How to create custom controls? -

Which is the best way to create custom controls in a Big Mvc application? Partials views which means a partial view for each control ? HTML Helpers? another alternative?
please find below a sample of custom control that I have in the asp web application:
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
writer.WriteLine("<div class=\"btnContainer\">");
writer.WriteLine("<div class=\"clr\"></div>");

Partials alone aren't really "controls". They need something to drive them. In MVC 5 and previous you can use child actions to create something very similar to an ASCX control. In MVC 6+ View Components are the way to go.
You can also use an HtmlHelper extension. Really, the chief determination of which you should use boils down to whether you need external data access. If you need to query a database, hit a Web API, etc., then use child actions / view components. If you're self contained (i.e. you just want to render a bit of HTML based on some existing value you already have, then you can go with an HtmlHelper extension. However, a child action / view component still works in this scenario, as well, meaning they're much more versatile overall.


Render Razor View inside of WCF service

It's a quite odd task to do, but I can't change the requirements. We have to write a WCF service (SOAP, not REST) and return an HTML as a property on response object.
I don't want to use:
hard-coded strings and use string.Format() to fill in some values;
t4 template as not many people can support this approach in the future;
WebForm controls as most of our developers are used to work with MVC projects.
I already know how to render some ActionResult to a string. So, ideally, I would like to be be able to create a controller, invoke some action and get an ActionResult.
For that, I created MVC application and added service.svc file to it. Service work fine - I can invoke its methods and receive results. But my problems start when I try to render Razor View. If I simply create an instance of any controller and then invoke an action, controller's property ControllerContext is null and hence View can't be rendered. I tried crafting ControllerContext on the fly, but seems like I'm missing something.
I found very similar question here, but the solution offered there didn't work for me as HttpContext.Current is null inside of wcf methods.
Does any body know how to achieve that? Or maybe somebody can sugggest other simple and flexible way to render HTML inside of WCF method?
You should also have a look at the Nancy framework (, as their implementation of the RazorEngine is more lightweight.
I've had a fair amount of success using Nancy to generate HTML on demand - because it was designed as being inherently testable, you can abuse it to your own ends as a templating framework pretty easily.
You will need to host the Razor Engine in your app. Look at this article Rendering ASP.NET MVC Views to String, especially the section "Rendering without a ControllerContext"
Also, much more info can be found in this answer Render a view as a string. (The are several "correct" answers, with different contexts)

How Can I Hide Specific Elements on a Razor View Based on Security without Logic in View?

I have looked all over for elegant solutions to this not so age-old question. How can I lock down form elements within an ASP.Net MVC View, without adding if...then logic all over the place?
Ideally the BaseController, either from OnAuthorization, or OnResultExecultion, would check the rendering form elements and hide/not render them based on role and scope.
Another approach I have considered is writing some sort of custom attributes, so as to stay consistent with how how we lock down ActionResults with [Authorize]. Is this even possible without passing a list of hidden objects to the view and putting if's all over?
Other background info: We will have a database that will tell us at execution time (based on user role/scope) what elements will be hidden. We are using MVC3 with Razor Viewengine. We're utilizing a BaseController where any of the Controller methods can be overridden.
Any help on this would be deeply appreciated!
You could use a number of different methods:
Send the user to a different view (display only view) based on the action filter, or a condition in the controller.
On a field basis, you could build the logic into the editor templates to read custom data-annotations based on role/permission.
You can build HTML helpers to handle the logic and render the appropriate partial view, css class, or text.
For more reading:
How much logic is allowed in ASP.NET
MVC views?
ASP.NET MVC 2 Templates, Part 1: Introduction (there are 5 parts, very informative and a good place to start developing your own editor templates) MVC - complex example?

