Fabric (crashlyitcs plugin) not responding - ios

I have had this problem for a while, When running an app using crashlytics framework. I have tried reinstalling the plugin to no effect. It stalls my computer after a while and nothing responds properly.

solved the problem by removing folders:
~ / Library / Caches / com.crashlytics.data
~ / Library / Caches / com.crashlytics.mac


Surge.sh / Unable to update project

I am having an issue updating surge project.
After the initial project commit any new updates don't seem to work.
Tried updating the project several times, but seems that server still returns a version of first project upload.
Cache is not an issue, because the issue the same project version is served up across different devices.
Any advice, please?
I had the same issue. It works normally after I npm install -g surge

ios Could not get BatchedBridge, make sure your bundle is packaged properly

I am getting this while running app on simulator using xCode, version 9.2
I've tried other solution mentioned on Stack overflow & Github S1S2 S3 S4 but most of the solution are mentioned for android.
P.S. This project also includes purescript code explained here Integrate Pure Script in your React Native project
That's how I resolved it.
Terminate your metro bundler > react-native link > react-native run-ios
It was not bundling because of some errors which was not showing in the simulator but just this error was thrown.
create index.js, index.android.js and index.ios.js whith the same content. I do have all of them and it solved my issue
I have also faced the same issue when I changed the name of images saved in my local directory. In my case, I have just restarted metro bundler, deleted the app, and restarted the app. Issue was fixed for me.
Try this:
npx react-native-asset
react-native run-ios
This issue is caused basically when some packages or images are not bundled properly, it might be caused because of improper assets path or internet issue when installing packages or reload issue. The expo bundles into a standalone library so it can be available immediately.
This error does not provide any stack to debug since it does not properly have the bundled data even for error stack.
I have just face few bundled scenarios
Scenario 1 => While the expo is running and we install a new library on fly, few times during this importing the library might not get bundled properly, so it's better to stop the expo and re-run, or try reloading the error in app. This will some time resolve the issue, or if there is some error it will show up the error stack
Scenario 2 => You have a customised asset director or have changed the asset path in app.json file improperly.
Please let me know in comments if there are any other scenarios
I had a metro bundler terminal window opened and whenever I was running npm run ios , it wasn't starting a new metro server, the problem was that. I closed the metro bundler terminal window and ran npm run ios and it opened a started a new metro server and the error was gone
I had a same issue, then I did:
rm -rf node_modules,
npm install
and restarted the metro (npm start). It worked.
In Settings, go to Privacy > Local Network to see a list of every app that requested access. I solved by allowing my app to access to the local network. (Trying to run on physical iPhone device from my mac m1 on the same wifi).
Make sure that when you restart the expo project you do so with expo start -c
-c throws out the cache, otherwise the problem persisted for me.

when building an ionic app files and folders starting with "._" are created until error

I have a strange problem. I develop an app using Ionic on a samba network drive.
I develop on a windows machine and run all the command lines regarding Android development. I switch to a Mac to be able to build for iOS.
All went fine and as expected the last couple of days. Today I edited some HTML, JS and CSS files - just some minor improvements. I built the app for android on the windows machine (plus using jarsigner and zipalign - only if that should matter).
On the Mac I had troubles. Suddenly I get errors when trying to run ionic build --release ios (as I already did successfully the last couple days).
The executed script creates files and folders starting with "._" which were never created before and are already existing without it. This results at some point in an ENOENT (no such file or directory) aborting everything.
I don't get it. I already de-/re-installed node, npm, cordova and ionic. But nothing helped.
I would love to support you guys with additional error messages or logs, but due to I'm fairly new to mobile development (and using a Mac), I don't know what information would be helpful and what not.
Sp please tell me any information you need and I'll be happy to supply them.
I accidentally solved my own problem. I just "removed" the platforms directory (by renaming it) and re-added the platform using the command cordova platform add ios.
After that I could build my app as it did before. Don't know why or what actually triggered this behavior, but at least I'm able to proceed.
If somebody knows how to prevent that from happening again (so that I don't loose all the project settings I configured in Xcode), I would appreciate it.
This happened to me, too - I found this bug in the Cordova issues:
I found out that Xcode created the file PROJECT_PATH/platforms/ios/._APPNAME.xcodeproject. I deleted this file and "cordova prepared ios" was working again.
It should ignore files starting with ._ as they are hidden system
files used by osx to store infos about a file

