What is the purpose of each target in a Cocoapods workspace?
When I created a new CocoaPods library via "pod lib create Foo", I expected only two targets: One to build my library, and one to build my example.
But the resulting xcworkspace has a total of four targets:
Project Foo
Target Foo_Tests
Project Pods
Target Pods-Foo_Tests
Target Pods-Foo_Tests-Foo
Target Pods-Foo_Tests-Foo-Foo
What's the meaning of these targets?
(I chose no demo application, view-based testing, or testing frameworks.)
There are 2 project in your workspace one is yours and the other is cocoapods, and cocoapods adds new target for each pod which you add in your Podfile. For example, let's say this is your Podfile :
platform :ios, '7.0'
pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 2.5.4'
pod 'BPXLUUIDHandler'
you should see in your pod project's target list something like this :
but what is that mean?
Targets where cocoapods manage everything for each pod. For example if you choose AFNwtworking target in pod project, you must see something like this :
but for example how cocoapods know to add "Link binary with libraries" frameworks like above? Well, please check AFNetworking's podspec file for this :
s.public_header_files = 'AFNetworking/*.h'
s.source_files = 'AFNetworking/AFNetworking.h'
s.subspec 'Serialization' do |ss|
ss.source_files = 'AFNetworking/AFURL{Request,Response}Serialization.{h,m}'
ss.ios.frameworks = 'MobileCoreServices', 'CoreGraphics'
ss.osx.frameworks = 'CoreServices'
s.subspec 'Security' do |ss|
ss.source_files = 'AFNetworking/AFSecurityPolicy.{h,m}'
ss.frameworks = 'Security'
s.subspec 'Reachability' do |ss|
ss.source_files = 'AFNetworking/AFNetworkReachabilityManager.{h,m}'
ss.frameworks = 'SystemConfiguration'
as you can see above this lines "ss.ios.frameworks" are describe what is going on there.
Hope everything is clear now.
I decided to split my main project in two parts to reuse code, in a iOS widget.
So I created a new target file in my xcworkspace (cocoa touch framework).
Both targets have some pod dependencies in common and I can't figure the way right way to build.
First try:
In podfile, I've specified needed pods for both targets, but when building, I've multiple errors
Class Foo is implemented in both MyApp and MyFramework. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Second try:
Then I tried put framework target inside main app target (like we do usually with a test target)
target 'MyApp' do
target 'MyFramework' do
inherit! :search_paths
target 'MyFrameworkTests' do
inherit! :search_paths
But then the framework won't build as it didn't found dependencies
No such module Firebase
To build my main target, I've to build the framework target first, otherwise it's doesn't find 'MyFramework' module. No way to build both when I build the main target ?
I also have an app where I created a framework in a separate project but the same workspace. I use pods to get all external libraries, and embed my own framework in app's targets by adding it to Embedded Binaries in Xcode. My Podfile looks like this:
workspace 'MyApp'
abstract_target 'BasePods' do
pod 'Alamofire', '~> 4.4'
pod 'PromiseKit', '~> 4.1'
project '../MyAppProject/MyApp/MyApp.xcodeproj'
target 'MyApp'
target 'MyAppDevelopment'
target 'MyAppCore' do
pod 'Alamofire', '~> 4.4'
pod 'PromiseKit', '~> 4.1'
project '../MyAppProject/MyAppCore/MyAppCore.xcodeproj'
target 'MyAppCoreTests' do
inherit! :search_paths
What happens here I create two separate pod targets - one for the app, another one for the framework. I split them because they reside in different directories.
Got it, I had static libraries framework dependencies and the iOS linker does not support static library dependencies for dynamic libraries.
CF issue: https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/issues/7126
I've solved it via Podfile by a workaround posted in the above issue:
post_install do |installer|
sharedLibrary = installer.aggregate_targets.find { |aggregate_target| aggregate_target.name == 'Pods-SampleFramework' }
installer.aggregate_targets.each do |aggregate_target|
if aggregate_target.name == 'Pods-SampleApp'
aggregate_target.xcconfigs.each do |config_name, config_file|
sharedLibraryPodTargets = sharedLibrary.pod_targets
aggregate_target.pod_targets.select { |pod_target| sharedLibraryPodTargets.include?(pod_target) }.each do |pod_target|
pod_target.specs.each do |spec|
frameworkPaths = unless spec.attributes_hash['ios'].nil? then spec.attributes_hash['ios']['vendored_frameworks'] else spec.attributes_hash['vendored_frameworks'] end || Set.new
frameworkNames = Array(frameworkPaths).map(&:to_s).map do |filename|
extension = File.extname filename
File.basename filename, extension
frameworkNames.each do |name|
puts "Removing #{name} from OTHER_LDFLAGS"
xcconfig_path = aggregate_target.xcconfig_path(config_name)
I've set up a workspace with two Swift projects in it: one a framework I'm developing, the other a demo app for the framework.
