which erlang's pool is suitable? - erlang

I hope this pool has a capability (or options) for auto reduce its worker's quantity when these are free for a max idle timeout.
I have read the doc of poolboy and worker_pool and found there is only maximum worker quantity option, but no option for when to reduce it.
Does it exist or how to modify them?

poolboy automatically reduces workers when there is not work for them.
You get a worker to do some work with checkout from the pool, and you release the worker with checking, as an alternative, you enclose the work on transaction which automatically checkouts the worker and after its done it checkins the worker.
When you start the pool, poolboy automatically creates a number of size workers, waiting to handle some work.
When you call checkout, poolboy tries to get one of the workers which is already started, if all of the workers are already checkout because they are doing some work, it checks its max_overflow configuration and it starts to create workers to handle the load until it reaches max_overflow.
When a worker is released, if there are not more jobs for the workers, they are killed.
So if you create a pool like
{pool, [
{size, 100},
{max_overflow, 900}
It will start right away 100 processes, and if you checkout (either with checkout or transaction) more than 100 workers at a time, then for new checkouts will start creating processes until they reach 1000 processes in total (100 created from the first moment and a max overflow of 900 processes), if you continue trying to checkout more processes, it will start giving errors on timeout (unless you call the checkout with infinity in which case it will block until a worker gets free to get the job done, notice that you also can call a worker without blocking the caller).
Now, if you need more behavior than that, like kept the overflow workers going on until it pass 10 minutes of inactivity, you will need to do your own code, on which case you can just get the source code of poolboy (which is easy to ready and follow, main code is on https://github.com/devinus/poolboy/blob/master/src/poolboy.erl and its only 350 lines of code) and update the release of workers according to your needs

https://github.com/seth/pooler also has such a capability. Please refer to https://github.com/seth/pooler#culling-stale-members section.


How to make multiple parallel concurrent requests with Rails and Heroku

I am currently developing a Rails application which takes a long list of links as input, scrapes them using a background worker (Resque), then serves the results to the user. However, in some cases, there are numerous URLs and I would like to be able to make multiple requests in parallel / concurrency such that it would take much less time, rather than waiting for one request to complete to a page, scraping it, and moving on to the next one.
Is there a way to do this in heroku/rails? Where might I find more information?
I've come across resque-pool but I'm not sure whether it would solve this issue and/or how to implement. I've also read about using different types of servers to run rails in order to make concurrency possible, but don't know how to modify my current situation to take advantage of this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Don't use Resque. Use Sidekiq instead.
Resque runs in a single-threaded process, meaning the workers run synchronously, while Sidekiq runs in a multithreaded process, meaning the workers run asynchronously/simutaneously in different threads.
Make sure you assign a URL to scrape per worker. It's no use if one worker scrape multiple URLs.
With Sidekiq, you can pass the link to a worker, e.g.
LINKS = [...]
LINKS.each do |link|
The perform_async doesn't actually execute the job right away. Instead, the link is just put in a queue in redis along with the worker class, and so on, and later (could be milliseconds later) workers are assigned to execute each job in queue in its own thread by running the perform instance method in ScrapeWorker. Sidekiq will make sure to retry again if exception occur during execution of a worker.
PS: You don't have pass a link to the worker. You can store the links to a table and then pass the ids of the records to workers.
More info about sidekiq
Adding these two lines to your code will also let you wait until the last job is complete before proceeding:
this line ensures that your program waits for at least one job is enqueued before checking that all jobs are completed as to avoid misinterpreting an unfilled queue as the completion of all jobs
sleep(0.2) until Sidekiq::Queue.new.size > 0 || Sidekiq::Workers.new.size > 0
this line ensures your program waits till all jobs are done
sleep(0.5) until Sidekiq::Workers.new.size == 0 && Sidekiq::Queue.new.size == 0

Starting one delayed job in Rails creates two processes

Initially I have no process for delayed jobs(as indicated by htop), then when I run the command RAILS_ENV=production bin/delayed_job start I got one delayed job worker, as indicated by files in tmp/pids. However htop indicates now that there are two processes, as shown in the picture below.
So why is this happening? The other delayed job consumes memory where I don't have much of it!, however its TIME+ is zero, so it didn't consume time, so what does this means ?
I guess these are actually not two processes but two threads of a single process. You can hide threads by typing the capital H key in htop. If you'll see just one line then, you'll prove that it's a single process.
Delayed job probably has some master thread that governs the worker threads (or just the single worker in your setup), watches the queues and runs the workers if needed. Threads share most of the memory so I rather don't think the resources consumption issue comes from the two lines in htop.

