Xcode's iOS Simulator Leaves Black Space - ios

Basically, when I run the iOS Simulator on Xcode, the iDevice isn't scaled to the window correctly. It's not an issue with resizing the window, but rather an issue with the actual device.
Here's a picture for reference.
Is there a way that I can fix this? Restarting the simulator doesn't resolve the issue, unfortunately. I've also tried restarting Xcode, which doesn't work either.

For this issue you have to just restart the simulator.

I believe that there is a sizing issue with the simulator. Try hitting Command 1, Command 2, then Command 3 quickly one after the next. Do this a few times and it should resolve the issue.

As far as I know, these scaling issues in the Simulator were due to a bug with Yosemite 10.10.2, and it was addressed in later patches. So think about doing your system updates if you're on this version.
If that fails or you cannot do it for some reason, updating your XCode to 6.4 -you probably want to have the latest SDK installed anyway- may somehow help.


Keyboard gets stuck in ios 13 simulator

I have been trying to make my project work with the new Xcode 11. Everything works smoothly, except on several occasions when I run my app on the simulator (iPhone 11 Pro Max), the app freezes after I click on EditTexts. This happens after a few times I have used the app. If I clear the simulator memory and restart everything works normally.
I created a view controller with just the EditText and am able to replicate the simulator freezing. Sometimes it freezes before launching the soft keypad, sometimes after it has been displayed. I am still able to kill the app and rerun it through Xcode but it freezes every time unless I do hardware reset on simulator.
I am just concerned if this would happen on the device too? Has anyone faced this?
Edit: Just to add. When this happens, I try to use the messaging app and the same thing happens there.
Same problem on Xcode 11.0 and simulator with iOS 13/iPhone 11.
For me, the workaround of disable "automatically paste" don't work.
The only way is to restart simulator.
This thread is open on Apple Forum [https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/122972]
The only fortunate solutions is to restart the simulator.
I had the same problem. Apparently it's a bug on the Simulator. Hopefully it will be solved soon, but until then, you can fix by unchecking the pasteboard option.
Simulator -> Edit -> Automatically Sync Pasteboard.
From this helpful answer here.
This is happening to me as well. This is a bug with the current release of Simulator.
When i click on textfield, app freeze and stop working. This problem still exists on Xcode 11.1 The solution is:
"Hardware -> Restart"
Then running normally. Try this.
Force quit the simulator and restart again works for me.
Same happens even in built-in apps on iOS 13 Simulator in the moment when you about to start typing :facepalm: Initially I thought that happened because I included new framework and had no clues what's going on but then found this :)
Please do not change your code it's not your code issue, its simulator bug.... So try to restart the simulator or stop the application and run again.
It will work fine on your device.
On Mac Catalina with Xcode 11.4 I tried this:
From simulator, toolbar choose I/O then Keyboard then Toggle Software Keyboard
Simply hit Command + K while cursor placed in text Field.
Also have the same problem. When I restarted the simulator after it got stuck it haven't happened again. Seems like it is a simulator bug and not an app issue - https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/122972
Its happening when pickerView appears as well, unfortunately have to restart simultor again.
If your are working on the iOS Simulator than simpley Restart your simulator & * Kill the Metro *
and run the react-native run-ios again.

What causes visual glitches with Xcode 9's iOS Simulator and how can I fix them?

When running applications on the simulator with Xcode 9, I regularly experience a handful of visual glitches, which include red device identifier labels and content that duplicates itself and leaves pixel mess after it moves. I did not have these issues with Xcode 8.
These occur regardless of the OS of the simulator, I replicated the issue with iOS 11 and 10.
This might be unrelated, but I use a legacy version of iClipboard (6.0.0) and a similar glitch persists inside the search bar sometimes.
What causes these glitches and what can I do to fix them?
Re-installing macOS High Sierra latest version (10.13.4 (17E202)) will solve this issue, i had similar issue with my Mac-book Pro.
Please be sure you are hard formatting and then re-installing the fresh OS.
Try switching to the last Xcode. Xcode 11.5.0 is the latest current stable version.

