I'm trying to wrap my head around mon-, err, workflows in F# and while I think that I have a pretty solid understanding of the basic "Maybe" workflow, trying to implement a state workflow to generate random numbers has really got me stumped.
My non-completed attempt can be seen here:
let randomInt state =
let random = System.Random(state)
// Generate random number and a new state as well
random.Next(0,1000), random.Next()
type RandomWF (initState) =
member this.Bind(rnd,rest) =
let value, newState = rnd initState
// How to feed "newState" into "rest"??
value |> rest
member this.Return a = a // Should I maybe feed "initState" into the computation here?
RandomWF(0) {
let! a = randomInt
let! b = randomInt
let! c = randomInt
return [a; b; c]
} |> printfn "%A"
Edit: Actually got it to work! Not exactly sure how it works though, so if anyone wants to lay it out in a good answer, it's still up for grabs. Here's my working code:
type RandomWF (initState) =
member this.Bind(rnd,rest) =
fun state ->
let value, nextState = rnd state
rest value nextState
member this.Return a = fun _ -> a
member this.Run x = x initState
There are two things that make it harder to see what your workflow is doing:
You're using a function type for the type of your monad,
Your workflow not only builds up the computation, it also runs it.
I think it's clearer to follow once you see how it would look without those two impediments. Here's the workflow defined using a DU wrapper type:
type Random<'a> =
Comp of (int -> 'a * int)
let run init (Comp f) = f init
type Random<'a> with
member this.Run(state) = fst <| run state this
type RandomBuilder() =
member this.Bind(Comp m, f: 'a -> Random<_>) =
Comp <| fun state ->
let value, nextState = m state
let comp = f value
run nextState comp
member this.Return(a) = Comp (fun s -> a, s)
let random = RandomBuilder()
And here is how you use it:
let randomInt =
Comp <| fun state ->
let rnd = System.Random(state)
rnd.Next(0,1000), rnd.Next()
let rand =
random {
let! a = randomInt
let! b = randomInt
let! c = randomInt
return [a; b; c ]
|> printfn "%A"
In this version you separately build up the computation (and store it inside the Random type), and then you run it passing in the initial state. Look at how types on the builder methods are inferred and compare them to what MSDN documentation describes.
Edit: Constructing a builder object once and using the binding as an alias of sorts is mostly convention, but it's well justified in that it makes sense for the builders to be stateless. I can see why having parameterized builders seems like a useful feature, but I can't honestly imagine a convincing use case for it.
The key selling point of monads is the separation of definition and execution of a computation.
In your case - what you want to be able to do is to take a representation of your computation and be able to run it with some state - perhaps 0, perhaps 42. You don't need to know the initial state to define a computation that will use it. By passing in the state to the builder, you end up blurring the line between definition and execution, and this simply makes the workflow less useful.
Compare that with async workflow - when you write an async block, you don't make the code run asynchronously. You only create an Async<'a> object representing a computation that will produce an object of 'a when you run it - but how you do it, is up to you. The builder doesn't need to know.
Anyone have a decent example, preferably practical/useful, they could post demonstrating the concept?
I came across this term somewhere that I’m unable to find, probably it has to do something with a function returning a function while enclosing on some mutable variable. So there’s no visible mutation.
Probably Haskell community has originated the idea where mutation happens in another area not visible to the scope. I maybe vague here so seeking help to understand more.
It's a good idea to hide mutation, so the consumers of the API won't inadvartently change something unexpectedly. This just means that you have to encapsulate your mutable data/state. This can be done via objects (yes, objects), but what you are referring to in your question can be done with a closure, the canonical example is a counter:
let countUp =
let mutable count = 0
(fun () -> count <- count + 1
countUp() // 1
countUp() // 2
countUp() // 3
You cannot access the mutable count variable directly.