How to lock Resque jobs to one server

I have a "cluster" of Resque servers in my infrastructure. They all have the same exact job priorities etc. I automagically scale the number of Resque servers up and down based on how many pending jobs there are and available resources on the servers to handle said jobs. I always have a minimum of two Resque servers up.
My issue is that when I do a quick, one off job, sometimes both the servers process that job. This is bad.
I've tried adding a lock to my job with something like the following:
require 'resque-lock-timeout'
class ExampleJob
extend Resque::Plugins::LockTimeout
def self.perform
# some code
This plugin works for longer running jobs. However for these super tiny one off jobs, processing happens right away. The Resque servers both do not see the lock set by its sister server, both set a lock, process the job, unlock, and are done.
I'm not entirely sure what to do at this point or what solutions there are except for having one dedicated server handle this type of job. That would be a serious pain to configure and scale. I really want both the servers to be able to handle it, but once one of them grabs it from the queue, ensure the other does not run it.
Can anyone suggest some viable solution(s)?
Write your lock interpreter to wait T milliseconds before it looks for a lock with a unique_id less than the value of the lock it made.
This will determine who won the race, and the loser will self-terminate.
T is the parallelism latency between all N servers in the pool of a given queue. You can determine this heuristically by scaling back from 1000 milliseconds until you again find the job happening in-duplicate. Give padding for latency variation.
This is called the Busy-Wait solution to mutex thread safety. It is considered one of the trade-offs acceptable given the various scenarios in which one must solve Mutex (e.g. Locking, etc)
I'll post some links when off mobile. Wikipedia entry on mutex should explain all this.
Of this won't work for you, then:
1. Use a scheduler to control duplication.
2. Classify short-running jobs to a queue designed to run them in serial.
TL;DR there is no perfect solution, only good trade-off for your conditions.
It should not be possible for two workers to get the same 'payload' because items are dequeued using BLPOP. Redis will only send the queued item to the first client that calls BLPOP. It sounds like you are enqueueing the job more than once and therefore two workers are able to acquire different payloads with the same arguments. The purpose of 'resque-lock-timeout' is to assure that payloads that have the same method and arguments do not run concurrently; it does not however stop the second payload from being worked if the first job releases the lock before the second job tries to acquire it.
It would make sense that this only happens to short running jobs. Here is what might be happening:
payload 1 is enqueued
payload 2 is enqueued
payload 1 is locked
payload 1 is worked
payload 1 is unlocked
payload 2 is locked
payload 2 is worked
payload 2 is unlocked
Where as in long running jobs the following senario might happen:
payload 1 is enqueued
payload 2 is enqueued
payload 1 is locked
payload 1 is worked
payload 2 is fails to get lock
payload 1 is unlocked
Try turning off Resque and enqueueing your job. Take a look in redis at the list for your Resque queue (or monitor Redis using redis-cli monitor). See if Resque has queued more than one payload. If you still only see one payload then monitor the list to see if another one of your resque workers is calling recreate on failed jobs.
If you want to have 'resque-lock-timeout' hold the lock for longer than the duration it takes to process the job you can override the release_lock! method to set an expiry on the lock instead of just deleting it.
module Resque
module Plugins
module LockTimeout
def release_lock!(*args)
lock_redis.expire(redis_lock_key(*args), 60) # expire lock after 60 seconds

Grails non time based queuing

I need to process files which get uploaded and it can take as little as 1 second or as much as 10 minutes. Currently my solution is to make a quartz job with a timer of 30 seconds and then process and arbitrary job whenever it hits. There are several problems with this.
One: if the job will take less than a few seconds it is wasteful to make things wait 30 seconds for the job queue.
Two: if there is only one long job in the queue it could feasibly try to do it twice.
What I want is a timeless queue. When things are added the are started immediately if there is a free worker. Is there a solution for this? I was looking at jesque, but I couldn't tell if it can do this.
What you are looking for is a basic message queue. There are lots of options out there, but my favorite for Grails is RabbitMQ. The Grails plugin for it is quite good and it performs well in my experience.
In general, message queues allow you to have N producers (things creating jobs") adding work messages to a queue and then M consumers pulling jobs off of the queue and processing them. When a worker completes it's job, it simply asks the queue for the next job to process and if there is none, it just waits for the queue to give it something to do. The queue also keeps track of success / failure of message processing (you can control this) so that you don't give the same message to more than one worker.
This has the advantage of not relying on polling (so you can start processing as soon as things come in) and it's also much more scaleable. You can scale both your producers and consumers up or down as needed, decoupling the inputs from the outputs so that you can take a traffic spike and then work your way through it as you have the resources (workers) available.
To solve problem one just make the job check for new uploaded files every 5 seconds (or 3 seconds, or 1 second). If the check for uploaded files is quick then there is no reason you can't run it often.
For problem two you just need to record when you start processing a file to ensure it doesn't get picked-up twice. You could create a table in the database, or store the information in memory somewhere.

