How to find - The people you contact the most - ios

Hello all I am developing a extension app which will fetch-
The people you contact the most.
Most frequently used apps.
Any body have idea, How can I get these things.
Thanks in advance.

This is not possible. Your app runs in a sandbox, which means that it is very limited in how it can interact with the rest of the operating system. This is to prevent security vulnerabilities from apps snooping on a user's behavior. For more information on this, and to see what you can and can't do in the sandbox, see


Getting suddenly a lot of request from CFNetwork/Darwin

I've noticed in the AWS console that our website got a lot of more requests than normally. Especially in the night hours (Europe time).
Then I've checked the nginx logs and now I know that a lot of devices with different IP addresses request the root of the website, most of them with the user agent swcd (unknown version) CFNetwork/978.0.7 Darwin/18.7.0. Sometimes one of the versions is different.
I have absolutely no idea what is going on so I hope that someone can help.
swcd runs on iOS and macOS devices and will periodically attempt to access /apple-app-site-association and /.well-known/apple-app-site-association. This is used for several features which mediate between an Apple native app and the web, including Shared Web Credentials, Handoff, and Universal Links.
This process will typically run overnight in the user's local time zone, but specific timing is not guaranteed.
See also Setting Up an App’s Associated Domains for more information on associated domains.
Hard to guess the cause of the spike without knowing more about your product - but some possible causes:
you recently released an update to your iOS or macOS app
a larger customer just signed up for your service or rolled out your product to more employees
a larger customer just deployed an iOS or macOS operating system update to their managed devices
Anyway, I would ignore the spike. If it's causing you trouble, ensure your load balancer is configured correctly.
Recently this same behavior was detected by our CDN and our WAF's, and what we detected here in some clients, was a botnet doing enumeration of users in a distributed way, there is even a name for it, user enumeration spraying.
Anyone who doesn't know how web attacks work would say this is normal.
Looks to me like someone with a botnet is trying to take advantage of the shared web credentials to compromise your site, doing it at night to try to avoid detection. Other evidence is the "a lot of devices with different IP addresses request the root of the website". If it was just a "viral" event, just certain classes of devices would show, rather than a wide diversity of devices. Accessing the root of the web-site -- these are devices that have never been to your site before. It's not a denial of service attack because they are doing it at night, therefore not denying anybody their service, and night is the natural time for break-ins.
I'm not a cracker myself, just an old-school developer, and I'm not even terribly familiar with ios, but I could not remain silent while there was a possibility that your web site was attacked without you at least suspecting and investigating. HTH.

Use Analytics in a WebView on Android and iOS

I am writing to you for the first time. I would like to know if with the "webview" configuration (, it's good for hybrid apps and if you can track the transactions carried out on the institutional site, more precisely the payment takes place on the site and not within the app and understand that users who have converted arrive from the app and not from other channels. Thank you in advance for your opinion.

Is it Possible to get last known location of device from other apps in iOS

Im building a location based application, where in i use CLLocation to get users device location.
But my question, Is it possible to get users current/last know location from other apps in device which are already using Location services. So i can save the battery of iPhone?
Just a thought.
Not sure security issue?
Or is it possible?
Thanks in advance
No. Apps are sandboxed. You can not access info from any other app.
One word
You can't access any info of other apps.
If you want to access any info, you have to jailbreak your iPhone, which Apple never allow.
From Apple,
Communication Between Apps Follows Specific Pathways
For security, iOS apps run in a sandbox and have limited interactions with other apps. When you want to communicate with other apps on the system, there are specific ways to do so.
For more details, take a look at this link

Is there a single "analytics/marketing" SDK solution for mobile apps?

I hope this is not off topic for StackOverflow since it is not just software development related but also marketing. But I guess this problem is something we developers are all confronted to.
To monitor and market our iOS app, we use a bunch of third party SDKs:
Google Analytics to understand what's happening
a push notification system (e.g. Urban Airship)
a "smart" review prompting engine (e.g. Apptentive)
a testing / crash reporting system (e.g. Testflight)
should you want to run app installs ads, you also need the FB SDK, an SDK to track Twitter conversions, etc.
you may also want to track where other installs come from via something like Tapstream.
So we are already running more than 6 3rd party SDKs in our app, and it does not feel right:
each of them will do some kind of hand shake every time the app is opened
it's as many potential issues
each of them will have a different web interface
Is there a way to optimise all this, i.e. to have just one SDK doing most things? Or does someone know of a lib to wrap all this stuff under one lib for instance?
There is no getting around a few of these. If you want to talk with FaceBook, Twitter, etc. You will need their SDK no matter the 3rd party SDK you choose.
You could actually write your own setup to track and deal with everything, but there are those that have done it before.
For example, Parse will do:
push notifications
a "smart" review prompting engine (you can do this yourself by reviewing the analytics)
crash reporting system
it also uses FB SDK, Twitter SDK already to help with user logins where users my want to use their credentials from their sites on your app
user login
cloud database
You could technically throw an "event" into the analytics to track how many folks are using your app that was installed from x store. However, this would require a different version of your app for each store. Sounds like an interesting idea none the less. Tapstreme and others are basically marketing though, not really something required to do something specific. You will need an SDK if they are tracking something specific themselves.
one web interface
There are multiple systems built like this. they are called BaaS or Backend as a Service.
Hope this helps, Cheers

Is there any detailed insight for iOS App like in Android?

I notice there is no detailed insight on my app on iTunesConnect like android insight GooglePlay.
Is there any way to track user detail on every user install my app? I need more distinct information like, iOS version, phone provider, phone type, etc across installed app like in Android insight? does Google Analytics could do this?
Thank you.
There are quite a lot of analytics providers around that cater for iOS. As you mentioned, Google Analytics (which is free) should do what you need. Mixpanel is a really nice provider, but is only free for a certain amount of data. I've also used Flurry in the past (also free), but I find their web interface to be quite clunky.
If you want to track sales and App Store reviews, I'd really recommend AppFigures. Great service (paid, but a low monthly cost and you can cancel whenever), which gives you great insight into who's downloading your apps.
