How to configure Jenkins for distributed load using multiple Jmeter-servers - jenkins

I use Jmeter to generate a huge load to my web-server. Some slave machines are acted as Jmeter-server, another one - as Jmeter master that coordinates the load and collects statistics from slaves.
Now I'm trying to integrate this system to CI (Jenkins).
That's how I do it now. I have two separate Jenkins jobs: one of them prepares all slaves by running jmeter-server, another one runs Jmeter-master itself. All is fine with 2nd part: I successfully generate traffic and collect statistics. The issue is with 1st job. I have a huge set of slaves that can be rebooted anytime. So, I can't run the job that initiates jmeter-server once and forget about it. I need to run this job every time before Jmeter-master.
But in this case on some machines (that were not rebooted) I have multiple copies of java processes (jmeter-server copies).
So, I'm looking for a mechanism to start jmeter-server on slave nodes in a proper way.
Any ideas appreciated.
Thank you in advance!

Read this:
It combines:
Maven Lazery JMeter plugin
All you have to do for jmeter-slaves is to start them from Jenkins using , you might want to tweak port if you have 2 slaves on same host.
Then from controller you will reference those host machines (in this casse default port is used):,,


execute same command in multiple unix servers using Jenkins

I have multiple Unix servers where I need to stop and start few services (name of the service are same in all servers and login user and password is also same). I am able to restart services for single unix server using Execute shell script on remote host using ssh. But not able to do for multiple servers.
Ex: Server 1 and server 2 (Both are unix servers)
script file name:
order to run this script using Jenkins:
stop service in Server1 using script
stop service in Server2 using script
start service in Server1 using script
start service in Server2 using script
please let me know how to achieve this using Jenkins. I have done this by creating 4 job for 4 steps and then pipelined them. But in real time i have more than 10 servers and i believe this is not a good way to do.
I think your best approach would be using the Matrix Project plugin. We use it to run adminstration tasks on all nodes matching a given label in parallel.
Trivally, you can use one matrix job to stop service on all nodes and when done, trigger 2nd job to start all nodes.
It has lots of extension points defined as well.
From the notes;
You have to choose "Build multi-configuration project" when
creating a project, it can not be changed later. If you skip this
step, you will be very confused and not get very far
Each configuration is akin to an individual job. It has its own build history, logs, environment, etc. The history of your
multi-config job only shows you a list of configurations executed. You
have to drill into each configuration to see the history and console

Mark Jenkins node as in use externally

I have a cluster of a few machines, some of these machines are used as a compute cluster and some are used with Jenkins for CI. This is usually fine since there's a lot of downtime on the machines, but if the Jenkins pipeline is run at the same time it causes timeouts to kick in because the code takes too long to run.
Is there a way I can notify Jenkins that the node is in use without having to go through the UI (and reverse the action)?
Is there a way to set a lock file or an equivalent (this could be more robust if there are more than 2 things using the machines)?
The Jenkins Lockable Resources plugin could be useful for your particular issue.
Integrated with Pipeline jobs also.

Communicate between Jenkins server without setting up master slave relation

I would like to set up jenkins server that would run test scripts based on successful build deployments on other Jenkins servers. for example, if the QA jenkins server is named JQA1OnMachine1 and i have three others that are named
J2OnMachine2, J3OnMachine3, J4OnMachine4 (different jenkins server on different boxes) can the JQA1OnMachine1 (QA jenkis) poll the others at regular interval to see if a build was deployed successfully? if so can anyone tell me how?
Jenkins master slave along with Jenkins Pipeline Plugin would be one of the better ways to implement this however, since you don't want to use that approach you can explore PSTools to remotely capture processes or files on different server.
Your builds may update a file on the build server post completion of the build and your QA machine can run script with PSTools to monitor and trigger the QA testing based on the file content

Can I use Jenkins Slaves for automated testing on different operating systems?