Another example would be using mutable state within a function so that you cannot observe it, and the function is, for all intents and purposes, referentially transparent. Take for example the following function that reverses a string not character-wise, but rather by taking individual text elements (which, depending on language, can be more than one character):
let reverseStringU s =
if Core.string.IsNullOrEmpty s then s else
let rec iter acc (ee : System.Globalization.TextElementEnumerator) =
if not <| ee.MoveNext () then acc else
let e = ee.GetTextElement ()
iter (e :: acc) ee
let inline append x s = (^s : (member Append : ^x -> ^s) (s, x))
let sb = System.Text.StringBuilder s.Length
System.Globalization.StringInfo.GetTextElementEnumerator s
|> iter []
|> List.fold (fun a e -> append e a) sb
|> string
It uses a StringBuilder internally but you cannot observe this externally.
I'm looking for a clean set of ways to manage Test Specific Equality in F# unit tests. 90% of the time, the standard Structural Equality fits the bill and I can leverage it with unquote to express the relation between my result and my expected.
TL;DR "I can't find a clean way to having a custom Equality function for one or two properties in a value which 90% of is well served by Structural Equality, does F# have a way to match an arbitrary record with custom Equality for just one or two of its fields?"
Example of a general technique that works for me
When verifying a function that performs a 1:1 mapping of a datatype to another, I'll often extract matching tuples from both sides of in some cases and compare the input and output sets. For example, I have an operator:-
let (====) x y = (x |> Set.ofSeq) = (y |> Set.ofSeq)
So I can do:
let inputs = ["KeyA",DateTime.Today; "KeyB",DateTime.Today.AddDays(1); "KeyC",DateTime.Today.AddDays(2)]
let trivialFun (a:string,b) = a.ToLower(),b
let expected = inputs |> Seq.map trivialFun
let result = inputs |> MyMagicMapper
test <# expected ==== actual #>
This enables me to Assert that each of my inputs has been mapped to an output, without any superfluous outputs.
The problem
The problem is when I want to have a custom comparison for one or two of the fields.
For example, if my DateTime is being passed through a slightly lossy serialization layer by the SUT, I need a test-specific tolerant DateTime comparison. Or maybe I want to do a case-insensitive verification for a string field
Normally, I'd use Mark Seemann's SemanticComparison library's Likeness<Source,Destination> to define a Test Specific equality, but I've run into some roadblocks:
tuples: F# hides .ItemX on Tuple so I can't define the property via a .With strongly typed field name Expression<T>
record types: TTBOMK these are sealed by F# with no opt-out so SemanticComparison can't proxy them to override Object.Equals
My ideas
All I can think of is to create a generic Resemblance proxy type that I can include in a tuple or record.
Or maybe using pattern matching (Is there a way I can use that to generate an IEqualityComparer and then do a set comparison using that?)
Alternate failing test
I'm also open to using some other function to verify the full mapping (i.e. not abusing F# Set or involving too much third party code. i.e. something to make this pass:
let sut (a:string,b:DateTime) = a.ToLower(),b + TimeSpan.FromTicks(1L)
let inputs = ["KeyA",DateTime.Today; "KeyB",DateTime.Today.AddDays(1.0); "KeyC",DateTime.Today.AddDays(2.0)]
let toResemblance (a,b) = TODO generate Resemblance which will case insensitively compare fst and tolerantly compare snd
let expected = inputs |> List.map toResemblance
let result = inputs |> List.map sut
test <# expected = result #>
Firstly, thanks to all for the inputs. I was largely unaware of SemanticComparer<'T> and it definitely provides a good set of building blocks for building generalized facilities in this space. Nikos' post gives excellent food for thought in the area too. I shouldn't have been surprised Fil exists too - #ptrelford really does have a lib for everything (the FSharpValue point is also v valuable)!
We've thankfully arrived at a conclusion to this. Unfortunately it's not a single all-encompassing tool or technique, but even better, a set of techniques that can be used as necessary in a given context.
Firstly, the issue of ensuring a mapping is complete is really an orthogonal concern. The question refers to an ==== operator:-
let (====) x y = (x |> Set.ofSeq) = (y |> Set.ofSeq)
This is definitely the best default approach - lean on Structural Equality. One thing to note is that, being reliant on F# persistent sets, it requires your type to support : comparison (as opposed to just : equality).
