Why my iPhone app was rejected? - ios

Here is the message that appears in iTunes Connect Resolution Center:
3.5: Small and large app icons should be similar, so as to not to cause confusion
We found that the app icon displayed on the device does not
sufficiently match the large icon displayed on the App Store, which
does not comply with the App Store Review Guidelines.
In your case, the app icon displayed on the device is blank.
< More explanation...>
So, to my understanding the app was rejected because the app icon is blank on the device, but when I install the app on my iPhone 5 via Ad Hoc distribution (which is the closest to App Store distribution) everything looks fine.
Following is the assets App Icon configuration in XCode. Is it looks fine?
Any help will be appreciated.

I found the reason why my app was rejected and I just wish to share the solution for anyone that will face the same issue.
It appears that my app was rejected since the app icon was blank on iPad devices. (Note that iPad devices are still being used by the Apple App Review team testers even though my app is an iPhone only app)
I recently started using images.xcassets for managing my app icon and loading page images. I therefore removed all related files from my app resources but the target plist file had some leftovers that eventually found as the cause to the blank icon on the iPad...
Once I removed an entry called "CFBundleIcons~ipad" from the plist file, the issue was fixed.
Thank you #Leijonien for you comment that helped me to resolve this issue!

You not meet App Icon Requirements
Create different sizes of the app icon for different devices. If you’re creating a universal app, you need to supply app icons in all four sizes.
For iPhone and iPod touch, both of these sizes are required:
120 x 120 pixels
60 x 60 pixels (standard resolution)
For iPad, both of these sizes are required:
152 x 152
76 x 76 pixels (standard resolution)
Referenced by Apple inc for more information visit Apple icon guidelines


IOS app size 100MB warning

I've uploaded my app to the itunes connect and am using TestFlight before I release my app. When i check my build it gives me a warning about the "Universal" Device type being over the 100 mb mark for the app to be downloaded over a network connection. All the rest are around the 60MB mark.
I tested on my device, iphone 6 running 9.2.1. and in testflight it shows the app as being the correct size. But on another device iphone 6 running 8.2 it displays the Univeral size 149 and actually downloads it as that size. I don't why firstly the universal size is twice the size and secondly why is the iphone 6 running 8.2 downloading the Universal app.
Sorry i don't currently have a screen shot of the other device. but it has 149MB as the size
Sounds like App Thinning to me:
Note: Sliced apps are supported on devices running 9.0 and later;
otherwise, the store delivers universal apps to customers.
If I remember correctly, I think iTunes is responsible for making a general compiled causing a large increase in the size of the IPA. You can read more here.

Regarding App ICON

I have uploaded 1 application Last week. Its currently in waiting For Review state.
In this application, I have not added the #3x (180X180) image for the App ICON.
Now when I am testing my app on iPhone 6+ the app icon appears to be black. Ideally what I think is that it should take a lower size of icon i.e. icon-120x120 #2x.png.
Do I need to reupload my app again or I should wait for the app approval?
I don't know how your app is being submitted, you must get error while uploading to app store.
If your app icon is coming black on iPhone 6+ then apple will surely reject your app.
I would suggest you to wait for their approval as it's been a week. They might come with more issues with your app instead of just wrong icon. Other wise you can re-upload your app with correct icons
As you mentioned you haven't used Image.xcassets then your app might be displayed in scale mode for iPhone 6 and 6+
Read this article to know if your app is being run in Scale Mode (Get Started Section)

About upload binary on itunesconnect

I have uploaded binary on itunes connect only for iphone with iphone connect , but issue is still apple review my app on ipad. my first version 1.0 not reviewed on ipad but when i uploaded new binary with new version 1.0.1 it reviewed on ipad and my app will be rejected what is the solution for that. and i also want to remove ipad screenshot tab from itunes. it is possible? give any solution.
All applications will be reviewed on an iPad, even if they are designed only for iPhone. An iPhone app run on an iPad with a black border around it at equivalent resolution or with a X2 zoom (height / width proportion is that of an iPhone 3"5 )
You can't remove iPad screenshot tab from iTunes, but when sending an iPhone only designed app you don't need to upload iPad screenshots.
All what is required is that the application still run on iPad the same way it would on the iPhone.

"You must provide a screenshot for 5.5-inch Retina display, because your app binary supports 5.5-inch Retina displays" while building in Xcode 5.1

I've updated an old app with a minor bug fix. The app was compiled using Xcode 5.1.
(No way to use assets catalog or to add iPhone 6 and 6 Plus images.)
But still when I try to submit it to review I'm getting this error:
You must provide a screenshot for 4.7-inch Retina display, because
your app binary supports 4.7-inch Retina displays.
You must provide a
screenshot for 5.5-inch Retina display, because your app binary
supports 5.5-inch Retina displays.
The easiest fix would be to upload 4.7 & 5.5 pics which is fine but I'm more worried about the "because your app binary supports 4.7-inch Retina displays" part.
Although it feels like a bug in iTunes connect, any one found a workaround for this?
We've had the same issue yesterday although our app did not state support or optimization for iPhone 6(or +).
Using Xcode 6.1 to build the IPA, we've simply re-scaled relevant images, and had no further issues submitting the app.
Some developers are not encountering the issue with their app's submission, while having no 4.7/5.5 inch scaled screenshots, meaning there's a possible flag in the binary which enforces this limitation.
The longer version
Apple now demands screenshots for the new screen sizes, without being dependent on the actual app binary.
As per the Developer portal, if an app states it supports iPhone 6, it must provide at least one properly* scaled image ( * proper size is listed in the link above).
All current releases to the app store should support the latest device, including iPhone 6 and the 6+, by default, therefore the error message is terrible. There is no actual relation to the binary. Just a new iTunes Connect limitation.
This is a recently added limitation by apple as our previous release to the App Store using Xcode 6.0 did not require us to add these new scaled images.
I had this issue too and I discovered that it was because I had inadvertently set the "Launch Screen File" (General Project Settings) to the name of Main.storyboard. When I cleared that out I was able to Submit for Review successfully.

Xcode 6 iPhone only app crashing on iPad

I sent an app to apple with iPhone-only settings. Trust me, I have looked over all the settings to make sure the target device family is iPhones. When I sent the app to apple, however, they rejected the app on the basis that: "We found that your app crashed on iPad running iOS 8, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
Your app crashed when we pressed Play.
This occurred when your app was used on Wi-Fi."
I understand why apple would say this, but at the same time I do not. I tested the app on the simulators on iPad, and the errors that I got in the debugging area were:
CUICatalog: Can't find rendition for name: mainMenuPicture scale factor: 2 device idiom: 2 device subtype: 0
SKTexture: Error loading image resource: "mainMenuPicture"
On iPhones, all of the mainMenuPictures (in the asset catalogs) work fine. In fact, everything does, except that when the same app runs on iPad, this happens. In the asset catalogs, I only included iPhone and iPhone A4 screen types (so my asset consists of 1x, 2x, 3x, and Retina 4 2x images). Would this be the interference?
Please help. Thanks!
Here are the pictures with the crashlogs and the code when it happens.
Here is the asset catalog, which works on the iPhone device family, but doesn't on iPad:
I have tried renaming the textureWithImage: to textureWithImageNamed, which returned a blank image and ran (with many more errors however). That is not the ultimate cause of the error.
It's weird that the asset catalog explicitly says "iPhone". Can you set it to "Universal" in the settings pane, assign the images to universal instead of iPhone (excluding long iPhone which is not universal) and check if it helps?
