Retrieve Customer's default and active card from Stripe - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to retrieve the default and active card of a Customer. (Also keep in mind that with the coding I have, the customer can always have one card which means if there is a way around it it can help).
Some months ago I used this code segment which was working fine. It seems Stripe made some updates and I can't get it to work now.
current_user.stripe_card_id =
The error I get is
undefined method `active_card' for #Stripe::Customer
If you need any more information please let me know.
edit: does not work either.

I used customer.methods to check the methods and found this (default_source):
current_user.stripe_card_id = customer.default_source
Works fine now. Thank you

default card id will available in customer object's "default_source" key
"id": "cus_GACkqbqFD8RQw4",
"object": "customer",
"default_source": <DEFAULT CARD ID HERE>
read more here :
[EDIT] Additionally,
It's worth noting that when you request a list of all the cards belonging to a particular customer, the default card is always at the top of the result. So you could also get the default card by requesting the customers cards and adding a limit of 1.
Information on how to achieve this:

PaymentMethods API - 2020 update
If you have switched from old Sources API to the new Payment Methods API then you should know that unlike old Sources there's no default Payment Method for a Customer.
Now, you can attach a Payment Method as default one to a subscription object:
default_payment_method: 'pm_1F0c9v2eZvKYlo2CJDeTrB4n',
or as a customer.invoice_settings.default_payment_method
invoice_settings: {default_payment_method: 'pm_1vvc9v2eZvKYlo2CJDeTrB4n'},
Here is the whole Stripe documentation on that

Relying on customers' default_source is safe no matter the changes. You can see here that subscriptions will still use customers' default_source if both invoice_settings.default_payment_method and subscription.default_payment_method are not set.

customer = Stripe::Customer.retrieve(customer_id_on_stripe)
first_3_cards = customer.sources.all(limit: 3, object: 'card')[:data]
Will return array of cards, if you want to fetch bank_accounts
first_3_bank_accounts = customer.sources.all(limit: 3, object: 'bank_account')[:data]


Jira issue status not getting updated

I am trying to update Jira issue fields through REST Api, I am able to update summary, description, priority, reporter fields but the status.
Here is the code I am trying to run:
string jSonContent = (#"
""fields"": {
""summary"": ""data"",
""description"": ""modified."",
""priority"": {""name"": ""val""},
""reporter"": {""name"": """"},
""status"": {""name"": ""WORK IN PROGRESS""}
}").Replace("data", summ).Replace("modified.", desc).Replace("val", pri);
request.AddParameter("application/json", jSonContent, ParameterType.RequestBody);
var response = Execute(request);
You cannot change the status of an issue the way like that.
To determine what type of fields could be changed with a simple PUT request do a GET for metadata:
This query in turn will provide you all the fields that you can modify. You won't find status field in the returned JSON object.
Back to your problem: How could be the status of an issue changed? In Jira you have a workflow that holds the possible transition between the states. In order to change the state you need to do a transition. (Exactly the same way as you would do it on UI.)
So first do a GET request like that:
This request will return all possible transitions of your issue's current state. Check which transition you want to perform and note it's ID (in my case the wished ID is 11). With this transition ID you can do a POST request with the JSON payload:
"transition": {
"id": "11"
One additional thing to note: If your transition isn't a simple one then you have to provide more data. I mean a simple transition here where you simply would click on a button on the UI and you wouldn't get an extra screen for the transition. (E.g. you can setup a transition like: you only could resolve an issue if you add a comment to it.) Fortunately, the previously returned transition list contains all the fields that could or that must be provided together with the transition ID.
You can find more information in official Jira documentation.

Accessing public Instagram content via Instagram API without expiring accesstoken

i want to show public contents from instagram related to a specific hashtag (everything works fine with that) but i can't to renew the access_token everytime it expires.
("do not assume your access_token is valid forever." -
To renew it manually is not an option i have to make sure there is a valid access_token at ANY time without re-authenticating.
Any ideas or questions? :)
I have one idea, but without API (and access_token). You can make requests to the web-version of Instagram with ?__a=1 parameter. I do not know how long it will work but now there is workflow:
You want to show public content with hashtag space, for example.
Add it to url and add GET-parameter ?__a=1:
Make the GET-request. It returns json with nodes in top_posts (8) and media (18). Each node has owner, caption, number of comments and likes. But the most important part is in thumbnail_src and display_src.
There is page_info in media object which helps to paginate results. You need end_cursor (for example, J0HWE9rjAAAAF0HWE9qvgAAAFiYA)
Add the value from end_cursor to the url:
Repeat 3-6 to get newest posts with specific hashtag.
Update to the ?__a=1 url param. This appears to have stopped working with users '/account/?__a=1' endpoints.:( Still works on tags apparently.
Instagram shut down their public API. Here's a quick and dirty workaround in PHP:
function getPublicInfo($username) {
$url = sprintf("$username");
$content = file_get_contents($url);
$content = explode("window._sharedData = ", $content)[1];
$content = explode(";</script>", $content)[0];
$data = json_decode($content, true);
return $data['entry_data']['ProfilePage'][0];
Not sure for how long it's gonna work. Here's one for Javascript.