When doing set comparisons off the proven Structural Equality path, a useful technique is to use HashSet<T> with a custom IEqualityComparer:-
module UnorderedSeqComparisons =
let seqSetEquals ec x y =
HashSet<_>( x, ec).SetEquals( y)
let (==|==) x y equals =
let funEqualityComparer = {
new IEqualityComparer<_> with
member this.GetHashCode(obj) = 0
member this.Equals(x,y) =
equals x y }
seqSetEquals funEqualityComparer x y
the equals parameter of ==|== is 'a -> 'a -> bool which allows one to use pattern matching to destructure args for the purposes of comparison. This works well if either the input or the result side are naturally already tuples. Example:
sut.Store( inputs)
let results = sut.Read()
let expecteds = seq { for x in inputs -> x.Name,x.ValidUntil }
test <# expecteds ==|== results
<| fun (xN,xD) (yN,yD) ->
&& xD |> equalsWithinASecond <| yD #>
While SemanticComparer<'T> can do a job, it's simply not worth bothering for tuples with when you have the power of pattern matching. e.g. Using SemanticComparer<'T>, the above test can be expressed as:
test <# expecteds ==~== results
<| [ funNamedMemberComparer "Item2" equalsWithinASecond ] #>
using the helper:
module MemberComparerHelpers =
let funNamedMemberComparer<'T> name equals = {
new IMemberComparer with
member this.IsSatisfiedBy(request: PropertyInfo) =
request.PropertyType = typedefof<'T>
&& request.Name = name
member this.IsSatisfiedBy(request: FieldInfo) =
request.FieldType = typedefof<'T>
&& request.Name = name
member this.GetHashCode(obj) = 0
member this.Equals(x, y) =
equals (x :?> 'T) (y :?> 'T) }
let valueObjectMemberComparer() = {
new IMemberComparer with
member this.IsSatisfiedBy(request: PropertyInfo) = true
member this.IsSatisfiedBy(request: FieldInfo) = true
member this.GetHashCode(obj) = hash obj
member this.Equals(x, y) =
x.Equals( y) }
let (==~==) x y mcs =
let ec = SemanticComparer<'T>( seq {
yield valueObjectMemberComparer()
yield! mcs } )
seqSetEquals ec x y
All of the above is best understood by reading Nikos Baxevanis' post NOW!
For types or records, the ==|== technique can work (except critically you lose Likeness<'T>s verifying coverage of fields). However the succinctness can make it a valuable tool for certain sorts of tests :-
sut.Save( inputs)
let expected = inputs |> Seq.map (fun x -> Mapped( base + x.ttl, x.Name))
let likeExpected x = expected ==|== x <| (fun x y -> x.Name = y.Name && x.ValidUntil = y.ValidUntil)
verify <# repo.Store( is( likeExpected)) #> once
My understanding is that what a workflow builder does is that it first "builds" the expression, and then subsequently executes it. So given that it first builds the expression, it should be able to count the number of let! statements before actually executing, right? And then it should be able to inject some logging that monitors progress? So is it possible to rework the async builder to automatically report progress and kill the printfn redundancy below?
async {
let! a = doSomething1 ()
printfn "%d/%d" 1 4
let! b = doSomething2 a
printfn "%d/%d" 2 4
let! c = doSomething3 b
printfn "%d/%d" 3 4
let! d = doSomething4 c
printfn "%d/%d" 4 4
return d
For loops, I guess just assume that the whole loop is a single step. Only top-level expressions count as steps here.
(Note if there's a way to do this without making a whole new workflow builder I guess that's fine too).
Note I've already gone through the path of a) making a "Task" iterator that just iterates tasks (but then you lose e.g. use handling, so it ended up being inadequate), and b) making a task counter, but that always had to be seeded and iterated manually so I'm hoping for something better.
As you tagged the question with the tag monads, I'll start by a theoretical nitpick. What you want to do would not actually be a monad. The problem is that monads require certain laws (see the Haskell page on monads). For F#, this means that the following two snippets should mean the same thing:
let computation1 =
async { let! x = m
return x }
let computation2 = m
This would not be the case for the extension you suggest, because computation1 has one more let! than computation2. Now, I do not think this is actually a problem - the logging could still be useful (even if it may give different results than you'd expect in some cases).
