Small black bar at the top of screen iOS 7.1 iPhone 5 - ios

There is a small black bar at the top of the screen in my iOS app. I have no idea what the issue is. It's not a launch image issue because I have the correct size for my iPhone (640 x 1136) and the other screen that are presented on top of this main view are sized correctly. What could the issue be? the height of it is less than the height of the status bar that is displayed.


How to create full width image splash screen for react native ios app in xcode

My application require a splash screen with a round logo in the middle , the background has some design overlays, So I need the splash screen as a full screen image. I have referred to several post but could not find out how to create the splash screen to fit different screen resolution.
I have created 3 images as Default.png (414 x 736) Default#2x.png (1080 x 1920) and Default#3x.png (2048 x 2732) And I have used LaunchScreen.xib for implementing my splash screen with an outer UIView and an inner UIImageView with an intention for holding the Default.png image as full screen. In emulator, some of the devices shows blank spaces horizontally and in tab vertically.
I think I need to add more images for different resolutions. Can somebody help me to get rid of this issue of adding full screen splash image

White area on top and bottom of iphone x when using launch image

This question is NOT a duplicate of this: How to Add iPhoneX Launch Image
I have gone through the question there and all answers, and they do NOT address my issue!
I'm using launch images (not launch screen) for an iOS app, and have added a 1125 x 2436 pixel launch image for iPhone X. Problem is, when the app runs, the launch image isn't completely full screen, and the top and bottom white area is still visible. How can I make the launch image fully full screen ?

White bar at the bottom to the view

I have a background image on a view controller, it is shown as expected on the simulator, but on a real device, a white bar is shown at the bottom of the screen. On another view, with another background image, the white bar appears on the top of the screen. Any hint to detect the source of the issue? It doesn't happened on the simulator, it happens only on a real device, it is an iPhone 4 with iOS 7.

How to Horizontally Center View in Landscape orientation?

I have an app that was originally written for iPhone 4s landscape mode (480x320) but when I run this in iPhone 5 simulator I see that my app is aligned to the left and there's alot of blank space to the right of it. (vertically, it looks/stretches properly)
I was hoping my app would atleast be centered in landscape mode in iPhone5, any ideas?
Also, I have another app that is in portrait mode (320x480) and in iPhone 5 is does vertically center my app properly. So is this just a problem with landscape?
Found it in Size Inspector -> "AutoResizing".
Just had to align the red box correctly

How to set full screen mode in iPod

I am using full screen layout in my iOS App, its working fine in iPhone and iPad.
But app showing strange behaviour in iPod. When I run app in iPod half inch black screen comes in top and bottom bar.
In my storyboard setting I have following
status bar -> none
top bar ->none
bottom bar -> none
Also set the value in info.plist
view-status bar controller -> No
How I can set full screen layout for iPod?
Add Default-568h#2x.png it for 4-inch iPhone5 or iPod
if u r using storyboard, there is one option to design view for 3.5 and 4 full screen.
if you are selecting 3.5 or 4 screen, go to size inspector and adjust the origin and Autosizing as per the screen shot below.
Note: This is just an example for how to set design in 3.5 and 4 screen
// check the screen shot below
