F#:
Load some input parameters from database. If input parameters specify that the loop should be terminated, then quit. This is straightforward, thanks to type providers.
Run a model generator, which generates a single F# source file, call it ModelData.fs. The generation is based on input parameters and some random values. This may take up to several hours. I already have that.
Compile the project. I can hard code a call to MSBuild, but that does not feel right.
Copy executables into some temporary folder, let’s say <SomeTempData>\<SomeModelName>.
Asynchronously run the executable from the output location of the previous step. The execution time is usually between several hours to several days. Each process runs in a single thread because this is the most efficient way to do it in this case. I tried the parallel version, but it did not beat the single threaded one.
Catch when the execution finishes. This seems straightforward: . The running process is responsible for storing useful results, if any. This event can be handled by F# MailBoxProcessor.
Repeat from the beginning. Because execution is async, monitor the number of running tasks to ensure that it does not exceed some allowed number. Again, MailBoxProcessor will do that with ease.
The whole thing will run on Windows, so there is no need to maintain multiple platforms. Just NET Framework (let’s say 4.7.2 as of this date) will do fine.
This seems like a very straightforward CI-like exercise and F# FAKE seemed as a proper solution. Unfortunately, none of the provided scarce examples worked (even with reasonable tweaks) and the bugs were cryptic. However, the worst part was that the compiling feature did not work at all. The provided example: cannot be run at all and even after accounting for something like that: : it still silently choses not to compile the project. I’d appreciate any advice.
Here is the code that I was trying to run. It is based on the references above:
#r #"C:\GitHub\ClmFSharp\Clm\packages\FAKE.5.8.4\tools\FakeLib.dll"
#r #"C:\GitHub\ClmFSharp\Clm\packages\FAKE.5.8.4\tools\System.Reactive.dll"
open System.IO
open Fake.DotNet
open Fake.Core
open Fake.IO
open Fake.IO.Globbing.Operators
let execContext = Fake.Core.Context.FakeExecutionContext.Create false "build.fsx" []
Fake.Core.Context.setExecutionContext (Fake.Core.Context.RuntimeContext.Fake execContext)
// Properties
let buildDir = #"C:\Temp\WTF\"
// Targets
Target.create "Clean" (fun _ ->
Shell.cleanDir buildDir
Target.create "BuildApp" (fun _ ->
!! #"..\SolverRunner\SolverRunner.fsproj"
|> MSBuild.runRelease id buildDir "Build"
|> Trace.logItems "AppBuild-Output: "
Target.create "Default" (fun _ ->
Trace.trace "Hello World from FAKE"
open Fake.Core.TargetOperators
==> "BuildApp"
==> "Default"
Target.runOrDefault "Default"
The problem is that it does not build the project at all but no error messages are produced! This is the output when running it in FSI:
run Default
Building project with version: LocalBuild
Shortened DependencyGraph for Target Default:
<== Default
<== BuildApp
<== Clean
The running order is:
Group - 1
- Clean
Group - 2
- BuildApp
Group - 3
- Default
Starting target 'Clean'
Finished (Success) 'Clean' in 00:00:00.0098793
Starting target 'BuildApp'
Finished (Success) 'BuildApp' in 00:00:00.0259223
Starting target 'Default'
Hello World from FAKE
Finished (Success) 'Default' in 00:00:00.0004329
Build Time Report
Target Duration
------ --------
Clean 00:00:00.0025260
BuildApp 00:00:00.0258713
Default 00:00:00.0003934
Total: 00:00:00.2985910
Status: Ok

Retrieve branch name inside iOS project

An app I'm building contains a debug view for development purposes and can only be presented if the app is built in the debug environment.
What I would also like to accomplish is that I would like to be able to present the branch name inside that debug mode which the built was taken from. Since various builds are being deployed all the time, it would greatly help as to get a clear idea about which branch the build came from.
I tried some approaches(e.g. Swift scripting but realized it doesn't perform on iOS, etc.) with no luck in the end.
Does anyone have any ideas as to how to achieve this? Since this feature would not make it to the AppStore it's not bounded by Apple's rules so I'm open for private frameworks.
From this article you could use this script in a build phase to insert git information into Info.plist, which you can then query using Swift.
git_version=$(git log -1 --format="%h")
git_branch=$(git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD)
git_tag=$(git describe --tags --exact-match 2>/dev/null)
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleVersion '${git_branch_or_tag}-${git_version}'" "${info_plist}"
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :BuildTime '${build_time}'" "${info_plist}"
As Edmund Dipple' answer points out, this article shows how to get the git branch into your info.plist. I'm giving a new answer, because it took me a while to understand how it works and maybe it's good to have it complete here on SO.
First, open the app’s Info.plist and add an empty row with key = BuildTime and type = String.
Then, in your project target's Build Phases, click on the plus sign to add a New Run Script phase:
git_version=$(git log -1 --format="%h")
git_branch=$(git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD)
git_tag=$(git describe --tags --exact-match 2>/dev/null)
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :BuildBranch '${git_branch_or_tag_version}'" "${info_plist}"
Finally, the result can be retrieved in Swift like this:
Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["BuildBranch"] as? String
If you need the build info more than once, you could write this extension:
import Foundation
extension Bundle {
var buildBranch: String? {
return infoDictionary?["BuildBranch"] as? String
var buildTime: String? {
return infoDictionary?["BuildTime"] as? String
Then you can nicely query:
Just remember to properly unwrap, as these are optionals.
I had a problems getting info.plist path right.
Option 1:
This info.plistpath given in the linked article didn't work in my project.
Option 2:
In my build phase script, this info.plist path worked reliable.
However, I found that even though there was no error in the build log, the newly set entry got deleted after the first run. It worked only right after clean build folder. I haven't found out why. Maybe a build timing issue?
Option 3:
Setting info.plist on the project level was more persistent for me. But it's not a clean solution to have a branch name in this info.plist "template".
Maybe Option 2 is the best.