Erlang: Job Scheduling Over a Dynamic Set of Nodes

I need some advice writing a Job scheduler in Erlang which is able to distribute jobs ( external os processes) over a set of worker nodes. A job can last from a few milliseconds to a few hours. The "scheduler" should be a global registry where jobs come in, get sorted and then get assigned and executed on connected "worker nodes". Worker nodes should be able to register on the scheduler by telling how many jobs they are able to process in parallel (slots). Worker nodes should be able to join and leave at any time.
An Example:
Scheduler has 10 jobs waiting
Worker Node A connects and is able to process 3 jobs in parallel
Worker Node B connects and is able to process 1 job in parallel
Some time later, another worker node joins which is able to process 2 jobs in parallel
I seriously spent some time thinking about the problem but I am still not sure which way to go. My current solution is to have a globally registered gen_server for the scheduler which holds the jobs in its state. Every worker node spawns N worker processes and registers them on the scheduler. The worker processes then pull a job from the scheduler (which is an infinite blocking call with {noreply, ...} if no jobs are currently availale).
Here are some questions:
Is it a good idea to assign every new job to an existing worker, knowing that I will have to re-assign the job to another worker at the time new workers connect? (I think this is how the Erlang SMP scheduler does things, but reassigning jobs seems like a big headache to me)
Should I start a process for every worker processing slot and where should this process live: on the scheduler node or on the worker node? Should the scheduler make rpc calls to the worker node or would it be better for the worker nodes to pull new jobs and then execute them on their own?
And finally: Is this problem already solved and where to find the code for it? :-)
I already tried RabbitMQ for job scheduling but custom job sorting and deployment adds a lot of complexity.
Any advice is highly welcome!
Having read your answer in the comments I'd still recommend to use pool(3):
Spawning 100k processes is not a big deal for Erlang because spawning a process is much cheaper than in other systems.
One process per job is a very good pattern in Erlang, start a new process run the job in the process keeping all the state in the process and terminate the process after the job is done.
Don't bother with worker processes that process a job and wait for a new one. This is the way to go if you are using OS-processes or threads because spawning is expensive but in Erlang this only adds unnecessary complexity.
The pool facility is useful as a low level building block, the only thing it misses your your functionality is the ability to start additional nodes automatically. What I would do is start with pool and a fixed set of nodes to get the basic functionality.
Then add some extra logic that watches the load on the nodes e.g. also like pool does it with statistics(run_queue). If you find that all nodes are over a certain load threshold just slave:start/2,3 a new node on a extra machine and use pool:attach/1to add it to your pool.
This won't rebalance old running jobs but new jobs will automatically be moved to the newly started node since its still idle.
With this you can have a fast pool controlled distribution of incoming jobs and a slower totally separate way of adding and removing nodes.
If you got all this working and still find out -- after some real world benchmarking please -- you need rebalancing of jobs you can always build something into the jobs main loops, after a message rebalance it can respawn itself using the pool master passing its current state as a argument.
Most important just go ahead and build something simple and working and optimize it later.
My solution to the problem:
"distributor" - gen_server,
"worker" - gen_server.
"distributor" starts "workers" using slave:start_link, each "worker" is started with max_processes parameter,
"distributor" behavior:
* put job to the queue,
* cast itself check_queue
* gen_call all workers for load (current_processes / max_processes),
* find the least busy,
* if chosen worker load is < 1 gen_call(submit,...) worker
with next job if any, remove job from the queue,
"worker" behavior (trap_exit = true):
handle_call(report_load, ...)
* return current_process / max_process,
handle_call(submit, ...)
* spawn_link job,
handle_call({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, ...)
* gen_cast distributor with check_queue
In fact it is more complex than that as I need to track running jobs, kill them if I need to, but it is easy to implement in such architecture.
This is not a dynamic set of nodes though, but you can start new node from the distributor whenever you need.
P.S. Looks similar to pool, but in my case I am submitting port processes, so I need to limit them and have better control of what is going where.
