A big thanks to the OAuth.io team for all of the efforts towards providing a easy to deploy solution for OAuth. I just tried to integrate the feedly sandbox key and secret (found here) in order to test the integration of said API. I have gotten only errors for the 4th time now. I am getting:
"errorMessage":"unknown scope:https://sandbox.feedly.com/subscriptions"
Is this something OAuth.io is supporting? Do they intend for the sandbox version to work? Having the sandbox version working would seem to align with the workflow for feedly apps.
the scope for the sandbox is the same as the production:
I have been using PayPal Developer for ios and the app that I have created has already been published. I now realize that the app was still in sandbox mode for PayPal, How can I switch it out of Sandbox mode without resubmitting the app?
Edit: I have been doing some research and realized that I had to change my initialize with client ID's to the following.
PayPalMobile.initializeWithClientIds(forEnvironments: [PayPalEnvironmentProduction: "my client ID for production", PayPalEnvironmentSandbox: "my client ID for SandBox"])
Sadly when I run it on the simulator it still uses mock data. I don't think that I am using any endpoints, so as my research would tell me this is all that I have to do. Is there another step? Am I doing this step incorrectly?
From what I know you have to update your PayPal endpoints from the Sandbox to the PayPal production servers. PayPals Documentation
Good day guys,
Please, I am working on a project that requires setting up Google Adwords account in order to use the API. I am using the Python Client Library. I am getting a DEVELOPER_TOKEN_NOT_APPROVED error when I run my test application.
After a lot of research on the issue, I figured maybe I didn't set up the production and test accounts properly which I am still struggling with. I really hope you can put me through the process as I am running against time.
Looking forward to your help
Thank you very much.
You need Developer Token from production account, but until approval is pending you need authorize API call only for test AdWords account. You need two different Google accounts. You must get Refresh Token after login to your another Google account for testing purpose.
More info: https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/accounts-overview#test_accounts
I've taken over development of a Google Analytics API dashboard for a content management platform, and upgraded the code to use OAuth2 as the older oauth was disabled recently. The authentication flow and subsequent API calls are all working fine on my localhost for development.
The problem is when trying the code from a different domain. Google wants the redirect_uri to be whitelisted through the developer console, and if it isn't there, it throws Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
As this is a self-hosted (+ open source) package, people will be able of installing on their own servers, there is no way I'll be able of adding all possible redirect_uri values to the app key in the developer console.
After a bunch of Googling and trying to understand the docs, I get the impression there are 2 possible solutions.
Instruct users to go to the Google Developer console, and to create an app key of their own, before also going through the OAuth2 flow within the distributed app to provide the code access to the data in Google Analytics.
Use a redirect_uri value of urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob with an Installed App key, instructing people to copy/paste the code back into the self-hosted app after authentication.
Neither of these are really appealing as it adds a bunch of complexity for the user (though option 2 sounds mostly doable). Are there other options, or am I simply overlooking something simple?
You actually don't have any choice in this matter. You must go with nr 1. When you state this is a dashboard and web application it leads me to believe this is some kind of scripting language. This means that the client id and client secret will be displayed to your users / customers. This is against googles terms of service.
Changes to the Google APIs Terms of Service Asking developers to
make reasonable efforts to keep their private keys private and not
embed them in open source projects.
You may not release your client id and client secret to your users they are going to have to create there own. Which nicely solvers your redirect URI problem they have to make there own.
Further reading Can I really not ship open source with Client ID?
I've been searching the docs and googling like a maniac, but I can't find the sandbox openid endpoint/identifier for paypals sandbox. I've got the productive url, https://www.paypal.com/webapps/auth/server, but to use it I need an approved app.
I just want to test the flow, before I go through the hastle of creating an app.
I finally got the answer from PayPal: The OpenId/Oauth stuff is currenlty in a closed beta.
I've tried a couple of ways (http://emmense.com/php-twitter/ and http://www.webmaster-source.com/2009/04/05/post-to-twitter-from-a-php-script/) to post updates to my twitter account but I am getting the response:
Basic authentication is not supported
I had a look at the twitter website and they said something about the new OAuth for authentication. Is this why my code isn't working?
Does anyone know of some PHP code that works?
This is correct. They recently adopted OAuth as their sole login platform for 3rd party apps as a security precaution.
Check out their developer area for examples:
Basic auth is deprecated now. Check out this library https://github.com/abraham/twitteroauth for using OAuth in your application
It took me several hours to create this PHP script but it is working. Just make sure that your hosting company supports cURL. If you don't need the geo features you can cut them out.