iOS app login to LinkedIn and not show request for permissions - ios

I am developing an ios app and trying to allow the user to connect to their LinkedIn account.
I am using the steps found in
where I
Registered my app with LinkedIn to get the application id.
Updated my info.plist with the *li{application id}* entries for URL Schemes
Called LISDKSessionManager.createSessionWithAuth() to start the login process.
However, this only opens up the LinkedIn app on my iPad, but does not show me which permission I had requested nor redirect me back to my app. I am at a loss to if this is the intended behaviour or am I missing a step.
Note that the sampleapp provided by linkedin also does not show me the page with a list of permissions requested or redirect me back to my own app.

It appears that the LinkedIn app has an iPad-specific bug that prevents it from returning to other apps after createSessionWithAuth: is called, even when all credentials are correct.
(I had to wait for the delivery of a physical iPhone to test my hypothesis, as there is no way to log in like this on a simulator).
My answer was with regard to the 1.0.2 sdk, which also had problems with all iOS 9 devices. The iOS 9 problems were fixed with the 1.0.4 sdk, but the iPad problems remain.

Found the solution. For me, it was about setting our bundles right:
On, make sure that your 'iOS Bundle Identifiers' is the same on your app. Plus, click on Update! I just added and 'forgot' to save them.


Facebook Authentication: To use this URL you must add a valid native platform in your App's settings

Have a Cordova iOS app with Facebook authentication using Facebook Cordova Plugin.
Was working fine but has suddenly authentication is failing, having not changed anything in the app that I can see. And I get a warning which I can't find on Google:
"To use this URL you must add a valid native platform in your App's settings."
The only thing I did yesterday really was add the app to iTunes Connect to use in Testflight. I have it registered as a web app still in Facebook. Could it somehow be related to that? That seems bizarre.
Well the answer was in the question. I added a native iOS app in Facebook. And it now works. Not sure why it was working and suddenly stopped, but hey that's Facebook.
I'll leave this answer here as there were zero hits on Google for that FB warning.

Facebook don't track app installs on dashboard for iOS application

I create Facebook application on
Configure and integrate Facebook SDK in my iOS application according to facebook guide.
And now after install application to new device, and login with Facebook. I see tracked events in Analytics -> Events -> Most Recent (filter by event type "App installs").
But in dashboard page a see old date in "Last Mobile App Installs":
If clicked on "Last Mobile App Installs", i see graph with tracked installs:
Several times I validate the configuration of iOS project. I also have another project in which everything works fine. And the project settings are identical.
I checked request after iOS app installed to device: (i cut some informations from request).
Response "success": true
What can I try to do?
Edited (29.06.2015)
I check App Ads Helper (thank you Sleepy Panda). And what i see:
I fixed my problem.
For others, who like me will not understand what was happening. Facebook tracked organic install. In my case i took a new device (which was not used with my application earlier). Install and launched app.
Thats all! After few minutes Facebook dashboard has been updated.

Not seeeing "Reply" link to app in Facebook Messenger Platform integration

I was implementing optimized integration for Facebook Messenger Platform for my iOS app using the SDK and am facing a few issues. When I share content from my app to Facebook Messenger, I always see the "Install" link alongside my app link, even though the app is installed. Also, I never see the "Reply" button on the content shared from my app, just Install.
Both the sender and receiver have Admin access to the corresponding Facebook app. (The FB integration features are currently in dev, even though the app is live).
Followed all the sequence of steps mentioned in the documentation -
FBSDKMessengerURLHandler callbacks are implemented for FBSDKMessengerURLHandlerReplyContext and FBSDKMessengerURLHandlerOpenFromComposerContext as well.
Not sure how to proceed to test the features. Anybody else faced the same problem? Any help would be much appreciated.
I had the same issue. Find any valid iOS App Store ID and fill it in on the page (near where you enter the Bundle ID info).
Relaunching Messenger made the Reply button start to show up on new messages.
The developer community at Facebook is pretty awful.

Can't logon as Facebook test account on iOS Simulator

I have a Facebook app with 10 test users. I am developing an iOS app and have setup up the plist file with the Facebook app id as described in the docs.
I run my app in iOS Simulator and click my Facebook Login button which takes me to the Facebook web app. I try to login with one of my Facebook app's test user and I get the error below.
I've seen Facebook Developer videos where the presenter logs on to the Facebook web app from the iOS Simulator. Do you know why I can't?
I got it working by using Reset Content and Settings on the simulator and restarting it.
When it wasn't working I noticed that when I went to in the simulator the email address was always pre-populated with my test user. I wonder if the simulator has some aggressive caching, or mobile safari itself.
I suspect that shutting down the safari app would have done the trick too.

Titanium iOS - Facebook SSO not returning to App

I've recently added Facebook Single Sign On within my application using Appcelerator' Titanium. Which is working nicely but is failing to redirect back to my application automatically when presented with the "Already Authorized" facebook page.
If the user clicks the "Okay" button within facebook the Application re-opens and works as per usual. I'm just looking to get rid of that extra step for users.
Any suggestions? I've come across Objective C solutions such as : Does the Facebook iOS SDK require the user to authenticate every time they use the app?
I believe the issue was related to the Facebook App not being setup properly and not directly testing on a device instead of the simulator.
The following settings should be applied within you Facebook Application.
Enable : Native iOS App
iOS Bundle ID: com.yourcompany.yourapp
iPhone App Store ID: 24242423
Configured for iOS SSO: Enabled
Testing on the simulator will trigger Safari to open and show the Authorization dialog due to the Facebook App not being installed (hence why you need a real device). Pushing your app to the device and triggering the SSO within your application will then redirect back to your application if an error, already authorized or success occurs.
Hope this helps anyone that's had this occur.
