ios coverflow displaying many items like three instead of one at a time - ios

I want to implementing coverflow like the one on the below image show below (instead of showing 1 at a time it can show many like 3 at a time). Can someone help me on the approach, or lead me to any tutorial will be appreciated
Thank you in advance

what i understood from your question is that you want to implement coverflow.
so u can achieve this using by adding UIScrollView to UItableView Cell, if you want only one row then just play with our few tableView delegate methods.
This tutorial help you to proceed. revert back if you need any help.
also take a look at this post: Check here


Swipe between multiple CollectionViews in iOS Swift

I hope someone can help me.
I would like to swipe left and right between several CollectionViews and add another CollectionView in Runtime with a button on the last page.
How could I build up the structure?
My purpose: The user can create his own smart grid to create different shortcuts in each CollectionView item. I want to add more "pages" now.
Thank you!
>> I have attached a picture of how it should work <<
EDIT: I found something helpful for my case:
There is a number of ways you can do that. One way is to use UIPageViewController where each UICollectionView is hosted by a UIViewController (or UICollectionViewController)

What is the best way to make a data grid in swift?

Good evening everyone!
Part of my requirements for the app I am building has me creating a data grid similar to the example linked. I have spent the entire day searching google and this site in order to find the best way to get started in swift. I have read so far that both a table view and a collection view could work, but that a collection view is preferred. My data grid doesn't necessarily have to be scrollable but the data does need to be editable. I don't have much experience using either tableviews or collectionviews and I'm looking for the simplest implementation without relying on a third party dependency. Any help or direction is greatly appreciated.
Since I don't know your experience level, I will explain at a basic level - my apologies in advance if it's too basic :) A UITableView displays rows of data, while a UICollectionView displays cells in a grid.
So, at first, a UICollectionView might appear to be the better option. But as always, things get complicated pretty quickly :) For example, are you going to implement your UICollectionView as one cell for the whole row, or are you going to implement a cell per column in your table of data? And if you implement cells per column of data, how are you going to handle the different types of cells you might (or might not) need for each column?
There are multiple decisions that might need to be made, and only you know the answers to a lot of these :)
But the simpler option probably is to go with UITableView and that's what I'd suggest if you are new to both UITableViews and UICollectionView. Try out a UITableView-based approach first and if that doesn't work, or you see limitations, then try a UICollectionView. The experience you had in building the UITableView will help you in moving on to UICollectionView anyway :)

(Swift) How to implement a Page Control through paging single views?

I want to implement a page control in my project so that every view can be accessed through swiping left or right. Every example I have looked at is to do with images, not views. I've been studying this and its of course images again. My application is a single view application. I'm not really sure what code snippets to give you so far, I don't think I do because I haven't done anything on this yet. If you need specifics, please comment and ask me, i'll be here all day.
Please help me!
The same idea should apply in the tutorial you cited. They're adding UIImageView to a UIScrollView. So in your case, instead of UIImageView just use UIView. Also you can think of the pageImages array as a data source about your views. For example, instead of an array of UIImage you can just have an array of some model object that helps you configure your view. However, keep in mind that the implementation in the tutorial for your case won't scale if you plan to have a lot of UIViews. That's because you want to effectively reuse views that aren't showing. When it gets to that point, you're better off implementing a UITableView that scrolls horizontally.
You can use UIPageViewController for paging effect. Check out this tutorial. It is written in obj-c but who cares. It will give you idea about using UIPageViewController.

Upward expanding Accordion TableView in iOS

I want to implement an "accordion" TableView in iOS, something like in this link.
But one small change, I would like the TableView to be at the bottom of the screen, and have the sections expand upwards instead of downwards.
I would like this to be supported in iOS7 and up. Support for iOS6 would be nice to have, but not mandatory.
I've been searching for a solution for the last 3 days and tried many different libraries, but no luck. Any ideas on how to implement something like this? Is this something that's possible to do with any library I use? Or do I need to find something with that specific functionality?
You may try this one library I had Used for something same..
This is definitely possible.
I don't know whether there is a framework but I can suggest you using simple inserting of table view rows.
Apple doc on table view
But you will definitely need an advanced table row management

iOS Timelime View

I want to implement a timeline view. In which I need to have months (with dates) on top and many rows below that with a bar of time period. (very similar to this image)
Please tell me, where should I start, like subclassing UIScrollView or using drawRect. And whether is it possible to use UITableViewCell for each row? Please show me the right direction.
thank you!
You may try this one, it will help you :-