Adding this feature to F# async is not as easy - the problem is that you'd need to define your own type that replaces (or wraps) standard Async<'T>. The type needs to store the number of steps. If you can store the number of steps somewhere else (e.g. some mutable counter), then you just need to redefine the computation builder for async.
Here is a minimal example that does something like this - it just prints "step" for each let!:
// A custom computation builder that redirects all operations to
// the standard 'async' builder, but prints "step" in the Bind method
type LogAsyncBuilder() =
member x.Bind(c1, f) = async {
let! arg = c1
printfn "step!"
return! f arg }
member x.Return(v) = async.Return(v)
member x.ReturnFrom(c) = async.ReturnFrom(c)
// An instance of our custom computation builder
let logAsync = LogAsyncBuilder()
// Example that prints 'step' 4 times (for every Bind - let!)
let doSomething n = logAsync {
return n + 10 }
logAsync {
let! a = doSomething 0
let! b = doSomething a
let! c = doSomething b
let! d = doSomething c
return d }
|> Async.RunSynchronously
You could use a tuple ('a, int, int) to track the current result, the total number of steps and the number executed so far. Then you could write a function to take the current state, and the next async function to execute e.g.
//create the initial state
let startCount steps = ((), 0, steps)
let withCount af (a, c, steps) = async {
let nc = c + 1
let! res = af a
do printfn "%d %d" nc steps
return (res, nc, steps)
withCount takes a function which returns the next async operation, and the current state. It creates the next workflow, increments the number of executed steps and prints the status before returning the new state.
You can then use it like:
async {
let init = startCount 4
let! t = withCount doSomething init
let! t2 = withCount doSomething2 t
let! (r, _, _) = withCount doSomething3 t2
return r
Here is what I have so far:
type Maybe<'a> = option<'a>
let succeed x = Some(x)
let fail = None
let bind rest p =
match p with
| None -> fail
| Some r -> rest r
let rec whileLoop cond body =
if cond() then
match body() with
| Some() ->
whileLoop cond body
| None ->
let forLoop (xs : 'T seq) f =
using (xs.GetEnumerator()) (fun it ->
(fun () -> it.MoveNext())
(fun () -> it.Current |> f)
whileLoop works fine to support for loops, but I don't see how to get while loops supported. Part of the problem is that the translation of while loops uses delay, which I could not figure out in this case. The obvious implementation below is probably wrong, as it does not delay the computation, but runs it instead!
let delay f = f()
Not having delay also hinders try...with and try...finally.
There are actually two different ways of implementing continuation builders in F#. One is to represent delayed computations using the monadic type (if it supports some way of representing delayed computations, like Async<'T> or the unit -> option<'T> type as shown by kkm.
However, you can also use the flexibility of F# computation expressions and use a different type as a return value of Delay. Then you need to modify the Combine operation accordingly and also implement Run member, but it all works out quite nicely:
type OptionBuilder() =
member x.Bind(v, f) = Option.bind f v
member x.Return(v) = Some v
member x.Zero() = Some ()
member x.Combine(v, f:unit -> _) = Option.bind f v
member x.Delay(f : unit -> 'T) = f
member x.Run(f) = f()
member x.While(cond, f) =
if cond() then x.Bind(f(), fun _ -> x.While(cond, f))
else x.Zero()
let maybe = OptionBuilder()
The trick is that F# compiler uses Delay when you have a computation that needs to be delayed - that is: 1) to wrap the whole computation, 2) when you sequentially compose computations, e.g. using if inside the computation and 3) to delay bodies of while or for.
In the above definition, the Delay member returns unit -> M<'a> instead of M<'a>, but that's perfectly fine because Combine and While take unit -> M<'a> as their second argument. Moreover, by adding Run that evaluates the function, the result of maybe { .. } block (a delayed function) is evaluated, because the whole block is passed to Run:
// As usual, the type of 'res' is 'Option<int>'
let res = maybe {
// The whole body is passed to `Delay` and then to `Run`
let! a = Some 3
let b = ref 0
while !b < 10 do
let! n = Some () // This body will be delayed & passed to While
incr b
if a = 3 then printfn "got 3"
else printfn "got something else"
// Code following `if` is delayed and passed to Combine
return a }
This is a way to define computation builder for non-delayed types that is most likely more efficient than wrapping type inside a function (as in kkm's solution) and it does not require defining a special delayed version of the type.