Creating ionic resources for iOS doesn't work anymore

I'm preparing my ionic app for an update in the iOS app store but I'm really stuck at the moment because generating resources using ionic resources doesn't work anymore.
After running the command in the terminal it starts uploading the resources I put into the folder, then tells me uploading was sucessfully completed and then freezes completely. Android and iOS folders get created, also the icon and splash folder, but then nothing more happens.
What I tried so far:
- replacing the icon.psd and splash.psd within the resources folder
- resetting the ionic state using ionic state reset (which completely removes the platforms and adds them again) + adding the official icon and splash templates from the ionic website
Versions used:
- Cordova CLI: 5.1.1
- Ionic Version: 1.1.0
- Ionic CLI Version: 1.6.5
- ios-deploy: 5.0.1
- ios-sim: 5.0.1
- Mac OS X Yosemite
- node: 0.12.7
Everything works quite fine on windows for generating android resources.
Can anybody help?
I had similar problems. It has something to do with the way the .png is saved.
Try passing the file through https://tinypng.com/. It has worked for me several times.
I had the same problem and setting the PROXY environment variable solved the issue:
set PROXY=http://<proxyUrl>:<proxyPort>
ionic resources android --icon --force
Hope this helps!
When I had the same challenge with $ ionic resources, I had saved my icon.png and splash.png using the png24 format, when I changed to png8 the command worked and generated the icons and splash screen files, you can give it a try and it could work for you.
you can use offline alternative binary that does the same job without internet plus it supports cross platform
p.s. i am author of this tiny app
I had similar problems. For fixed:
create new project "ionic start projectX sidemenu"
Copie and paste folder www for new project fodler
Add plugins use in older project
Compile new project
make resources and done!

Meteor cordova ios project pch errors

I've been working on a Meteor project using Cordova to build an iOS app. It was working very smoothly for a while and then all of a sudden I started getting this error:
❯❯❯ meteor run ios
Error while running for mobile platforms: Error running
2014-12-23 13:35:00.970 xcodebuild[46060:3143193] error: InputFile /Users/chet/Code/meteor/5cmenu/.meteor/local/cordova-build/platforms/ios/5C Menu/5C
Menu-Prefix.pch 0 1418992636 959 33188... malformed line 9; 'InputFile' should have exactly five arguments
If I open the .xcodeproj in .meteor/local/cordova-build/platforms/ios/, the project runs just fine. However, its an old version of my meteor app.
I tried deleting .meteor/local, then meteor run ios. I get the same error. And when I opened the .xcodeproj, it worked when I tried running it.
I also tried meteor remove-platform ios then meteor add-platform ios. Then I ran meteor run ios. I get the same error, but again, when I opened the .xcodeproj, it worked.
Theres a similar [issue posted here](https://github.com/meteor/meteor/issues/3105
A couple things I've tried are deleting the Xcode DerivedData folder, and cleaning my Xcode build cache for the project by running cmd+shift+K which seems totally unnecessary for this problem.
I also found a similar issue here that said this is a "non-fatal error".
Any ideas how to fix this problem?
So one of the ways reset your Xcode build is with rm -rf .meteor/local/. Then meteor run ios-device will build a new project. However, when you do this, you end up with his PCH error because of some sort of caching.
You'll find a path in your error that looks something like this
Notice the SharedPrecompiledHeaders part. Delete the app that starts with your app name. Then do this all over
rm -rf .meteor/local/
meteor run ios-device
Works every time
You have a space in your path, which is being interpreted as another argument.
/Users/chet/Code/meteor/5cmenu/.meteor/local/cordova-build/platforms/ios/5C Menu/5C
More info here: https://github.com/meteor/meteor/issues/3105#issuecomment-75580362