I am setting up a CI workflow using Jenkins. I have various code bases that I would like to be able to test on different operating systems from Windows Server 2012 through 2003 and also Red Hat, etc.
I'm wondering if using Jenkins slaves would be an effective solution for this.
Specific questions are things like:
If a master executes a project, where is the project defined vs where does the job execute?
If I want to execute a job that tests a language I don't want to support on the masters operating system (think Ruby on Windows), do I still need to make the master aware of that language in order to define the job, say by installing the relevant plugin?
If I define a slave that's running inside a VM and I stop the VM, when the VM comes back up, am I going to have to run some sort of start up task on the slave, or pre-execute task on the master, to re register the slave before I can start a project running on the slave?
When the slave task completes and the results are reported back, are those results stored on the master such that I can shut down the slave and still have access to previous test run results and trending information?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
If a master executes a project, where is the project defined vs where does the job execute?
The jobs are defined and stored on the Master, they are executed on the Slave machines. You can define which jobs get executed on which slaves by using labels.
If I want to execute a job that tests a language I don't want to support on the masters operating system (think Ruby on Windows), do I still need to make the master aware of that language in order to define the job, say by installing the relevant plugin?
The Master doesn't need to know about the build environment. If you set up the Slave with the proper build environment, that should be fine. The master just delegates the jobs and such.
If I define a slave that's running inside a VM and I stop the VM, when the VM comes back up, am I going to have to run some sort of start up task on the slave, or pre-execute task on the master, to re register the slave before I can start a project running on the slave?
It depends on how you are connecting the Slave to the Master. For example, if you connect a Windows machine with the launch method: "Let Jenkins control this Windows slave as a Windows service". It should reconnect automatically when the Slave is back online. There is some setup involved in getting this to work however.
When the slave task completes and the results are reported back, are those results stored on the master such that I can shut down the slave and still have access to previous test run results and trending information?
Console log are kept on the Master. That's probably what you want.
Hope that helps :)

How can I ensure that only one if a kind of Jenkins job is run?

I have several integration tests within my Jenkins jobs. They run on several application servers, and I want to make sure that only one integration test job is run at the same time on one application server.
I would need something like a tag or variable within my jobs which create a group of jobs and then configure the logic that within that group, only one job may run at the same time.
Could I use the Exclusion plugin for that? Does anyone have experience with it?
Use the Throttle Concurrent Builds Plugin. It replaces the Locks and Latches plugin, and provides the capability to restrict the number of jobs running for specific labels.
For example: you create a project category 'Integration Test Server A' and tie jobs to it with a maximum concurrent count of 1, and a second 'Integration Test Server B' label and tie other jobs to it, both categories will only run a single concurrent build (assuming you've set a max job count of 1), and the other jobs in that category will queue until the 'lock' has cleared.
Using this method, you don't have to restrict the number of executors available on any specific Jenkins instance, and can easily add further slaves in the future without having to reconfigure all your jobs.
If I understand you right, you have a pool of application servers and it doesn't matter on what server your tests run. They only need to be the only test on that server.
I haven't seen a plugin that can do that. However, you can get easily around it. You need to configure a slave for each application server. (1 slave = 1 app server) You need to assign the same label to all slaves and every slave can only have one executor. Then you assign the jobs that run the integration tests, to run on that label. Jenkins will assign the jobs then to the next available slave (or node) that has that label.
Bare in mind that you can have more than one slave running on the same piece of hardware and even a master and a slave can coexist on the same server.
Did you check below parameter in the Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure system
# of executors
The above parameter helps you restrict the number of jobs to be executed at a time.
A Jenkins executor is one of the basic building blocks which allow a build to run on a node/agent (e.g. build server). Think of an executor as a single “process ID”, or as the basic unit of resource that Jenkins executes on your machine to run a build. Please see Jenkins Terminology for more details regarding executors, nodes/agents, as well as other foundational pieces of Jenkins.
You can find information on how to set the number of Jenkins executors for a given agent on the Remoting Best Practices page, section Number of executors.
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