Note that this problem does not happen in e.g. Haskell, because that is a lazy language, so it does not need to delay computations explicitly. I think that the F# translation is quite elegant as it allows dealing with both types that are delayed (using Delay that returns M<'a>) and types that represent just an immediate result (using Delay that returns a function & Run).
According to monadic identities, your delay should always be equivalent to
let delay f = bind (return ()) f
val bind : M<'T> -> ('T -> M<'R>) -> M<'R>
val return : 'T -> M<'T>
the delay has the signature of
val delay : (unit -> M<'R>) -> M<'R>
'T being type-bound to unit. Note that your bind function has its arguments reversed from the customary order bind p rest. This is technically same but does complicate reading code.
Since you are defining the monadic type as type Maybe<'a> = option<'a>, there is no delaying a computation, as the type does not wrap any computation at all, only a value. So you definition of delay as let delay f = f() is theoretically correct. But it is not adequate for a while loop: the "body" of the loop will be computed before its "test condition," really before the bind is bound. To avoid this, you redefine your monad with an extra layer of delay: instead of wrapping a value, you wrap a computation that takes a unit and computes the value.
type Maybe<'a> = unit -> option<'a>
let return x = fun () -> Some(x)
let fail = fun() -> None
let bind p rest =
match p() with
| None -> fail
| Some r -> rest r
Note that the wrapped computation is not run until inside the bind function, i. e. not run until after the arguments to bind are bound themselves.
With the above expression, delay is correctly simplified to
let delay f = fun () -> f()
I am new to functional programming in general and started learning F# recently. I wanted to use an async workflow returning Async<'U option> to pick an item in a Sequence. I find a nice Seq.pick function, but I am not sure how I could use that with an async workflow.
If that is not possible, is there another alternative to using an imperative style program to pick the item from the list. The following is a modified variation of my program. Any feedback is highly appreciated.
let run = async {
while not stopped do
use! resource = acquireResourceLockAsync
let! items = fetchItemsAsync 5
let! item = Seq.pick returnIfLocked items
let! status = performTaskAsync item
do! updateStatusAsync status
do! Async.Sleep 1000
Thanks in anticipation.
EDIT: Updated my question based on the answer by jpalmer. I noticed both Seq.filter and Seq.pick earlier and decided that Seq.pick will meet my need better, as I need the first item that I am able to lock. However, I forgot to change the return value of my function - instead of returning true, it should return Some(item). Now with that update, is there an elegant way to approach this without 1) blocking a thread to convert Async<'U option> to 'U and 2) resorting to an imperative style looping?
I am unclear exactly what you are trying to do. If you want to convert from Async<'T> to 'T non-blocking, then you want to use let! in an async workflow. So the seq-like logic probably needs to be written as its own loop, as suggested below. If that doesn't help, then perhaps share more code, especially the intended types of items/item/returnIfLocked, as I'm unclear what's async in your example.
let asyncPick f (s:seq<_>) =
async {
use e = s.GetEnumerator()
let r = ref None
while Option.isNone(!r) && e.MoveNext() do
let! x = f e.Current
r := x
match !r with
| Some z -> return z
| None -> return failwith "no matching item found"
let chooser ax =
async {
let! x = ax
if x%3 = 0 then
return Some x
return None
let s = seq { for i in 1..10 do yield async { return i } }
let main() =
async {
let! firstChosen = s |> asyncPick chooser
return firstChosen
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> printfn "%d"
It is important to look at the signature of the function you are using,
Seq.pick expects a function which returns option<'t>, you want to use Seq.Filter which takes a function which returns a bool.
You will still have another problem though in that you have Async<bool> - you will need to convert that to a normal bool, but you could do this inside your 'Seq.Filter' function