Podfile looks like this:
platform :ios, '9.0'
workspace 'foo.xcworkspace'
target 'framework' do
project 'framework.xcodeproj'
target :'demo' do
project 'demo/demo.xcodeproj'
pod 'framework', :path => 'framework.podspec'
the .podspec file looks like this:
Pod::Spec.new do |s|
s.name = 'framework'
s.authors = { "foo author" }
s.version = '0.1.0'
s.summary = 'foo summary.'
s.homepage = 'foo homepage'
s.platform = :ios, '9.0'
s.license = {
:type => "Proprietary",
:file => "LICENSE"
s.source = {
:git => 'https://url.to/foo.git',
:tag => s.version.to_s
s.source_files = 'framework/framework/**/*.{swift,h,m}'
s.requires_arc = true
s.weak_framework = "XCTest"
s.pod_target_xcconfig = {
'FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS' => '$(inherited) "$(PLATFORM_DIR)/Developer/Library/Frameworks"',
After running pod install, Xcode/AppCode can still not see the classes from the framework project. So if I add a manual import to a class in the demo app and try to compile, it fails with:
Error:(13, 21) use of undeclared type 'FooClass'
What do I have to do to properly have the demo app project see the classes from the framework project generated pod?
Try using inherit! :search_paths on the demo target
This means they don't get their own copies of the pods but can see they exist via the header files.
platform :ios, '9.0'
workspace 'foo.xcworkspace'
target :framework do
project 'framework.xcodeproj'
target :demo do
inherit! :search_paths
project 'demo/demo.xcodeproj'
pod 'framework', :path => 'framework.podspec'
untested but perhaps worth a shot
If you install a Cocoapod don't use the file with .xcodeproj to open your project anymore, but the newly created .workspace in the same folder.
I finally resolved this issue:
Make sure the min. required iOS is defined in Podfile, e.g.:
platform :ios, '10.0'
Add any third-party pods also to the podspec file, e.g.:
spec.dependency 'Alamofire', '~> 4.5'
spec.dependency 'Serpent', '~> 1.0'
If doing pod install without the use_frameworks! it will mess up some things (see this answer: ld: framework not found Pods). So in between I got these invalid Pod xconfigs that I had to delete and then do a clean and pod install.
Make sure to build the framework project at least once and then the demo source should find the import to the framework pod name!
Make sure that all classes are correctly added to their target, especially classes in the test target should not have been added to the app target accidentally.
After all is said and done, having worked with a multitude of IDEs and development technologies, Xcode and Cocoapods can only be summed up as one giant clusterf*** of an accident!
I need to exclude a pod from my podfile depends on the platform. I don't want to add another target, my podfile needs have only 1 target.
Here an example:
target 'single_target' do
#if platform is iOS
pod 'PodForIOS'
#if platform is OSX
pod 'PodForOSX'
My issue: How can I specify which pods belongs to which platform ?
Finnaly I've found a solution
In the podfile:
target 'single_target' do
pod 'PodForIOS'
pod 'PodForOSX'
In the .podspec:
# Speficy platforms
s.platform = :ios, :osx
s.ios.deployment_target = '6.0'
s.osx.deployment_target = '10.8'
# Set dependency
s.ios.dependency 'PodForIOS'
s.osx.dependency 'PodForOSX'
A target in a Podfile refers to a target in an .xcproject. And those are strictly tied to a specific plateform:
So you should go with one abstract target (in Podfile) and multiple targets (in Project).
I have a problem uploading my application into the Store via Xcode, this one in particular.
I saw a lot of post about this error, but all are talking about Extension App, that I do not use.
I'm using a Custom framework and Cocoapods.
