Error installing Jedi VCL - delphi

I have Delphi XE Pro, I'm trying to install the latest Jedi Visual Component Library.
The version is: JVCL348CompleteJCL26-Build5178
I followed the instructions and deleted all old versions.
Installed JCL. No problem.
When installing the JVCL using the install.bat I got a fatal error
File not found: JvTypes.dcu
I posted this problem on the issue tracker, a week ago but nobody seems to be answering questions there.
I have a JvTypes.pas from an older version of JVCL. Can I use that?

Problem solved. Apparently not all the files got unzipped.
I deleted the JVCL folder and then re-unzipped it.
This time the installation was completed.


Jedi Project and Delphi 11 doesn't install via GetIt

I have attempted to install Jedi into Delphi 11, it goes through the installation process and Getit reports it as installed but it does not appear in the component palette. I have Jedi installed in Delphi 10.4.
Both JEDIVisualComponentLibrary and JEDICodeLibrary (Both JCL-2021.09) have been copied to the CatalogRepository but looking in the Options\language\Delphi\library none of the JediVCL libraries were entered and and only the 32 bit version of the CodeLibrary.
I entered the paths in Options/Language/Delphi/Library and restarted Delphi but none of the Jedi VCL controls appeared on the Palette.
Tried running uninstall from GetIt but nothing seems to happen then it says Done. Where do I find the actual Install/Unistall programs?
How do I clear out the Jedi Libraries and what is the best way to install them.
Got into your same situation and I didn't find JVCLInstall.exe either.
I went into folder:
and opened JVCLInstall.dproj in Delphi 11 IDE. I run it from there and a JVCL install wizard poped up. I went through it and, despite some warnings, I got the components installed and available after closing and opening the IDE.

Package installation error when new blank application in nanoframework is created

When i try create new blank application in nanoframework, i get package installation error.
error message
It seems some problem in nanoframework visual studio extension, my version is NET nanoFramework VS2019 Extension v2019.5.0.8.vsix, but i also tried another versions with same problem.
I have visual studio 2019 community edition and i have installed almost all components.
When i press ok, project is loaded, but is not possible compile it, because there are missing all assemblies. When i try add assembly, theres nothing to add and add nuget packages from nanoframework store leads to error.
when i try this:
pm> Install-Package nanoFramework.CoreLibrary.NoReflection -Version
I get this error:
NU1202: Package nanoFramework.CoreLibrary.NoReflection
1.10.1-preview.9 is not compatible with netnanoframework10 (.NETna noFramework,Version=v1.0). Package
nanoFramework.CoreLibrary.NoReflection 1.10.1-preview.9 supports: net
similiar when i try another package versions.
So the extensions is installed incorectly, but i cant find why. i tried it more times. uninstall and install again. from extenstion store, and from disc. nothing successfull.
The webserver NuGet released today fixes the issues with the version mismatches.
The issue with VS2019 16.9 remains. Reported to VS Developer Community here. Please up vote to help increase priority.
What is the Community version you're using?
After a little test, there seems to be an issue with the latest release of VS2019. A work around would be to:
Use V16.8.X
use an already created solution that you can edit.
add the required nuget to the project once it has been loaded (after the error):
Update: now fixed! it was due to a change to fix nuget, but caused an unintended consequence with nanoFramework.

Installing TestInsight into Delphi 10 Seattle

I am using Delphi 10 Seattle Pro and am unable to successfully install TestInsight into the IDE. I have previously installed it into XE5 Pro without a hitch.
I downloaded the most recent builds, which are version 1.0 and version 1.1 which is designated specifically for XE8. Neither works for D10. First, I had to create a package using the units to install it, as the installer did not find D10. When I tried to compile the package, I received the following error:
[dcc32 Error] TestInsight.DUnitX.pas(20): E2291 Missing implementation
of interface method ITestLogger.OnTestingStarts
I have made sure to include the location of the TestInsight installation folder in my library search path, but for some reason, there is no TestInsight.dll in the directory. The installation program apparently did not create one.
Is there a fix for this?
Thanks in advance.
TestInsight is not released for Seattle yet - and that API breaking change was one of the reasons.
We figured that out now so there is no difference anymore between the DUnitX version available on GitHub and the one shipped with Seattle so I will release it soon(tm).

Installing Synedit on Delphi 10 Seattle

I am trying to install the latest Unicode version of TSynEdit in the Delphi 10 Seattle IDE. It builds OK but when installing I get the error:
Access violation at address 27158679 in module 'bds.exe'. Read
of address 00000010
It installs OK on previous versions up to XE8.
I tried putting showmessages() at the start of the register procedure but AV error still occurs before the registration.
Has anyone found a work around for this ?
The GetIt Package Manager contains the latest version of TSynEdit.
You can reach GetIt from the tools menu in the IDE.
It downloads/compiles/installs without errors on my D10Seattle machine.
At the moment, SourceForge files are pretty old. But you can download SynEdit components from github. It has project files for newer Delphi versions. I just built and installed it for 10.2 Tokyo.

Error in installing JEDI - please install the dependencies first

I downloaded JEDIVCL package.... according to its help i have to run install.bat from jcl folder and then run install.bat from jvcl folder. i launched install.bat from jvcl folder but i received this error:
and if run install.bat from jcl folder receive this error:
How can I solve this problem? if its possible give me steps to install this package.
Second error message is crash of Delphi compiler.
install.bat asks Delphi to compile JCL installer, but... Delphi compiler crashes.
This is definitive sign that there is a problem with your Delphi compiler!
Try to install available all updates. Also, try to open installer project in IDE and compile it from IDE (without command-line compiler).
Sounds like you have problem with your Delphi installation. If you have just installed Delphi make sure you have run it at least once.
You will need to have the DCC32.EXE command line compiler to install JCL. If I remember correctly this was not shipped in the Turbo or Trial editions of the product.
The JCL/JVCL look in the registry for the location of your Delphi Installations, some versions of Delphi update the registry on the first launch of the product.
