Regarding App ICON - ios

I have uploaded 1 application Last week. Its currently in waiting For Review state.
In this application, I have not added the #3x (180X180) image for the App ICON.
Now when I am testing my app on iPhone 6+ the app icon appears to be black. Ideally what I think is that it should take a lower size of icon i.e. icon-120x120 #2x.png.
Do I need to reupload my app again or I should wait for the app approval?

I don't know how your app is being submitted, you must get error while uploading to app store.
If your app icon is coming black on iPhone 6+ then apple will surely reject your app.
I would suggest you to wait for their approval as it's been a week. They might come with more issues with your app instead of just wrong icon. Other wise you can re-upload your app with correct icons
As you mentioned you haven't used Image.xcassets then your app might be displayed in scale mode for iPhone 6 and 6+
Read this article to know if your app is being run in Scale Mode (Get Started Section)


Why is my app's icon displaying incorrectly on the apple App Store?

I recently released an app on the apple App Store however I have an issue with the app icon not displaying correctly. It displays fine on the App Store when viewed from a MacBook however when viewed from an iPhone the icon is fully black like so:
The same app listing on the App Store viewed from a MacBook:
Does anyone have any idea why this might be the case? The icon displays correctly in Xcode and on apple connect yet when viewed from an iPhone on the App Store it turns all black.
Try resubmitting your app. I think it's a current bug with App Store Connect.
When you go into App Store Connect, ensure the icon is displaying properly under the build (on the main version screen). And when you submit the app the for review, also ensure it's displaying properly.
I had the same black icon issue, and after uploading the app a few times, I finally got it to display with the proper icon on the main version screen. And when I submitted for review, it also displayed the proper icon (not the blacked out icon). It took a few attempts.
I managed to fix the issue. The problem was that I was using the flutter package flutter_launcher_icons to generate the app icon and for some reason it did not generate all the right sizes causing the app icon to show up on some devices but not on others. Apple still approved the app which made me think that it was an issue on their side rather than mine. I fixed the issue by using this app icon generator instead which generated all the right sizes and now the app icon shows up correctly on every device.

Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '1024x1024

I'm using Firebase Messaging in Swift 3. In IOS 10 was working. After updated my Iphone to IOS 11 stoped to work. Anyone help me
This is the new change in iOS11
Basically you need to provide 1024x1024 icon also as part of iOS11 so that if Apple wants can make small size icon if you have not provided any small size icon.
You will get warning while uploading to test flight - But interestingly it does uploads build on test flight without this 1024x1024 size. But to be on safer side you need to make it part of bundle to reduce chance of AppStore rejection.

Apple Rejection App: We also noticed that your app did not run at iPhone resolution when reviewed on iPad running iOS 10.2.1 [duplicate]

I made an iPhone App with Xcode. The devices setting is set to "iPhone". But in iTunes Connect it is rejected because it doesn't run on the iPad.
That is weird because it is an iPhone app, but when I checked it in Xcode, I can run it with the iPad simulator,however I think that normally this is not possible with an iPhone app.
I have added pictures to make my question clearer:
So what is gone wrong and how can I fix it?
Picture from resolution center:
Thanks all, I Found the problem/solution:
In my info.plist there was an extra row called supported interface orientations(iPad) where the portrait mode was added.
I have no idea how this got added here but when I removed it, the problem was solved.
From the Apple iOS App Store Review Guidelines (
2.10 iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
Basically, if you set an app to "Universal" it will have iPad and iPhone versions of the UI and will appear in the search results for both. If you set it to iPhone only, it will still be installable on iPads, but it doesn't appear in the search results by default. Additionally when a user does install it on an iPad it will just scale up the UI to best fit the screen. You cannot prevent your app from running on iPads.
Every app can run on the iPad no matter if it is supported or not. The option you have in Xcode is if you want to configure it to look good on the iPad using it's own storyboard. If you configure it for both iPad and iPhone your app fill get a + in the right corner of the price on the App Store and show up on iPad searches. However if you don't configure it to support iPads it'll not show up on searches of the Apple App Store, unless osmose selects iPhone only. You can easily submit your app to the App Store, without it being rejected my friend.
Hope that helps. Keep coding.
Nothing is wrong here , you can do this in debug mode for development purpose. Even you can run it on your iPad device from xCode. Don't worry about it, nothing wrong here.

Why my iPhone app was rejected?

Here is the message that appears in iTunes Connect Resolution Center:
3.5: Small and large app icons should be similar, so as to not to cause confusion
We found that the app icon displayed on the device does not
sufficiently match the large icon displayed on the App Store, which
does not comply with the App Store Review Guidelines.
In your case, the app icon displayed on the device is blank.
< More explanation...>
So, to my understanding the app was rejected because the app icon is blank on the device, but when I install the app on my iPhone 5 via Ad Hoc distribution (which is the closest to App Store distribution) everything looks fine.
Following is the assets App Icon configuration in XCode. Is it looks fine?
Any help will be appreciated.
I found the reason why my app was rejected and I just wish to share the solution for anyone that will face the same issue.
It appears that my app was rejected since the app icon was blank on iPad devices. (Note that iPad devices are still being used by the Apple App Review team testers even though my app is an iPhone only app)
I recently started using images.xcassets for managing my app icon and loading page images. I therefore removed all related files from my app resources but the target plist file had some leftovers that eventually found as the cause to the blank icon on the iPad...
Once I removed an entry called "CFBundleIcons~ipad" from the plist file, the issue was fixed.
Thank you #Leijonien for you comment that helped me to resolve this issue!
You not meet App Icon Requirements
Create different sizes of the app icon for different devices. If you’re creating a universal app, you need to supply app icons in all four sizes.
For iPhone and iPod touch, both of these sizes are required:
120 x 120 pixels
60 x 60 pixels (standard resolution)
For iPad, both of these sizes are required:
152 x 152
76 x 76 pixels (standard resolution)
Referenced by Apple inc for more information visit Apple icon guidelines

Remove Icon Gloss in itunesconnect for App Store (not in app)

Since the 1024x1024 pixel update in iTunesconnect we've been trying to remove the icon gloss from the App Store icon.
Our app icon looks fine on iPhone or iPad (prerendered icon flag is OK), but the icon we upload to itunesconnect gets the gloss added. This is what we mean:
We already experienced this with our lite version: the icons on iOS look fine, but there does not seem to be a way to disable gloss for the App Store icons.
Does anyone have an idea how to disable gloss for the App Store as well or is this changed in the App Store update?
[we used the search, but haven't found an answer to this question]
The App Store icon is styled according to your application info.plist. Apple use the 'gloss' effect by default in iTunes Connect because your binary hasn't been upload and processed yet. Once your app goes live you icon should be displayed correctly (according to your info.plist). If you still have issues your only course of action is to raise it as a bug with Apple.
After adding a new version of my app (with 1024 high res icon) it was also adding the gloss effect in iTunes Connect, it stayed there till I released it. It's showing fine in the AppStore and on iPhone and iPad.
