URL Visible in UIActivityViewController - ios

I've seen this used in some apps and I can't seem to figure out how it's done - there seems to be nothing to set. When I set the url to share, it doesn't pop up automatically either, and I can't find any reference to it anywhere on the Internet which makes me feel like an idiot. Any possibilities? It's not urgent anyway I'm just curious. Thanks.
Screenshot of iOS Device with the UIActivityViewController visible with the URL bar:
Edit: I can't believe I need 10 reputation to show you my problem.

There's no built-in way to do this. However, there's a third-party component named JDSActivityVC which enables you to achieve this effect.
It's just a subclass of UIActivityViewController that adds a custom UIView with an UILabel.


Prevent UIButton showsTouchWhenHighlighted from altering VoiceOver description

Setting showsTouchWhenHighlighted, e.g. via the IB option "Shows Touch On Highlight," on a button without a title will alter the VoiceOver description. After reading the accessibility label, VoiceOver beeps and announces a description of the image. Is there a way to disable this behavior?
Setting the accessibilityContainerType value to UIAccessibilityContainerTypeSemanticGroup works and that's great 👏 but I'm not sure that
this is the goal of this element.
Even if a button my be seen as a container, I understood this instance property dealt with
data-based containers rather. 🤔
I looked into your problem that arouse my curiosity and couldn't find out an appropriate solution with the Apple API unfortunately.
First, I thought that this solution may help but it didn't work as you mentioned in your comment... thanks. 😉
Apparently, when the showsTouchWhenHighlighted property is used, there's an added view inside the button that renders the glow touch ⟹ this is a UIButtonBarPressedIndicator image you can detect thanks to the Debug Hierarchy in Xcode for instance. 👍
This new image seems to put the default value of the accessibility trait property of your button image even if you have already changed it programmatically. 🤯
So, in order to avoid VoiceOver from using the screen recognition and reading out some useless information, I made something very ugly but efficient to reach your goal in the viewDidAppear for instance (see the 'basic operations' sheet of this link):
myButton.subviews.forEach{$0.accessibilityTraits = .none}
Bad hack due to a native problem of implementation or a simple line of code that anyone can understand, this solution removes every possible VoiceOver screen recognition from the button 🥳... and I'm still interested if you can explain a little bit the reason why your solution works, please. 😉
Set accessibilityContainerType = UIAccessibilityContainerTypeSemanticGroup.

What is this popup object called in iOS?

What is the pop-up object used in the Apple's "Clock" app for iPad called?
The popup looks similar to a MapKit callout, but often comes out of the side of a clicked button. Apple uses the pop-up often to display pickerViews on iPad. I am wanting to use it also for iPad applications in Swift, but I cannot find the name anywhere in documentation or on StackOverflow--because I don't know what it is called and it is thus hard to find.
I already know that some may not like the simplicity of this question, but I have seriously tried and have looked through books and other documentation trying to identify what the name of it, but it is so hard to find it without knowing the name! (I've included an image of the object just to be clear, but, unfortunately, I don't have the 'reputation' for the image to show up automatically in StackOverflow)
Image: The Object/PopUp item used in the "Clock" App.
The object is a Popover, as identified by Dan.
Thank you those who contributed.
You must be talking about UIDatePicker.

How to make Custom GIF Keyboard in ios

I have one doubt that how exactly GIF images loaded into Custom keyboard and user can send it. I am new in iOS so want some link which i can refer and will be helpful for me.
Read Apple docs for this, especially this one https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/General/Conceptual/ExtensibilityPG/Keyboard.html is a good strating point
You can set any UIView as the view for the keyboard layout, so an UIImageView is suitable for your purpose. The real difficulty in custom keyboarding is the management of events. As you are new to iOS dev, I would like to encourage you to try much simpler things first.

Suggestions bar with AccessoryView for Keyboard extension on iOS

Keyboard height, that available in Keyboard extension is to small for inserting suggestions bar there. I found that several users on AppDevForum offered to use AccessoryView. But for using it we need access to TextField, with seems as impossible, eventually now. So does someone know how to get that access or how to solve this problem?
I think it's Apple's intention to not allow 3rd party keyboard to render beyond the default area, any hack way of doing it may cause rejections during app review... But try UITextDocumentProxy see if you can access text view from it?

AlertView? Alert? What is it?

I've seen some cool looking "windows" / "alerts" /whatever they are called. I wish I knew. Here's some examples of them:
These shouldn't be Apple exclusive, since I've seen 3rd party apps use them! I'd like to know what are these windows?
It Custom UIActivityIndicator that you can found in this link
MBProgressHUD is an iOS drop-in class that displays a translucent HUD with an indicator and/or labels while work is being done in a background thread. The HUD is meant as a replacement for the undocumented, private UIKit UIProgressHUD with some additional features.......
For mor information go to above Link
Thanks :)
These is not apple specific controls. You can create them.
The pop up shown in first image is very easy to make. You'll have to use 3 controls to make it.
Background UIImageView with the image.
UILabel with whatever message you want to display.
You just have to load this UIImageView and Animate the UIActivityIndicatory to get this pop up. I've used these pop up in a lot of apps Apple don't object this.
Your first view is a UIProgressHUD. Original Apple HUD is in a private API and it is not recommended to use it.
However, numerous implementations have appeared that emulate the original HUD. For one, have a look here:
though I am sure Google will give you a dozen similar implementations.