We're evaluating MVC and are looking for some more complicated examples over and above NerdDinner.
Specifically, in a more complex web app, I might have a navigation bar (including primary nav, a search box and a log-in status display), a main content area, a sub-content area (including related content) and a footer. In MVC a controller returns a ViewModel (not a View if I'm thinking that I want to de-couple my Controller from my View) - would my ViewModel have to have properties to cover each and every aspect of the "page" I am aiming to render as output?
If this is unclear, I may be able to re-word my question.
BTW - I know this site is built using MVC. I'm after downloadable examples.
Thanks in advance.
Take a look at CodeCampServer.
Edit: With reference to your query about view models, this isn't the perfect answer to it but thought I'd draw attention to AutoMapper (used by CodeCampServer) which can assist with auto mapping data between models and view models which is a real time saver. Also worth considering the concept of Input Builders (there's some available with MVCContrib and also some in ASP.NET MVC 2) which will also reduce the amount of data you have to pass into a view by encapsulating common functionality across the board.
There's a good video on the ASP.NET MVC 2 offering here:
Here ya go:
<% Html.RenderAction<LayoutController>(c => c.SearchBox()); %>
<% Html.RenderAction<LayoutController>(c => c.NavBox(Model)); %>
Put these in your masterpages, or on specific views for sidebar widgets, and abstract their logic away from your controller/viewmodel you are working on. They can even read the current RouteData (url/action) and ControllerContext (parameters/models), cause you are dealing with ambient values in these objects - and executing a full ActionMethod request!
I blogged about this little known secret here. I also blogged about where this is located, which is the ASP.NET 1.0 MVC Futures assembly that is a seperate add-on from Microsoft.
Steve Sanderson actually gives gives examples of complex logic and application building in a book I have called Pro ASP.NET MVC (shameless plug, I know, but it's what you are looking for in your question), where he actually uses the RenderAction! I made the blog post, before I even read the book so I am glad we are on the same page.
Actually, there are dozens of extensions and functionality that was developed by the ASP.NET MVC team that was left out of the ASP.NET MVC 1.0 project - most of which makes complex projects much more managable. This is why more complex examples (list above in most people's answers) have to use some type of custom ViewEngine, or some big hoop jumping with base controllers and custom controllers. I've looked at almost all of the open source versions listed above.
But what it comes down to is not looking at a complex example, but instead knowing the ways to implement the complex logic that you desire - such as your Navigation bar when all you have is a ViewModel in a single controller to deal with. It gets tiring very quickly having to bind your navbar to each and every ViewModel.
So, an example of these is the Html.RenderAction() extension (as I started off with) that allows you to move that more complex/abstracted logic off of the viewmodel/controller (where it is NOT even your concern), and place it in its own controller action where it belongs.
This littler baby has saved MVC for me, especally on large scale enterprise projects I am currently working on.
You can pass your viewmodel into the RenderAction, or just render anything like a Footer or Header area - and let the logic be contained within those actions where you can just fire and forget (write the RenderAction, and forget about any concern of what it does for a header or footer).
You are welcome to take a look at
It has much of what you seek above but there is work to be done! However, after you've looked I'd be happy to field questions on it here or over on codeplex.
This is what is currently running on.
would my ViewModel have to have
properties to cover each and every
aspect of the "page" I am aiming to
render as output?
Yes. There is another option with RenderAction, but apart from that a ViewModel in generall is often big and you have to find a good way to fill it. I admit this sounds like a trouble spot first.
AtomSite is a blog engine written using ASP.NET MVC
As far as I know, a Controller directly returns a View and can pass data to the View using either the ViewData or the Context.
The former is just a loose bag of various bits of data, whereas the latter is a specific type.
The ViewModel would be passed to the View as the Context (and the mark-up of the View would be strongly-typed to the type of ViewModel it expects).
That's my 2c worth :) Hope that helped-- sorry I could not include any downloadable examples.
To automatically pass data to all views, you can make your own controller class and use that:
public class MyController : Controller
private User _CurrentUser;
public User CurrentUser
if (_CurrentUser == null)
_CurrentUser = (User)Session["CurrentUser"];
return _CurrentUser;
_CurrentUser = value;
Session["CurrentUser"] = _CurrentUser;
/// <summary>
/// Use this override to pass data to all views automatically
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context"></param>
protected override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext context)
if (context.Result is ViewResult)
ViewData["CurrentUser"] = CurrentUser;

Where should the browser types be segregated in an ASP.NET mobile MVC application?

