Erlang: Job Scheduling Over a Dynamic Set of Nodes - erlang

I need some advice writing a Job scheduler in Erlang which is able to distribute jobs ( external os processes) over a set of worker nodes. A job can last from a few milliseconds to a few hours. The "scheduler" should be a global registry where jobs come in, get sorted and then get assigned and executed on connected "worker nodes". Worker nodes should be able to register on the scheduler by telling how many jobs they are able to process in parallel (slots). Worker nodes should be able to join and leave at any time.
An Example:
Scheduler has 10 jobs waiting
Worker Node A connects and is able to process 3 jobs in parallel
Worker Node B connects and is able to process 1 job in parallel
Some time later, another worker node joins which is able to process 2 jobs in parallel
I seriously spent some time thinking about the problem but I am still not sure which way to go. My current solution is to have a globally registered gen_server for the scheduler which holds the jobs in its state. Every worker node spawns N worker processes and registers them on the scheduler. The worker processes then pull a job from the scheduler (which is an infinite blocking call with {noreply, ...} if no jobs are currently availale).
Here are some questions:
Is it a good idea to assign every new job to an existing worker, knowing that I will have to re-assign the job to another worker at the time new workers connect? (I think this is how the Erlang SMP scheduler does things, but reassigning jobs seems like a big headache to me)
Should I start a process for every worker processing slot and where should this process live: on the scheduler node or on the worker node? Should the scheduler make rpc calls to the worker node or would it be better for the worker nodes to pull new jobs and then execute them on their own?
And finally: Is this problem already solved and where to find the code for it? :-)
I already tried RabbitMQ for job scheduling but custom job sorting and deployment adds a lot of complexity.
Any advice is highly welcome!

Having read your answer in the comments I'd still recommend to use pool(3):
Spawning 100k processes is not a big deal for Erlang because spawning a process is much cheaper than in other systems.
One process per job is a very good pattern in Erlang, start a new process run the job in the process keeping all the state in the process and terminate the process after the job is done.
Don't bother with worker processes that process a job and wait for a new one. This is the way to go if you are using OS-processes or threads because spawning is expensive but in Erlang this only adds unnecessary complexity.
The pool facility is useful as a low level building block, the only thing it misses your your functionality is the ability to start additional nodes automatically. What I would do is start with pool and a fixed set of nodes to get the basic functionality.
Then add some extra logic that watches the load on the nodes e.g. also like pool does it with statistics(run_queue). If you find that all nodes are over a certain load threshold just slave:start/2,3 a new node on a extra machine and use pool:attach/1to add it to your pool.
This won't rebalance old running jobs but new jobs will automatically be moved to the newly started node since its still idle.
With this you can have a fast pool controlled distribution of incoming jobs and a slower totally separate way of adding and removing nodes.
If you got all this working and still find out -- after some real world benchmarking please -- you need rebalancing of jobs you can always build something into the jobs main loops, after a message rebalance it can respawn itself using the pool master passing its current state as a argument.
Most important just go ahead and build something simple and working and optimize it later.

My solution to the problem:
"distributor" - gen_server,
"worker" - gen_server.
"distributor" starts "workers" using slave:start_link, each "worker" is started with max_processes parameter,
"distributor" behavior:
* put job to the queue,
* cast itself check_queue
* gen_call all workers for load (current_processes / max_processes),
* find the least busy,
* if chosen worker load is < 1 gen_call(submit,...) worker
with next job if any, remove job from the queue,
"worker" behavior (trap_exit = true):
handle_call(report_load, ...)
* return current_process / max_process,
handle_call(submit, ...)
* spawn_link job,
handle_call({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, ...)
* gen_cast distributor with check_queue
In fact it is more complex than that as I need to track running jobs, kill them if I need to, but it is easy to implement in such architecture.
This is not a dynamic set of nodes though, but you can start new node from the distributor whenever you need.
P.S. Looks similar to pool, but in my case I am submitting port processes, so I need to limit them and have better control of what is going where.


How to have Dask workers terminate when done?

I can't just shut down the entire cluster like in this answer because there might be other jobs running. I run one cluster in order to avoid having to use Kubernetes. Jobs get submitted to this cluster, but they call into C libraries that leak memory.
The workers run one thread per process, so it would be acceptable to terminate the entire worker process and have it be restarted.
I can't just use os.kill from the task itself because the task's return value has to be propagated back through Dask. I have to get Dask to terminate the process for me at the right time.
Is there any way to do this?

Dask workers get stuck in SLURM queue and won't start until the master hits the walltime

