How did Apple do their action sheet like this? - ios

I was exploring the new Apple Music app the other day, and found a rather peculiar action sheet...
Until now, I didn't know either UIAlertController or UIActionSheet could have dividers like this! Come to think of it, how did they get that top button to look like a table view cell?
I have poured over both the UIActionSheet, UIAlertController, and UIAlertAction documents without success. So far as I know, Apple doesn't look kindly to subclassing these, or messing with the view hierarchy.
My questions then, are as follows:
How can I reproduce those thicker divider thingies on my own action sheets?
How can I reproduce that top button, with an image and descriptive text below the main action body?
Is there any current API that provides this functionality?
Any guidance would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

This is a normal UIAlertController or UIActionSheet but the last sheet has a custom view which is an image and 2 label
you can see these questions if you want to know how to produce that with the normal UIActionSheet but it's a little tricky
First Question
Second Question
Third Question
Ch Tut
or if you don't want to use any hacks on UIActionSheet or UIAlertController you may use these library as a replacement for Action Sheets JGActionSheet
other libraries


Which UI element of iOS is this?

I am trying to incorporate a similar kind of view in an app. So, was wondering if its a tableview or something else?(see attached image) I am very new to learning swift and would greatly appreciate if someone could help me identify how this kind of structure can be made. Just the name of the element to be used would be enough. I will look up the details on Apple Docs.
It is a customized UIPickerView with two components. Just like the default Date Picker in iOS.
These questions should help you in styling the UIPickerView:
How can I change text font in picker in iOS 7?
Custom UIPickerView with Custom Background color
For that last question, please take a look at DShah' answer.
Addition to Nina's answer, below are some of the good custom Picker view controls which will be good to use in terms of performance and customizable. (Horizontal PickerView)

Upward expanding Accordion TableView in iOS

I want to implement an "accordion" TableView in iOS, something like in this link.
But one small change, I would like the TableView to be at the bottom of the screen, and have the sections expand upwards instead of downwards.
I would like this to be supported in iOS7 and up. Support for iOS6 would be nice to have, but not mandatory.
I've been searching for a solution for the last 3 days and tried many different libraries, but no luck. Any ideas on how to implement something like this? Is this something that's possible to do with any library I use? Or do I need to find something with that specific functionality?
You may try this one library I had Used for something same..
This is definitely possible.
I don't know whether there is a framework but I can suggest you using simple inserting of table view rows.
Apple doc on table view
But you will definitely need an advanced table row management

How set up editing in iOS application like contacts app

My designer is giving me something that looks similar to the iPad contacts app. This doesn't seem to be standard, though. I would have thought I would have found more info on this but my searches haven't brought up much, so I apologize if I've missed it. Basically we want to have a green "+" button to add an item, expanding the cell to enter data for that item when tapped (see "add new address" cell in 1st attached image below), then in 2nd image that cell expanded with address fields.
The final question relates to what seems like standard table editing behavior, but I'm not sure how to fit into this context. For the delete icon, getting it to rotate when tapped and the "delete" button to show up in the cell. As I asked earlier, how do I get the delete icon to show up to the side of the cell rather than within it and how do I get it to show up for just certain cells and not all of them? See final screenshot below.
Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Sounds complicated. Why not leverage Apple's ABPersonViewController to display and edit an Address Book contact?

Implement auto-completion on iPad

Scenario: I have a list of medication (stored somewhere, let's say an NSArray).
There is a UITextField where a user can enter a medication to get more information about it (or whatever).
I want to suggest word completions while he is typing (but that is rather easy).
Where is the best place to show these suggestions? Since it's on the iPad i want it kinda like when you google and you get your suggestions right below the search bar. Is that possible on the iPad? A table that lays over the rest of the screen, placed below the text field? Like a pop up or something? I have never really used an iPad in my life before, therefore I don't know what the iOS way would be..
Edit: Something like this but connected to a textfield and not a button or whatever that thing is:
Edit: Or even better: Something like this but for iPad and not Android:
In my app I used a UITableView for displaying the suggestion.
I added the tableView above my UITextField. When there is no auto complete word found, I hide the tableView.
Please check my autocomplete implemetation.
Check out my control, MLPAutoCompleteTextField for iOS. It is a subclass of UITextField that does autocomplete.
The implementation is similar to what you are looking for in the second screenshot, and very customizable.

ios coverflow displaying many items like three instead of one at a time

I want to implementing coverflow like the one on the below image show below (instead of showing 1 at a time it can show many like 3 at a time). Can someone help me on the approach, or lead me to any tutorial will be appreciated
Thank you in advance
what i understood from your question is that you want to implement coverflow.
so u can achieve this using by adding UIScrollView to UItableView Cell, if you want only one row then just play with our few tableView delegate methods.
This tutorial help you to proceed. revert back if you need any help.
also take a look at this post: Check here
