Export portrait video to square but with scaleAspectFit ratio - ios

In my app I allow users to record videos in portrait mode. I use that within the app and that is fine. However, I'm implementing a feature to share the videos on Instagram, where videos must be square.
Cropping the video to square, lets say the center part, is an option, however as the user doesn't consider this when taking the video, it usually turns out bad.
Therefore, I'd like to export the video square, but with an aspect fit ratio and with two bars left and right. Optimally, is there any way to define the colors of the background (either by code or by UIImage).
The closest thing I was able to find is this, however I can't make much use of it as I'm unclear on how to set up the transformation.
Example (red box just to mark the image bounds):

Beside trying to add black bars and re-render the video you can use the cameraOverlayView property of UIImagePickerController.
So you can create a view that has 2 black bars in OR you can create a view that has a square frame over the camera view so they know to frame it in there because it will share to instagram.


AVFoundation format for different aspect ratio

I am using AVFoundation for my camera app. I am using live video frames to grab picture using AVCaptureVideoDataOutput.
Right now i do filter all supported formats for device and then pick highest supported resolution for format.
So for example i do get 4032*3024 resolution supported format on iPhone 8/7 which i am using as active format. i do filter from videoSupportedFramRateRanges.
I would like to know how i can render video with 4:3 resolution so i can see black bars on side of camera.
I did play with AVCaptureVideoPreviewlayer properties and found that if i use resizeAspectFill it shows camera full screen but if i just dont assign then it adds black bars on side. (I assume .resize is default property) but i am not sure whether this is right approach to show/hide black bars.
In my opinion this is working because currently i am picking highest supported resolution format which in this case is 4032*3024 due to which its working since its 4:3 aspect ratio.
Basically i want make sure i show video in 4:3 format size view in some scenario with black bars and in some scenario full screen which i am already doing.
Open questions
Is there any way i can make sure i can show always 4:3 aspect ratio video feed.
How i can show black bars with 4:3
also after showing black bar how I can get camera area without black bars?

Image Rotates and zooms while editing

I am using a library called SnapSliderFilters to apply filters to an image. I need the filters to be applied exactly the way it is presented in the library's example.
When I implemented the code exactly as directed on an image captured with a custom camera, sliding sideways, while applying the image filter, it also causes the image to rotate by 90 degrees and the image to zoom.
In other case, when I select an image from gallery, that is of exact dimension as the screen, it works perfectly fine.
So, I think I have found the cause to be image size but I don't know where to begin.
Here is how it displays:

How do you capture full screen camera photos on iOS?

On Snapchat, it allows you to take a full screen camera photo on iOS. The preview is full screen, and the image returned is full screen. There appears to be no cropping/stretching/etc... What you see is what you get.
Now I've looked all over the place, and I can't figure out how this is actually being done, seeing that the iPhone camera always returns an image with an aspect ratio of 4:3. Yes, you can use the camera view transform to have a full screen "preview", but the image returned is still 4:3 and needs to be cropped.
So my question is, how do you take a full screen camera photo on iOS without cropping? If your answer is that it can't be done, then how is Snapchat doing it (or appearing to do it)?
Snapchat isn't displaying everything the camera is picking up. By cropping a bit from the top/bottom or sides, they can create a 16:9 image from a 4:3 image. This is easy to verify.
Open up the snapchat and camera apps so it's easy to switch between them.
Place your phone on its side pointed at something with some marks for reference points.
Switch between the apps without moving the phone. There is content that you do not see on Snapchat.

UIImagePickerController that allowsEditing incorrectly crops the image leaving a black bar across the top

I'm using UIImagePickerController in a popover on the iPad to take a picture with the front camera. I set allowsEditing to YES and get the awesome built in "Move and Scale" view after taking the picture. The crop rectangle in this view measures 320x267 on the screen despite the fact that the image is cropped to a 320x320 square (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2246698/moveAndScale.png). If i accept the image as is without resizing or moving it, there is a ~25px high black bar across the top as if the crop rectangle has been positioned too high on the image (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2246698/cropped.png). In fact, if i get that crop rectangle from the media info dictionary (via UIImagePickerControllerCropRect) it shows that the y origin of the crop rectangle is at -39. This seems broken that the image would be incorrectly cropped by default and usually when it seems broken it's because i did it wrong. Has anyone ever seen this or know of some setting to twiddle that will be good for my crops?
Many thanks.
I see the exact same behavior. It MUST be a bug, but if it is, I don't know why more people aren't complaining about it. Another problem with it is that you can't move the picture to the edges to crop to include that part--it always slides back to the middle.
If you zoom it, then you can move it, but you can never move it far enough to be able to include the left or right edges.
The thing is next to useless.

Dynamically resize background image according to different screen size

I displays a splash Screen when my app loads,There is a background image in the splash screen,I problem is how can I make fit this image in all types of blackberry models?
Keep in mind that many BlackBerry devices have different screen resolutions and even different aspect ratios. So if you just use a single image and resize (stretch and/or squish) it to fit the current screen, you're going to distort the image (or pattern). As I see it, there are two main approaches:
1) Use a different image for each screen resolution. There are about 7 different resolutions that cover most of the in-market devices (240x260, 240x320, 320x240, 360x400, 360x480, 480x320, 480x360)
2) If it's a regular background pattern as opposed to a picture or logo, just have one image in the app that's big enough to cover the largest screen size (480x360) and for all other screen sizes just clip it. In fact, I think this should happen automatically if you just set the background image - anything that can't be displayed on the screen will be clipped.
While approach #2 is better in terms of reducing application size, I'm going to guess that since you're asking this question the background you're thinking of using isn't a regular pattern.
I think the simplest method would be to use the setBorder method of whatever screen/field needs a stretched background. For example:
Border b = BorderFactory.createBitmapBorder (new XYEdges (), bitmap);
In my experience this results in the background image being stretched and provides the simplest method for fitting the size you need. I have only ever used it for fields though and never a MainScreen so it might not work for you.
