What is this most likely if not Lua bytecode? - lua

I considered posting this in reverse engineering but because of the brevity of the question and general irrelevance I decided to post it here.
This may be a really easy question but I haven't been able to find an answer - I should probably read a bit of Lua's source before asking this, but here goes: in a program that has integrated Lua, this is the first few bytes of the buffer being executed:
11 16 A5 F1 9E A8 8B 64 78 8E 2F EA 1C 31 D3 B6 D3 D5 77 23 77 79 1B 73
I've never understood Lua very well, but that doesn't look like byte code. Is there anything else it could be or is it just certainly something custom? I'm pretty sure actual Lua opcodes haven't been modified.

if possible put whole file somewhere. Lua bytecode usualy starts with 1B 4C 75 61 and then some debug infos however there are zeros for spliting of the informations which your sample doesnt have
other way is asking on http://forum.xentax.com/

Put this into a file and try running luac -l filename on it. This will disassemble the binary to the VM instructions.
If it is Lua code you'll get some meaningful output.


Repetitive regular expression in Lua

I need to find a pattern of 6 pairs of hexadecimal numbers (without 0x), eg.
"00 5a 4f 23 aa 89"
This pattern works for me, but the question is if there any way to simplify it?
Lua patterns do not support limiting quantifiers and many more features that regular expressions support (hence, Lua patterns are not even regular expressions).
You can build the pattern dynamically since you know how many times you need to repeat a part of a pattern:
local text = '00 5a 4f 23 aa 89'
local answer = text:match('[%da-f][%da-f]'..('%s[%da-f][%da-f]'):rep(5) )
print (answer)
-- => 00 5a 4f 23 aa 89
See the Lua demo.
The '[%da-f][%da-f]'..('%s[%da-f][%da-f]'):rep(5) can be further shortened with %x hex char shorthand:
Lua supports %x for hexadecimal digits, so you can replace all every [%da-f] with %x:
Lua doesn't support specific quantifiers {n}. If it did, you could make it quite a lot shorter.
Also you can use a "One or more" with the Plus-Sign to shorten up...
print(('Your MAC is: 00 5a 4f 23 aa 89'):match('%x+%s%x+%s%x+%s%x+%s%x+%s%x+'))
-- Tested in Lua 5.1 up to 5.4
It is described under "Pattern Item:" in...
final solution:
local text = '00 5a 4f 23 aa 89'
local pattern = '%x%x'..('%s%x%x'):rep(5)
local answer = text:match(pattern)
print (answer)

What format is this string in? [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
I'm trying to figure out what data an iPhone game app is sending. It uses the GKTurnBasedMatch framework.
I've captured some of its packets and I found a promising XML message with this string as the value for a game-state key:
Base64, of course! So I decoded it and got:
Looks like a dict with another Base64 string in the GameData key. However, Base64 decoding that gives me a bunch of binary data:
02 01 14 c2 a9 69 f2 22 d1 bd 5c 10 7d 6f 96 b4 .....i."..\.}o..
e1 e2 9c 55 a3 51 ac 6d e7 5c a5 dc c2 c2 37 6c ...U.Q.m.\....7l
3e 2e 07 7d 89 23 b1 6d 11 6f bf 0e a0 da e4 ab >..}.#.m.o......
d9 18 17 4d cc aa 73 d6 17 b9 f7 55 15 ed 60 b9 ...M..s....U..`.
which is uncompressible:
>>> len(game_data)
>>> len(game_data.encode("zlib"))
It's not zlib-encoded:
>>> game_data.decode("zlib")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#126>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Python27\lib\encodings\zlib_codec.py", line 43, in zlib_decode
output = zlib.decompress(input)
error: Error -3 while decompressing data: incorrect header check
And it's not even zlib without the header:
>>> def inflate(data):
import zlib
decompress = zlib.decompressobj(
-zlib.MAX_WBITS # see above
inflated = decompress.decompress(data)
inflated += decompress.flush()
return inflated
>>> inflate("roflcopters".encode("zlib")[2:])
>>> inflate(game_data)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#130>", line 1, in <module>
File "<pyshell#128>", line 6, in inflate
inflated = decompress.decompress(data)
error: Error -3 while decompressing: invalid distance too far back
I've tried using this online Objective-C compiler along with various classes like NSUnarchiver, NSKeyedUnarchiver, and NSPropertyListSerialization, but no luck, yet. Those all seem to produce output which at least has recognizable strings in it so even if they are used, something else must be going on as well.
The only similarity between different batches has been that they all start with 0x0201. Everything else seems totally different, even for subsequent updates for the same match, which makes me wonder if there's some obfuscation/encryption going on...
Any tips on where I can go from here?
It's almost certainly some proprietary structure from within the game, serialized out to bytes. 0x0201 could well be versioning for a struct, or just a set of flags that doesn't change across blobs you've seen.
There's no need to assume this is intentionally obfuscated or encrypted data. Standard textual (JSON, XML) and binary (bplist) containers are increasingly ubiquitous and often make one's life easier, but there's nothing nefarious about representing data in a more raw binary format if it's convenient. (See below re: encryption)
To really reverse engineer this in any more detail may be a Sisyphean task: figure out what the values in the binary blob are, numerically or otherwise. Match up the game state data with known (or unknown) values for the game. Do reverse engineering on the code to see what it's writing. That's some varsity stuff, but it's possible.
Re: encryption: encryption, or at least signing, is common in some parts of online gaming to prevent tampering with game state by bots to gain advantage. Whether that's happening here or not is anyone's guess. A bunch of floating point numbers that represent world positions could look similarly random.