I am building what will primarily be a mobile browser targeted ASP.NET MVC application. Although it will target the desktop as well in a smaller capacity. (I'm fairly new to both MVC and mobile apps.)
I'm wondering what is the best practice for segregating mobile vs. desktop users in an MVC application.
Should the controller be in charge of checking for browser type? Or, should this type of functionality be reserved for the View?
If checked in the view, can & should a masterpage do the checking? Do you know of any good examples online?
I just discovered an overload of the View method that accepts a string argument specifying the Masterpage to be used.
For example:
public ActionResult Index()
if (isMobile())
return View("Index", "Mobile", myObject);
return View("Index", myObject);
To me this suggests that at least a few people on the Microsoft team expect major distinctions (such as mobile vs. desktop) to be carried out in the controller. (There's a good chance I'm highly confused about this.)
I think the controller must know the plataform, because you can get a lot of views in distint languages, Some view for browsers (mobile) another view in Desktop App, another view can be a web service, and all views can have different needs.
If you have a few views, you can call views with parameters to mark the type of view:
Index(mobile) and Index(Desktop) as it:
Index(string typeOfApp){
//prepare data, do querys, etc
if (typeOfApp=='Mobile'){
return view('IndexMobile',ds)
return View('IndexDesktop',ds);
IndexMobile(DataSet ds){}
IndexDesktop(DataSet ds){}
You can get a general method for your action() and another action for every type,
Index -> Index4Mobile & Index4Browser & Index4Desktop
And in all of this methods prepare or do something special for every plataform, or a Single Action with multiple views(1 for plataform).
Any code dealing with rendering of your code should exist on the page itself via CSS and javascript. Your controllers should know nothing about how your data will be rendered on screen. The views shouldn't really even know anything about it either - they only expose the data that your CSS will render.
The HTML your View spits out describes your data and how it is organized. Only the CSS should know how to make it look appropriate for whatever device is rendering it.
This link, chock full of javascript should help determine which mobile browser is running.

Is there an equivalent to Monorail view components for the ASP.Net MVC Framework?

I make heavy use of View Components in some of the larger applications I've built in Monorail - What is the equivalent approach in ASP.Net MVC for a view component, that can support sections etc.?
Actually you have several options to create the equivalent of a ViewComponent in ASP.NET MVC, depending in the complexity of your component. I use these two approaches which are the more mvc-ish of the options I am aware of.
The simplest thing is to create a ViewUserControl and display it using Html.RenderPartial with the helper. The ViewUserControl is a simple piece of markup with no backing controller (I think you can put a codebehind file if you want).
Optionally, you can pass a model object or the entire ViewData dictionary to the view when calling RenderPartial, like this:
<% Html.RenderPartial("TopBar", model); %>
"TopBar" is an ascx page. This works anywhere, in master pages and in normal views.
If you want your component to have more complicated logic or to access datasources, IoC, etc, then you can use Html.RenderAction which is an extension method found in the Microsoft.Web.Mvc assembly. I am using this out of the mvccontrib distribution. It works like this, you need to create a normal controller with all the logic you need, then create some views and all of these things become your component, for example:
public class AboutComponentController : Controller {
public IRepository Repository{ get; set; }
public ActionResult Detail() {
var lastEvent = Repository.FindAll<Auditoria>().FirstOrDefault();
return View(lastEvent);
Notice how I have a reference to an IRepository which is going to be injected with IoC (Windsor in my case) and I can do anything a normal controller would do.
Now, in any page (master or normal) where you want to use your component, import Microsoft.Web.Mvc and call Html.RenderAction with the appropriate parameters. This will create a mini mvc pipeline that creates the controller, resolves the view, etc., just like a Monorail ViewComponent. I prefer to use the lambda based variation of the method, like this:
<% Html.RenderAction<AboutComponentController>(x => x.Detail("a message"));%>
Unfortunately, the only way to pass parameters is to use the method call itself, which in turn must be unique in the controller. Still needs some work to resemble a ViewComponent.
I don't use masterpages or layouts in the views of my components since they are composition elements themselves.
Remember that when using the Webforms view engine, you can have strongly typed views if you like to have intellisense when using the Model variable in code blocks.
The beauty of this is that you can mix view engines with these approaches, I usually create the components in nvelocity and display them in aspx pages, etc.
I now there can be issues with caching of the partial views but I haven't run into any so far. I am sure there are other options (like subcontrollers in mvccontrib) but this is usually enough for simple cases. Of course you can use normal components in your aspx view pages but that would be cheating right? hehe. I hope it helps.
Phil Haack blogged about creating areas to group controllers into sub-folders/sections similar to MonoRails.