"** exception error: undefined function add:addfunc/0 in Erlang "

I'm trying to execute a simple erlang program of adding two numbers.
I'm trying to do this in Eclipse on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.
When i execute this program, I'm getting the error as shown below:
** exception error: undefined function add:addfunc/0
How do i go about solving this error? Thanks in advance.
This program when executed in the erlang shell is working fine. But when it comes to eclipse it's giving me this error. Not this, any program for that matter is giving me the similar error. Guess I would be missing something about the eclipse configuration.
Anyways, This is the sample add program,
addfunc() ->
5 + 6.
This message tells you that module add doesn't have an exported function addfunc/0.
Ensure the function you want to be called has exactly that name, doesn't expect any
parameters, is
exported, the module is
compiled, the search path includes the compiled beam file and that there is no module clashes using code:clash()
It's not clear how erlide (eclipse erlang plug-in you seem to use) compiles and runs a program. Try to compile source using erlc or inside erl shell. That way you'll have much easier controllable environment and you'll better understand what's going on.
I got exactly the same problem -for a tail recursive fibonacci function- below:
fibonacci(0) -> 0;
fibonacci(1) -> 1;
fibonacci(M) -> fibonacci(M-1) + fibonacci(M-2).
In the end, had realized that this is a compile-time exception. Then, have opened a new tab on my shell and tried with erlc, instead of erl.
$ erlc math2.erl
Now I am also able to see math2.beam file created.
Called fibonacci with 10:
4> math2:fibonacci(10).
and it worked!
I think you have not compiled the code and you are trying to run the program.
In eclipse, using the "Run" icon, trigger the run; which will get you to the erl shell in the console window.
There you do -
And you should see output like-
(Learning-ERL#DALAKSHM-MNFSM)7> cd("C:\Learning_ERL\src").
Then compile the code -
you should see something like this on the erl shell-
(Learning-ERL#DALAKSHM-MNFSM)10> c(add).
Now you should be seeing a new file called - add.beam in the same directory as that of your erl source file - add.erl
add.beam is a bytecode file
Now you should be able to run the program without any error
How do you try to execute your code?
In your editor, right-click and choose "Run as"->"Erlang application". The VM that is launched will have your project loaded automatically and when editing/saving a file it will get reloaded. When launching, a console appears and you can call your code from there.
If it still doesn't work, what message do you get for m(add).?

Running F# xUnit Fact from TestDriven.NET reporting "It looks like you're trying to execute an unit test."

I am trying to run xUnit tests (from an F# module, if it makes any difference) using TestDriven.NET, but whatever I do I get this error:
It looks like you're trying to execute an unit test.
For xUnit 1.5 or above (recommended):
Please ensure that the directory containing your 'xunit.dll' reference also contains xUnit's
test runner files ('xunit.dll.tdnet', 'xunit.runner.tdnet.dll' etc.)
For earlier versions:
You need to install support for TestDriven.Net using xUnit's 'xunit.installer.exe' application.
You can find downloads and support here:
I tried following the suggestions, i.e. I copied the files
to the folder with xunit.dll and I ran xunit.installer.exe. How can I get it to work?
I just figured out that I forgot to make the test a function in F# (so it was just a value). The error message can't be more misleading though!
You have two problems:
your Fact is broken:-
If you hover over the
please work
bit, you'll see something like: unit -> int
For a Fact to be picked up by an xUnit runner, it needs to yield `unit (void).
Hence, one key thing to get right first is to not return anything. In other words, replace your 123 with () (or an Assertion).
You can guard against this by putting a :unit stipulation on the test:-
let ``please work`` () : unit = 123
This will force a compilation error.
TestDriven.NET is reporting it cannot find the xunit.tdnet modules
It's critical to get step 1 right first. Then retry and the problem should be gone
If it remains...
Either try the VS-based runner which should work as long as it's installed and xunit.dll is getting to your output dir or look at the docs for your version of TD.NET for detailed troubleshooting notes (exec summary is if the .tdnet file was in your out dir or you undo and redo the xunit.installer from the folder containing the packages it should just work, esp if you are on latest)