QR Codes, not sure if they are working on Blackberries

quick question I made some qr codes and they work fine on my iPhone when I tested them, but apparently they dont work on blackberries...not sure why.
Here is the link to my qr code
I know the person who is trying to test it out on a blackberry and they are kinda slow minded, which is making me think they are doing something wrong and my codes work.
Any Ideas?
I tested it on my Android phone and from this website. I got the following hex code
42 06 87 47 47 03 a2 f2 f7 36 16 e6 47 97 36 d6 16 c6 c6 26 f6 e6 52 e6 36 f6 d2 f6 d6 f6 26 96 c6 50 c6 50
Which resulted it being flagged as a URI for
So based on the fact that your iPhone, the website, and my Android ( HTC Incredible ) all parsed it successfully I would imagine it is correct.
I also just tested it on my co-worker's Blackberry and it worked as well

Mach-O symbol stubs (IOS)

I am trying to understand how Mach-o files work, and have made a good deal of progress with the online resources available (In particular, the Apple page here: http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/developertools/conceptual/MachORuntime/Reference/reference.html), but I have hit a roadblock on understanding how symbol stubs work.
Using "otool -l" I see the following section:
sectname __symbolstub1
segname __TEXT
addr 0x00005fc0
size 0x00000040
offset 20416
align 2^2 (4)
reloff 0
nreloc 0
flags 0x80000408
However when I look at the data from the binary file in a hex editor I see the following 4 bytes repeated again and again:
00005FC0 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 88
00005FD0 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 88
00005FE0 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 88
00005FF0 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 38 F0 9F E5 88
This looks something like a LDR which increases the PC by a fixed amount, but I don't see why the amount is the same for each entry in the symbol table.
If someone can shed light on why this is so, or provide any resources that get this low level, please let me know.
I will describe the situation with the current iOS, it's somewhat different in the old versions.
The symbol stubs indeed load into the PC a function pointer. For the standard "lazy" (on-demand) imports, the pointer resides in the __lazy_symbol section and initially points to a helper routine in the __stub_helper section, e.g.:
__symbolstub1 _AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion
__symbolstub1 LDR PC, _AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion$lazy_ptr
__symbolstub1 ; End of function _AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion
__lazy_symbol _AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion$lazy_ptr DCD _AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion$stubHelper
__stub_helper _AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion$stubHelper
__stub_helper LDR R12, =nnn ; symbol info offset in the lazy bind table
__stub_helper B dyld_stub_binding_helper
The function dyld_stub_binding_helper is the fist one in the __stub_helper section and essentially is just a trampoline to the dyld_stub_binder function in dyld, passing to it what I call "symbol info offset" value. That value is an offset inside the lazy binding info stream (pointed to by the LC_DYLD_INFO or LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY load command), which is a sort of bytecode stream with commands for dyld. Typical sequence for a lazy import looks like this:
40: BIND_OPCODE_SET_SYMBOL_TRAILING_FLAGS_IMM(0x00, '_AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion')
here dyld would do the following:
look up function named '_AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion' from
a dylib number NNNN in the list of dylibs listed in the load
look up the executable's segment number M (most likely __DATA)
write the function pointer at the offset YYYYY.
jump to the looked up address so that the actual function does its job
The address written to happens to be the _AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion$lazy_ptr slot. So, the next time the _AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion is called, it will jump directly to the imported function, without going via dyld.
N.B.: you should not look at the offset 05fc0 in the file right away. The addr field is the virtual address, you should look up the containing segment command and see at what VA it starts and what is its file offset, then do the math. Usually the __TEXT segment starts at 1000.
However, the actual symbol stubs do look like you pasted, probably you have a fat mach-o with the fat header taking the first 1000 bytes, so the offsets line up.

Addressing memory data in 32 bit protected mode with nasm

So my book says i can define a table of words like so:
table: dw "13,37,99,99"
and that i can snatch values from the table by incrementing the index into the address of the table like so:
mov ax, [table+2] ; should give me 37
but instead it places 0x2c33 in ax rather than 0x3337
is this because of a difference in system architecture? maybe because the book is for 386 and i'm running 686?
0x2C is a comma , and 0x33 is the character 3, and they appear at positions 2 and 3 in your string, as expected. (I'm a little confused as to what you were expecting, since you first say "should give me 37" and later say "rather than 0x3337".)
You have defined a string constant when I suspect that you didn't mean to. The following:
dw "13,37,99,99"
Will produce the following output:
Offset 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B
31 33 2C 33 37 2C 39 39 2C 39 39 00
Why? Because:
31 is the ASCII code for '1'
33 is the ASCII code for '3'
2C is the ASCII code for ','
39 is the ASCII code for '9'
NASM also null-terminates your string by putting 0 byte at the end (If you don't want your strings to be null-terminated use single quotes instead, '13,37,99,99')
Take into account that ax holds two bytes and it should be fairly clear why ax contains 0x2C33.
I suspect what you wanted was more along the lines of this (no quotes and we use db to indicate we are declaring byte-sized data instead of dw that declares word-sized data):
db 13,37,99,99
This would still give you 0x6363 (ax holds two bytes / conversion of 99, 99 to hex). Not sure where you got 0x3337 from.
I recommend that you install yourself a hex editor and have an experiment inspecting the output from NASM.
