How do I change the stacking order of objects in Xcode 6? - ios

In my projects when I forget to add something in the Main Storyboard, I always have to redo the entire thing if I want to change the "layer order." For example, if I want to add an Image View (with full screen constraints) as the background after I've already some other elements, it will cover them. How do I change the "layer" that each element is on without deleting and remaking them? Thanks.

Click on the element you want to arrange, hit Editor > Arrange > Send to Back (or send backward depending on how you want to arrange it)


SendToBack TlistItemImage at design time or runtime in fireMonkey

In TlistView Dynamic appearance I added a few object appearanced to the item.
I have a TextObjectAppearence and an ImageObjectAppearence.
I want to set the image to be a background for the text meaning the text should be on top of the image.
I tried right-clicking on the image object and selecting SendToBack but it doesn't seem to work.
At run-time, there's also not any way to call ListItemImage.sendtoback etc.
what is the right way of doing it?
I've attached a screenshot of the two items overlapping...
The only way I found is to open fmx file in text mode and to move the various objects in the order needed (first is the deeper)

Clicking an object visually doesn't select it in IB Xcode 7.3

Is there a way to visually outline the selected object in IB?. I noticed that when an object is selected in IB, the object shows selected in the Document Outline but it doesn't in the Design view:
However, if the object happens to have constraints, then there's a frame that gets drawn around it or at least the constraints are shown (depending on the Editor settings you have selected), but there are clues which object is selected in the Design view:
I know that if you click twice on the object, then a deep selection is made, but then you can't move the object; you can just act upon it to other actions but not moving it:
It looks like you have Resize Knobs disabled. These are normally on by default and would outline the selected view.
To enable them click Editor -> Canvas -> Show Resize Knobs in Xcode.

Can WatchKit WKInterfaceGroup be a Button?

(using iOS8.3, Xcode6.3, OSX10.10.3)
Hi, I wonder if a WatchKit WKInterfaceGroup can be a Button ??
In my watchkit-application, I would like to maximize the touch-surface for a particular action.
I know that one can place one or more buttons in a goup (next to other things like labels, images etc). Having such a WKInterfaceGroup (called group) with small items in it - I thought of placing several buttons, all filling out the empty space between the groups container.
But by placing several buttons close to each other in the group, even if they all reference to the very same action, I realised that touching two buttons by the user's finger in the group would not lead me to the desired surface-increase.
The problem is, the user-finger touches more than one button at once and even tough, I gave all the buttons in the group, as just mentioned, the very same action behind, the action does not get fired off.
The solution might be, if possible, to define the entire group as a button. How would that work ?? (...maybe accessibility traits could help ?? or other....???). Or can you somehow overlay a button on to a group ???
Any idea appreciated !
You can use a WKInterfaceButton, change its content type to "group" in the attributes inspector in IB and fill it with whatever content you need.

In Xcode Interface Builder - why are the options in the Editor--->Arrange menu (containing Send to Front, Send to Back) often disabled?

What I'm trying to do is simple: bring a label in front of an image within a subview.
But all of the options for arranging are disabled/un-selectable when my label is selected. I find this happens often.
What could be the reason that I'm almost never allowed to change the z-axis of my objects in the Arrange menu? Is it a better practice to avoid this feature and set the order of views programmatically?
It can depend on how you have selected the label (similar to how the label can only be moved with the keyboard when selected in some ways).
A simple alternative is to look at the list of view in the pane on the left and to drag the views up and down to change the order.
It happens sometimes. In that situation, click the view or image you want to send back then you will see little square box at the edges of image from which you can re size your image, Just click on it once and then go to Editor > Arrange > Choose option according your need.

Placing an image in the titlebar of a firefox sidebar extension

Is it possible to put a background image, and/or modify the close button (X) in the sidebar's titlebar?
I know I can set the text value of it by changing sidebartitle="" but is there any way to put an image in there?
Basically I'd like to put my logo up there instead of inside the sidebar where real-estate is already limited.
I'd also like to be able to do this without modifying my profile CSS so that I can deploy the changes with the extension.
Any ideas?
I ended up finding the element within sidebar-box with the ID of "sidebar-header" and setting that to a variable named "sbhead".
I was then able to"none";
Finally in my overlay.xul I added an hbox tag as a new header and set the height to 25 pixels so it would look about the same as the tabs.
Inside the hbox I added the content I wanted, to include a close button that calls toggleSidebar() so that the functionality of the header was the same.
I hope this is helpful to someone!