Dragging multiple images to iOS Simulator broken in Xcode 7.x ? (7.2)

In a recent Xcode (6.4?) they enabled the ability to drag multiple images to the simulator window and have them added to the photos app.
(Previous to this, a single dragged image would open in safari, from which you could save it.)
Recently, either in Xcode 7, or I suspect after Xcode 7, I noticed that this functionality is broken. When I drag multiple images to the simulator, it just freezes up, and I have to force quit it.
My current version of Xcode is 7.2. The simulator I'm dragging to is iPhone6 8.4 and iPhone6 9.2.
Does anyone else see this problem/have a solution?
Dragging multiple images (and now also videos) into the simulator window should be working fine. They should all get added to the camera roll. This is working fine for me, and there are no other reports of problems. I suggest you try using the simctl command line to try adding your photos as maybe one (or more) of them are problematic, and that might produce more helpful diagnostics if something is wrong with them.
This is an incompatibility with BetterTouchTool. Quitting BetterTouchTool is not sufficient. BetterTouchTool's accessibility privileges must also be revoked in Security & Privacy.
Upgrading to BetterTouchTool 1.5.2, whose version notes allude to fixing a simulator problem, does not appear to have fixed this issue.

Keyboard Extensions Xcode 6.3?

Everything was working perfectly when debugging my keyboard on Xcode 6.2 running iOS 8.2. After updating to Xcode 6.3 and iOS 8.3, I seem to be having difficulty getting the debugger to work. Has anyone experience similar problems? I've tried cleaning my build, uninstalling/installing my app, but nothing seems to work.
What happens is I build and run, and when I switch between keyboards to get to mine it just never pops up, instead it jumps to the default one. Upon ending the task, and doing it again it works perfectly, just not when I'm attempting to debug.
Some of the information from this answer is a bit outdated, but it was useful to me. I am still convinced that extension debugging on devices is 90% broken with XCode 6.3.2 and iOS 8.3. I've been debugging successfully from the simulator, though, and occasionally I'll get the device process to attach correctly from within XCode, but more often than not it just quits on me.

Xcode 4.3.2, issue with running on simulator

I have been having this weird problem with Xcode 4.3.2, of course after the recent update.
After successfully building and running on the simulator several times, xcode seems to not be able to connect to the simulator and can't even stop the project; it's like the simulator does not exist. I have tried:
Stopping the project – doesn't work.
Quitting the simulator – doesn't work, xcode still shows it's running on the simulator even when I quit the simulator.
Cleaning the project – doesn't work.
I have to force quit xcode to get it communicate with the simulator. Nothing else works. It gets quite frustrating to do it every half an hour. This only started with 4.3.2.
I always stop before building and running, so it is not an issue of simulator/xcode getting thrashed by me.
Any suggestions?
I have found by chance, it is not a solution by any means -
When xcode hangs, saying it is running the app, but nothing is on simulator, opening the simulator from the dock by clicking on the dock icon (not using command+tab) seems to work.
It is very weird,but it works; atelast till xcode fixes it.
I had the same damn issue on XCode 4.5.1, but I resolved it just now.
When the program is running, it gets compiled but doesn't show anything on the simulator. just click on iOS Simulator icon in dock in order to bring it to front. Click iOS Simulator on top left -> Reset content and settings -> then force quit the iOS Simulator and run the program again. !!
Besides a restart, there is one other way I've managed to get around this:
Let's say your app hangs, go to the targets selector in the top of the Xcode window and change your sim target to a new SDK (or if you don't have another SDK, change it to a universal app and run on the opposite device simulator).
Then, when your app loads on the new device/OS completely, quit the sim, change your targets back, et voilà!
Uninstall application from Simulator and again run. Then it will works fine :)
This has frustrated me for -years- now but stumbled across what appears to get things going again for me:
Hide the simulator (iOS Simulator -> Hide iOS Simulator) or Cmd-H, then reopen the simulator.
The problem seems to happen when something CPU intensive is happening in the background (like a Time Machine backup) on my old 2 core MacBook.
Xcode 4.6.3 update (June 13, 2013) resolves the following issue:
Hang when debugging in iOS Simulator on OS X 10.8.4. 13722320
You can try to update your Xcode to see if that works for you..
