How to set full screen mode in iPod - ios

I am using full screen layout in my iOS App, its working fine in iPhone and iPad.
But app showing strange behaviour in iPod. When I run app in iPod half inch black screen comes in top and bottom bar.
In my storyboard setting I have following
status bar -> none
top bar ->none
bottom bar -> none
Also set the value in info.plist
view-status bar controller -> No
How I can set full screen layout for iPod?

Add Default-568h#2x.png it for 4-inch iPhone5 or iPod

if u r using storyboard, there is one option to design view for 3.5 and 4 full screen.
if you are selecting 3.5 or 4 screen, go to size inspector and adjust the origin and Autosizing as per the screen shot below.
Note: This is just an example for how to set design in 3.5 and 4 screen
// check the screen shot below


Splash screen requirement iOS app - Portrait

I am developing an iPhone app in Xcode 7 which will only open in portrait mode. My question is do I need to provide the launch/splash/default screen also for landscape mode or providing it in the various portrait mode sizes will be sufficient?
I think adding only the portrait ones should work for you. Hope you are using xcassets for managing splash screens. There, You can select the orientations and devices which you want to support. Here is a screenshot.
NOTE: This is from Xcode 6.4. Hope it's something similar in Xcode 7.
Design the LaunchScreen.xib file to look as your desired splash screen. Set proper constraints to your design elements/views. And thats it! It will appear as expected on any orientation.
For example:
If you want your app logo to appear in the center on app launch as splash screen, set your logo in a image view at center, give constraints for horizontally centering, vertically centering and height and width constraints. Now run the app by keeping simulator in various orientations and your launch screen will appear same in all orientations.

Small black bar at the top of screen iOS 7.1 iPhone 5

There is a small black bar at the top of the screen in my iOS app. I have no idea what the issue is. It's not a launch image issue because I have the correct size for my iPhone (640 x 1136) and the other screen that are presented on top of this main view are sized correctly. What could the issue be? the height of it is less than the height of the status bar that is displayed.

How to Horizontally Center View in Landscape orientation?

I have an app that was originally written for iPhone 4s landscape mode (480x320) but when I run this in iPhone 5 simulator I see that my app is aligned to the left and there's alot of blank space to the right of it. (vertically, it looks/stretches properly)
I was hoping my app would atleast be centered in landscape mode in iPhone5, any ideas?
Also, I have another app that is in portrait mode (320x480) and in iPhone 5 is does vertically center my app properly. So is this just a problem with landscape?
Found it in Size Inspector -> "AutoResizing".
Just had to align the red box correctly

View goes out of order when change screen size ios

I am developing an app for ios. When I build it on simulator for 3.5 inch retina it works fine because I designed it for that in Interface Builder. But when I change simulator from 3.5 inch to 4 inch, components goes out of order. Here I have share snapshots:
3.5 Retina Image
Table view is highlighted in red box.
Retina 4 inch
Size of table view is increased but button is at old position. This is my problem.
Any suggestions?
Follow steps:
1. Go to your xib file
2. Select UITableView control from XIB
3. Then remove auto resizing mask from right side section
refer screen shot

Simulator/device UI differs from storyboard

I am using Xcode 4.5.1 to create a very simple, single view iPhone app. I've laid out the view as you can see in the IB image. (UIViewController, UIView, UIButton, UITextView).
When I run the app in the simulator (or my phone) it looks like the second screen shot.
I don't understand why the simulator UI doesn't look like the one I created in IB.
What am I missing?
If you look you are using the iPhone 5 size layout in your storyboard file. To change the dimensions between iPhone 5 layout and the standard iPhone size
Click on the icon in the lower right hand corner of the storyboard:
Alternatively, if you want to see the layout in a iPhone 5 simulator. In the iOS simulator go to Hardware > Device > iPhone (Retina 4-inch). This is the iPhone 5 layout. However, if you do not have a retina displayed computer. The iPhone will look like a really big iPad.
It looks like you have an iPhone 5 sized layout in Xcode and a iphone 4 in simulator. Check the constraints on the dark grey vs bottom views and make sure that they'll resize how you want.
Hey so here is another method.
My Problem:
1.My Storyboard was showing a fat rectangle that didnt look anything like a iPhone. Then when I'd run the simulator all the element were cut off and not in the right position.
2.Simulator took up the whole screen.
1. Make sure you Storyboard is open and displayed, click on the frame so that it has a blue highlighted border. Then on the Utilities manager (on the right) click on "Show the Attributes menu". The very first item should be Simulated Metrics. Choose the size that best fits your screen/needs.
2.Follow Adjusting the XCode iPhone simulator scale and size I scaled it down to 33%