Lately, I've been trying to do some machine learning work with Dask on an HPC cluster which uses the SLURM scheduler. Importantly, on this cluster SLURM is configured to have a hard wall-time limit of 24h per job.
Initially, I ran my code with a single worker, but my job was running out of memory. I tried to increase the number of workers (and, therefore, the number of requested nodes), but the workers got stuck in the SLURM queue (with the reason for such being labeled as "Priority"). Meanwhile, the master would run and eventually hit the wall-time, leaving the workers to die when they finally started.
Thinking that the issue might be my requesting too many SLURM jobs, I tried condensing the workers into a single, multi-node job using a workaround I found on github. Nevertheless, these multi-node jobs ran into the same issue.
I then attempted to get in touch with the cluster's IT support team. Unfortunately, they are not too familiar with Dask and could only provide general pointers. Their primary suggestions were to either put the master job on hold until the workers were ready, or launch new masters every 24h until the the workers could leave the queue. To help accomplish this, they cited the SLURM options --begin and --dependency. Much to my chagrin, I was unable to find a solution using either suggestion.
As such, I would like to ask if, in a Dask/SLURM environment, there is a way to force the master to not start until the workers are ready, or to launch a master that is capable of "inheriting" workers previously created by another master.
Thank you very much for any help you can provide.
I might be wrong on the below, but in my experience with SLURM, Dask itself won't be able to communicate with the SLURM scheduler. There is dask_jobqueue that helps to create workers, so one option could be to launch the scheduler on a low-resource node (that presumably could be requested for longer).
There is a relatively new feature of heterogeneous jobs on SLURM (see, and as I understand this will guarantee that your workers, scheduler and client launch at the same time, and perhaps this is something that your IT can help with as this is specific to SLURM (rather than dask). Unfortunately, this will work only for non-interactive workloads.
The answer to my problem turned out to be deceptively simple. Our SLURM configuration uses the backfill scheduler. Because my Dask workers were using the maximum possible --time (24 hours), this meant that the backfill scheduler wasn't working effectively. As soon as I lowered --time to the amount I believed was necessary for the workers to finish running the script, they left "queue hell"!

How to batch schedule dask_jobqueue jobs in DASK instead of concurrent?

By my reading of Dask-Jobqueue (, and by testing on our SLURM cluster, it seems when you set cluster.scale(n), and create client = Client(cluster), none of your jobs are able to start until all n of your jobs are able to start.
Suppose you have 999 jobs to run, and a cluster with 100 nodes or slots; worse yet, suppose other people share the cluster, and maybe some of them have long-running jobs. Admins sometimes need to do maintenance on some of the nodes, so they add and remove nodes. You never know how much parallelism you'll be able to get. You want the cluster scheduler to simply take 999 jobs (in slurm, these would be submitted via sbatch), run them in any order on any available nodes, store results in a shared directory, and have a dependent job (in slurm, that would be sbatch --dependency=) process the shared directory after all 999 jobs completed. Is this possible with DASK somehow?
It seems a fundamental limitation of the architecture, that all the jobs are expected to run in parallel, and the user must specify the degree of parallelism.
Your understanding is not correct. Dask can run with fewer than the specified number of jobs, just as you've asked for. It will use whatever resources arrive.

which erlang's pool is suitable?

I hope this pool has a capability (or options) for auto reduce its worker's quantity when these are free for a max idle timeout.
I have read the doc of poolboy and worker_pool and found there is only maximum worker quantity option, but no option for when to reduce it.
Does it exist or how to modify them?
poolboy automatically reduces workers when there is not work for them.
You get a worker to do some work with checkout from the pool, and you release the worker with checking, as an alternative, you enclose the work on transaction which automatically checkouts the worker and after its done it checkins the worker.
When you start the pool, poolboy automatically creates a number of size workers, waiting to handle some work.
When you call checkout, poolboy tries to get one of the workers which is already started, if all of the workers are already checkout because they are doing some work, it checks its max_overflow configuration and it starts to create workers to handle the load until it reaches max_overflow.
When a worker is released, if there are not more jobs for the workers, they are killed.
So if you create a pool like
{pool, [
{size, 100},
{max_overflow, 900}
It will start right away 100 processes, and if you checkout (either with checkout or transaction) more than 100 workers at a time, then for new checkouts will start creating processes until they reach 1000 processes in total (100 created from the first moment and a max overflow of 900 processes), if you continue trying to checkout more processes, it will start giving errors on timeout (unless you call the checkout with infinity in which case it will block until a worker gets free to get the job done, notice that you also can call a worker without blocking the caller).
Now, if you need more behavior than that, like kept the overflow workers going on until it pass 10 minutes of inactivity, you will need to do your own code, on which case you can just get the source code of poolboy (which is easy to ready and follow, main code is on and its only 350 lines of code) and update the release of workers according to your needs also has such a capability. Please refer to section.

How do I guarantee two delayed_job jobs aren't run concurrently while still allowing concurrency for other jobs?

I have a scenario where I have long-running jobs that I need to move to a background process. Delayed job with a single worker would be very simple to implement, but would run very, very slowly as jobs mount up. Much of the work is slow because the thread has to sleep to wait on various remote API calls, so running multiple workers concurrently is a very obvious choice.
Unfortunately, some of these jobs are dependent on each other. I can't run two jobs belonging to the same identifier simultaneously. Order doesn't matter, only that exactly one worker can be working on a given ID's work.
My first thought was named queues, and name the queue for the identifiers, but the identifiers are dynamic data. We could be running ID 1 today, 5 tomorrow, 365849 and 645609 the next, so on and so forth. That's too many named queues. Not only would giving each one a single worker probably exceed available system resources (as well as being incredibly wasteful since most of them won't be active at any given time), but since workers aren't configured from inside the code but rather as environment variables, I'd wind up with some insane config files. And creating a sane pool of N generic workers could wind up with all N workers running on the same queue if that's the only queue with work to do.
So what I need is a way to prevent two jobs sharing a given ID from running at the same time, while allowing any number of jobs not sharing IDs to run concurrently.