You can see here my tree :
XXX is my project app name
SharedXXX is my custom framework
Pods is the project created by cocoa pods
Here is my cocoa podFile :
link_with 'XXX', 'SharedXXX'
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.1'
workspace 'XXX'
xcodeproj 'XXX/XXX.xcodeproj'
xcodeproj 'Shared/SharedXXX.xcodeproj'
def default_pods
pod 'Reveal-iOS-SDK', :configurations => ['Debug']
pod "SnapKit", '~> 0.17.0'
pod "DKChainableAnimationKit", '~> 1.6.0'
pod "AsyncSwift"
def shared_pods
pod "Alamofire", '~> 3.0'
pod 'SwiftyJSON', :git => 'https://github.com/SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON.git'
pod 'ReachabilitySwift', :git => 'https://github.com/ashleymills/Reachability.swift'
target :XXX do
xcodeproj 'XXX/XXX.xcodeproj'
target :XXXDev do
xcodeproj 'XXX/XXX.xcodeproj'
target :SharedXXX do
xcodeproj 'Shared/SharedXXXX.xcodeproj'
Build settings for custom framework (SharedXXX) :
I set the Embedded property to Yes
General Settings for custom framework (SharedXXX) :
The framework provided by Cocoapods is linked.
And to finish,
The General Settings to the main project (App Project : called XXX on the tree)
Any idea ?
I solved the problem
Firstly, set into Build Settings
For main project (here XXX) : Embedded Content Contains Swift Code to
Custom Framework (SharedXXX) : Embedded Content Contains Swift Code to NO
Custom Framework (SharedXXX) : Runpath Search Path = #executable_path/../../Frameworks
This helped me solving that issue
I faced the same problem while trying to upload from Xcode 9.3
This happened because I added 'use_frameworks' in my OneSignal
The value Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries found in Build Settings should be set to Yes only for you main Projects and not for your custom frameworks or extensions.
I am trying to create a swift module (Cocoa Touch Framework) with reusable code inside the environment set up by cocoa pods which includes third party libraries written in Objective-C (namely here Restkit).
Unfortunately I am not able to use Restkit in the module I create.
Here's what I did to create the module:
File -> New target: Cocoa Touch Framework, Language: Swift, Project: MyProject, Embed in Application: MyProject
In the "Info" tab of the project settings in the "Configurations" section I define the Pods.debug and Pods.release xcconfig file for my newly created target.
In the header file, which Xcode automatically created for me, networkModule.h, I add the following line:
#import <RestKit/RestKit.h>
Result: When trying to compile I get the error "include of non-modular header inside framework module 'networkModule'"
I have set the flag for "Allow Non-modular Includes in Framework Modules" to YES in the build settings for the Project Target and the Module/Framework target.
I went to the Cocoa pod project and have tried setting the visibility of the RestKit.h Header file to "Public" in the target membership (which of course is not a good solution to mess with the cocoa pods environment)
I am not able to compile. I still get the same error.
Is it possible in the first place to create a Cocoa Touch Framework with dependencies to a cocoa pod managed framework?
Btw. My first idea of creating a private cocoa pod didn't work out as well, as it doesn't seem to be supported, although I am using the prerelease of cocoa pods 0.36 with support for swift.
You should be able to make your won private Pod. You just need to make a podspec for it. Here is an example of one.
Pod::Spec.new do |s|
s.name = "Commons"
s.version = "1.0.0"
s.summary = "Common code for my iOS projects."
s.license = {:type => 'Commercial', :text => "Copyright (c) Dan Leonard(Or Your Name?). All rights reserved." }
s.source = { :git => "https://github.com/PATHTOPOD", :tag =>
s.version.to_s }
s.homepage = "https://github.com/PATHTOPOD"
s.requires_arc = true
s.ios.deployment_target = '9.0'
s.subspec 'Core' do |ss|
ss.source_files = '*.swift'
s.subspec 'Menu' do |ss|
ss.source_files = 'Menu/*.swift'
ss.resources = ['Menu/*.storyboard', 'Menu/*.xcassets']
ss.dependency 'Alamofire'
Then Inside your project you just have to do pod init open your podfile that was just created and add this
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
xcodeproj 'YOURPROJECT.xcodeproj'
platform :ios, '9.0'
pod 'Commons', git: 'https://github.com/PATHTOPODPROJECT'
#pod 'Commons', :path => '/Users/YourUser/Path/To/Project/commons'
pod 'KeychainSwift'
pod 'SQLite.swift', git: 'https://github.com/stephencelis/SQLite.swift.git'
Now in this example Podfile Commons is stated twice the second is commented out. If you uncomment it and comment out the first then do pod install in your projects folder from the terminal. This will make a DevelopmentPod which is a pod that is local. This way you can make changes to the pod locally within Xcode. No switching and pod installing every time you make a change.
You will import the pod just like any other by putting
import Commons not #import <Commons/Commons.h> That is how you do it in Objective C not Swift
Once you have a working version commit it to git hub and point your project to the the github version.
Hope this helps.