How to get output of 'git describe' into Jenkins build name - jenkins

What's the best (or any!) way to put the output of a command in a Jenkins build name?
I'd like to put the output of the git describe command into the build name of a Jenkins job.
I've installed the build-name-setter plugin with the hopes of setting the build name to something like:
I just don't know how to set $GIT_DESCRIBE before the name is set! I've tried using the EnvInject plugin. The only way to dynamically set the environment variables is to use groovy script. This would work well, except my job is running on a remote slave and the groovy script is (apparently) running only on the master.

If you need the "describe" data (i.e. you can't just use the existing $GIT_BRANCH or $GIT_COMMIT environment variables), you could add an "Execute shell step" with:
echo GIT_DESCRIBE=$(git describe) >
Then after that, add an EnvInject build step which injects properties from the file.

I tried following the steps outlined by Christopher Orr but my "Execute shell" script seemed to only run after the build had started. In my case GIT_DESCRIBE was never set/injected in time for the build to use it.
After some time researching I found a solution using the "Evaluated Groovy script" step as part of the Environment Injector Plugin. The Groovy script is evaluated pre-build. The main caveat there though is that the .groovy script is not run in the $WORKSPACE. What I ended up doing was executing a shell script located in my app ($WORKSPACE) from the .groovy script and returning its output as a map with GIT_DESCRIBE.
Evaluated Groovy script
def sout = new StringBuilder()
def serr = new StringBuilder()
def proc = "$WORKSPACE/".execute()
proc.waitForProcessOutput(sout, serr)
def map = [GIT_DESCRIBE: sout.toString()]
return map
#! /bin/bash
# change working directory to the current script's directory
cd "${0%/*}"
echo `git describe`
From there you should be able to reference GIT_DESCRIBE in your "Build name" macro.

With build-name-setter plugin v1.6.7 one could do the following:
"Execute shell" build step, which does git describe >version.txt
"Update build name" build step, which takes build name from version.txt.


Extract user information from the build

Jenkins ver. 2.73.3
I have a sample build task that is triggered by a commit to a Github repository. This is how the build information looks:
We need to write this username to a separate file and store it in a particular location. How can I achieve it?
Added a build step that executes a shell command to write the variable GIT_COMMITTER_NAME to a file. This fails(empty file) but if I write, say JENKINS_URL, it is written to the file:
I guess the github plugin doesn't set, by default, the variables like GIT_AUTHOR_NAME, GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL etc.
Taking a cue from this answer, I proceeded with using the placeholders of the 'pretty option' of git show command. I added the following command in the 'Execute Shell' build step of Jenkins job:
The output:
GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=LastName FirstName
Instead of echo $variable name execute env in shell, it will give you all environment variables at the time of execution and then you can pick the correct variable. (From Gitlab to Jenkins its $gitlabUserName)

Passing variable from shell script to jenkins

I trigger a shell script from Jenkins, This scripts get date and export it as a environment(Linux) variable $DATE. I need to use this $DATE inside same Jenkins job. I made job as parameter build. Created a string parameter as DATE value as DATE=$DATE. But it is not working.
Please suggest !!
You mention that you are exporting a DATE environment variable in an shell script, which is presumably being started via an "Execute shell" step.
The problem is, once the shell step has completed, that environment is gone — the variables will not be carried over to subsequent build steps.
So when you later try to use the $DATE value — whether in another build step, or as a parameter to another job — that particular environment variable will no longer exist.
What you can do instead is use the EnvInject plugin to export environment variables during a build. Variables set up using this plugin will be available to all subsequent build steps.
For example, you could write the DATE to a properties field in one build step:
echo DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d) >
Then you can add an "Inject environment variables for your job" build step, and enter in the "Environment Properties File Path" field.
That way, the DATE variable (and anything else in that properties file) will be exported and will be visible to the rest of the build steps.
You could use an assignment statement and sh's returnStdout to get the value in Jenkins without having to write to a properties file.
foo = sh(
returnStdout: true,
script: 'date'
Then later on in the Jenkinsfile you can use $foo like any other variable.
EDIT: This is for a pipeline job, not a freestyle job.
I had the same issue.
The solution that worked for me was:
env.ABC=bat(returnStdout: true,
script: ''' #echo off echo abc ''').trim()
The .trim() and #echo off is important if you want to reuse the variable in another batch script.

setting Environment from a file in Jenkins

My question is there any way to set up environment variables from a file during Jenkins build. I have a file called .xyz which has env variables.
I know there is a jenkins plugin but can we do it inside the execute shell box in jenkins??
I tried . .xyz but that doesn't work!
Thanks in advance
If you want to do it from inside Execute Shell step, you've got to write a shell script that will read the file line by line and add them to environment variables.
Assuming your properties file is of format:
A very basic version of the script would be:
while read line; do
export $line
done <your_props_file_name
The problem is, these variables will only be retained for the duration of that "Execute Shell" build step. Once you move to a different Build step or Post-build step (within the same job), they will be gone. This is Jenkins's cleanup by design.
That's why there is that EnvInject plugin, it takes care of maintaining the environment variables between the build steps.

Updating jenkins job variable

Parameterized variable are not getting updated in jenkins
I m using the conditional build-step plugin to update the jenkins job parameter by executing shell script its showing me the new value of variable as well but its not get reflected.
You can try the EnvInject Plugin. One of the features is a build step that allows you to "inject" parameters into the build job from a settings file.
Create a property for the email list in the file:
echo "variable=`value`">
It will create the properties file in the job workspace directory.
In shell script:
If I understand correctly, you are trying to change the value of a pre-defined parameter
from within a script that is run by the job.
This will not work, because of "scope" (or "call-stack"),
as a process (your script) cannot change the environment of a parent process (your Jenkins job).

Run Jenkins ant build within special shell environment

Our internal build system uses a shell script to setup the environment for building projects. Then the actual build tools (ant or make) can reference environment variables for configuring various things. In essence, it does:
$ /path/to/ .
[build env] $ ant compile
Note that the first command launches and initializes a new shell and expects all subsequent build operations to be performed in that shell.
Now I am trying to replicate the same within Jenkins. How do I run a shell script and then have the subsequent ant build step take place in the same environment?
The 'Execute Shell' built-in as well as the EnvInject plugin didn't help since they discard any changes to the environment before moving to the next build step.
I'd prefer not to modify the ant build file since the same should continue to work in the current internal build system.
This is a "solution" that worked out for us. The key idea is that the script launches a new shell in which it exports a bunch of environment variables. What we needed was access to those variable definitions. So we did a three part Jenkins Build:
Step 1 - Execute Shell
Use the 'Execute Shell' Jenkins built-in to run our script. Then feed the newly launched shell a simple python script that dumps the environment to a file.
/path/to/ . <<< 'python <<SC
print "Exporting env to file"
import os
f = open("", "w")
env = os.environ
for k in env:
f.write("%s=%s\n" % (k, env[k]))
print "Done exporting env"
Step 2 - Inject Environment Variables
Now we use the EnvInject Plugin to inject environment variables from the file dumped in the previous step. The config here is simple, just specify the dumped properties file name as the Properties File Path field value.
Step 3 - Invoke Ant
Here, we kick off the normal ant build. Since the environment now contains all the required definitions, the build completes as normal.
Try EnvInject Plugin.