Quickbooks Online - Cannot get LinkedTxn detail

I created an Expense record and linked to an Invoice. When i import Invoice object through API, it has linked transaction as below.
"TxnId":"1356", //Id of Expense
"TxnType":"ReimburseCharge" //Type showing as ReimburseCharge
In Quickbooks online docs, it is mentiond as
Links to expenses incurred on behalf of the customer are returned in
the response with LinkedTxn.TxnType set to ReimbCharge, ChargeCredit
or StatementCharge corresponding to billable customer expenses of type
Cash, Delayed Credit, and Delayed Charge, respectively. Links to these
types of transactions are established within the QuickBooks UI, only,
and are available as read-only at the API level.
Use LinkedTxn.TxnLineId as the ID in a separate read request for the
specific resource to retrieve details of the linked object.
In response it is showing TxnType as ReimburseCharge, but I didn't see any object like that in api explorer or docs. I don't know what type of object to request with id. I tried with Purchase, PurchaseOrder, Bill etc. but not of the request returned expected expense record.
Please help on how to access this Expense record with linked transaction id through api.
Invoice JSON:
Invoice line with description Printing paper is the expense linked in this invoice.
"Description":"Printing paper",
"Description":"Magazine Monthly",
"name":"Publications:Magazine Monthly"
The docs are a little confusing on this point - unfortunately, the second paragraph
Use LinkedTxn.TxnLineId as the ID in a separate read request for the specific resource to retrieve details of the linked object.
is a generic paragraph that appears for docs on every Ref type, but shouldn't appear here. It's impossible to access these transactions via the API. More detail available here.

How to set Vendor Tax ID and 1099 Eligibility in API?

I'm currently using Consolibyte's PHP QB classes to interface with the QB api.
I've been successfully creating and updating Vendor's in QB for a while. However, we have a new requirement to use the API to store vendor's tax information.
I've tried to lookup the correct syntax to set these, but have been unsuccessful thus far.
My most recent attempt was:
The rest of the information set gets updated properly, and the return from
$result = $VendorService->update($this->context, $this->realm, $provider->vendorId, $Vendor);
seems to indicate success.
Please let me know if you need anymore context. Thanks!
Have you referred to the documentation?
The documentation indicates:
TaxIdentifier: String, max 20 characters
Vendor1099: Boolean
The geters and seters exactly mirror the documented fields. So unsurprisingly, you'll have these methods:
$string = $Vendor->getTaxIdentifier();
$boolean = $Vendor->getVendor1099();
If you continue to have trouble, make sure you post the XML request you're sending to QuickBooks. You can get this by doing:

Put_connections to create a new event with Koala?

I'm trying to create a new event using the Koala gem and it's returning with the same error I got when I tried to update an event with an incorrectly formatted datetime value.
I can update just fine now but still cannot create an event.
Here's the code I use on my update method which works:
start_time = safe_params[:start_time].in_time_zone
end_time = safe_params[:end_time].in_time_zone
graph.put_connections(safe_params[:fb_id], "event", {
name: safe_params[:name],
description: safe_params[:description],
privacy: safe_params[:privacy]
And here's the code I'm trying to use to create a new event object:
graph.put_connections("/me/events", "event", { #this is the line that errors
name: safe_params[:name],
description: safe_params[:description],
privacy: safe_params[:privacy]
According to Facebook's documentation on creating an event (, I should be able to create a new event just by initiating a post to /me/events. Anyone have any idea?
I also tried:
graph.put_connections("/"+current_user.fb_id.to_s+"/events", "event", {
What happens if you do something like this?
graph.put_connections("me", "events", {
name: safe_params[:name],
description: safe_params[:description],
privacy: safe_params[:privacy],
start_time: ...,
end_time: ...
So after messing with Facebook's Graph Explorer and attempting hundreds of different combinations with put_connections I decided to make a straight graph_call using Koala.
Finally got an ID response back. I almost cried. Thought I'd share with the community in case there's someone else trying to do the same thing.
event_response = graph.graph_call("/me/events",{
start_time: safe_params[:start_time],
privacy_type: safe_params[:privacy],
access_token: current_user.oauth_token}, "POST")
safe_params[:fb_id] << event_response["id"]
#event = Event.create safe_params
I make the call in a stored variable event_response because the Facebook Id returned is used in my app.
First thing I found out: despite using "privacy" as the name of the privacy field when GETting from Facebook and saying so in their documentation, "privacy_type" is actually what you want (found this out in another SO post).
The second thing I found out is even though you are authenticated (have a user token) when you make a graph_call you STILL need to pass along the current_user access token along with making a POST graph_call.
Hope this helps someone!
